Community Treasures Review: Five-tier matrix cycler Ponzi
There is no specific information on the Community Treasures website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The Community Treasures website domain (“”) was first registered on August 1st, 2014.
Otis Francis is listed as the domain owner, with an address in the US state of Nevada also provided.
Marketing videos on the Community Treasures website are hosted on a YouTube channel bearing the name “Izangel Francis”:
Who the woman is in the marketing videos is unclear.
The email address used to register the Community Treasures domain was also used to register the domain (“”).
The I Was Promised Donuts website is a photo feed that appears to belong to Mica Francis-Angel.
Curiously the I Was Promised Donuts website domain lists Otis Francis as the owner, however this time an address in London, UK is provided.
I was unable to find an MLM history for either Otis Francis, Izangel Francis or Mica Francis-Angel.
Read on for a full review of the Community Treasures MLM opportunity.
The Community Treasures Product Line
Community Treasures has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Community Treasures affiliate membership itself.
Once signed up, Community Treasures affiliates purchase $40 positions in the compensation plan.
Bundled with each position purchase are a series of advertising credits, which can be used to display advertising on the Community Treasures website.
The Community Treasures Compensation Plan
The Community Treasures compensation plan sees affiliates purchase $40 positions in a five-tier matrix cycler.
Community Treasures don’t specify the size of the matrices used, but do state commissions are paid in “approximately 15 to 32 days”.
A $40 deposit by a Community Treasures affiliate purchases a position in matrix 1, with subsequent commission payouts as follows:
- Matrix 1 (positions cost $40) – no commission payout, cycles into Matrix 2
- Matrix 2 – $150 commission and cycles into Matrix 3
- Matrix 3 – $300 commission and cycles into Matrix 4
- Matrix 4 – $600 commission and cycles into Matrix 5
- Matrix 5 – $1200 commission
Note that in order to qualify for ROI payouts, a Community Treasures affiliate must watch ten company-supplied ads and participate in social media manipulation daily.
Community Treasures affiliate position purchases are capped at 50 active positions at any given time.
Referral commissions are also paid out when personally recruited affiliates cycle out of the five matrix cycler tiers as follows:
- personally recruited affiliate cycles out of Matrix 1 – $15 commission paid to recruiting affiliate
- personally recruited affiliate cycles out of Matrix 2 – $30 commission paid to recruiting affiliate
- personally recruited affiliate cycles out of Matrix 3 – $60 commission paid to recruiting affiliate
- personally recruited affiliate cycles out of Matrix 4 – $90 commission paid to recruiting affiliate
- personally recruited affiliate cycles out of Matrix 5 – $120 commission paid to recruiting affiliate
Joining Community Treasures
Affiliate membership with Community Treasures is tied to the purchase of at least one $40 matrix cycler position.
Behind the wrapping of being some sort of community orientated movement, Community Treasure offers up a simply five-tier cycler scheme.
Affiliates invest $40 in cycler positions and, when enough subsequent position purchases are invest in, are eventually paid a $2250 ROI (plus referral commissions if they recruit).
If you want to make more money, you can simply buy more positions.
To make $10,000, buy ten positions. To make $20,000 buy twenty positions.
The only verifiable source of revenue entering Community Treasure is affiliate funds, the use of which to pay out ROIs makes it a Ponzi scheme.
The advertising credits are neither here nor there, with affiliates required to watch ads in order to qualify for ROI payouts. The closed-loop nature of Community Treasure’s advertising makes it pseudo-compliance.
As with all Ponzi schemes, once recruitment of Community Treasures affiliates dies down so too will new $40 investments entering Matrix 1.
This will see the higher matrices stall, with the whole scheme collapsing once Matrix 1 comes to a standstill.
At that point anyone who hasn’t cycled out of Matrix 2 loses their initial $40 investment.
In order for a few Community Treasures affiliates to make money, the majority of affiliates are mathematically required to lose it.
I think Izangel is Otis’ online pseudonym. Searching for Izangel Francis popped up a public profile on FutureNet of one Otis Francis born 1969 with username “izangel”.
Mica seems to be an unrelated Foodie, may be a spouse.
Searching OTIS FRANCIS for website registry popped out stuff like globalbackenterprises(dot)com / morpheussociety(dot)com / regenesisprogram(dot)com and so on.
Pretty sure that the last one is a marketing site for Regenesis 2×2.
Let the long cycler lines get filled.
I can imagine that plenty of phantom positions are already set at the top. SO its a real cash grab for the owner to just wait as money falls into their lap.
All the bonus ” businesses ” they say they will fund start or seed are just hype.