BowlaCoin Review: Bowling on the blockchain?
BowlaCoin operates in the cryptocurrency MLM niche and appears to be based out Sweden.
On its website, BowlaCoin names Michael Petersen as Founder and CEO of the company.
As per Petersen’s corporate bio, he’s
a committed person with strong passion for Bowling and have been in the industry from the age of six, I played myself up to the Danish national team, and won many competitions in Denmark, Sweden and Germany, later in life I decided to start my own bowling alley from the bottom, so built by myself the lanes, score system and everything.
Now I see a new generation in the industry and I want to be the first to bring blockchain technology into the market.
And so we have BowlaCoin. Petersen’s attempt to merge bowling with the blockchain.
Prior to BowlaCoin, Petersen (right) was promoting the FutureNet and DasCoin Ponzi schemes.
Petersen appears to be based out of the Philippines, hence the Philippine corporate address provided on BowlaCoin’s website.
Of note the same address is used by TeamConnect. A link to TeamConnect’s website also features in BowlaCoin’s official compensation documentation.
The exact nature of the relationship between BowlaCoin and TeamConnect is unclear.
TeamConnect uses BAC, a token attached to BowlaCoin. Global Daily Pro matrix tiers also appear in BowlaCoin’s affiliate rank qualification criteria.
This suggests that its potentially also owned by Petersen.
It’s worth also noting that TeamConnect’s website cites Global Daily Pro an official partner.
Global Daily Pro is an adcredit pyramid scheme reviewed here on BehindMLM a few days ago.
Read on for a full review of BowlaCoin’s MLM opportunity.
BowlaCoin’s Products
BowlaCoin has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market BowlaCoin affiliate membership itself.
BowlaCoin’s Compensation Plan
BowlaCoin’s MLM opportunity revolved around acquisition of BAC points.
BAC is an internal token used within BowlaCoin. At the time of publication, BAC is not publicly tradeable.
BowlaCoin’s compensation documentation states that 1 BAC = $1.
Affiliates can invest directly in “game tokens”, which are then used to obtain BAC points.
- Member – $5 a month for 1000 game tokens
- Basic – $35 annually for 5000 game tokens
- Advance – $85 annually for 10,000 game tokens
- Partner – $250 annually for 25,000 game tokens
- Business – $1000 annually for 50,000 game tokens
- Royal – $3500 annually for 100,000 game tokens
BAC can also be obtained by using TeamConnect and bowling at partnered bowling alleys (these don’t exist yet).
BowlaCoin Affiliate Ranks
There are ten affiliate ranks within BowlaCoin’s compensation plan.
Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:
- Agent – invest in a Basic or higher license, generate $1000 in investment volume from personally recruited affiliates and $500 on both sides of the binary team
- Senior Agent – invest in an Advance or higher license, qualify for the $10 Global Daily Pro matrix, have one Agent on both sides of the binary team, personally generate $2000 in investment volume and $5000 in total downline investment volume
- Managing Agent – maintain an Advance or higher license, have one Senior Agent on both sides of the binary team, personally generate $5000 in investment volume, $20,000 in total downline investment volume and $3000 in weaker binary team investment volume
- Bronze Agent – invest in a Partner or higher license, have one Managing Agent on both sides of the binary team, personally generate $7000 in investment volume, $50,000 in total downline investment volume and $15,000 in weaker binary team investment volume
- Silver Agent – maintain a Partner or higher license, qualify for the $400 Global Daily Pro matrix, have one Bronze Agent on both sides of the binary team, personally generate $10,000 in investment volume, $100,000 in total downline investment volume and $25,000 in weaker binary team investment volume
- Gold Agent – invest in a Business or higher license, qualify for the $1000 Global Daily Pro matrix, have two Silver Agents on both sides of the binary team, personally generate $15,000 in investment volume, $100,000 in total downline investment volume and $50,000 in weaker binary team investment volume
- Sapphire Agent – maintain a Business or higher license, have two Gold Agents on both sides of the binary team, personally generate $25,000 in investment volume, $250,000 in total downline investment volume and $100,000 in weaker binary team investment volume
- Ruby Agent – invest in a Royal or higher license, qualify for the $2500 Global Daily Pro matrix, have three Sapphire Agents on both sides of the binary team, personally generate $50,000 in investment volume, $800,000 in total downline investment volume and $200,000 in weaker binary team investment volume
- Emerald Agent – maintain a Royal or higher license, have three Ruby Agents on both sides of the binary team, personally generate $125,000 in investment volume, $2,000,000 in total downline investment volume and $500,000 in weaker binary team investment volume
- Diamond Agent – maintain a Royal or higher license, have three Emerald Agents on both sides of the binary team, personally generate $250,000 in investment volume, $10,000,000 in total downline investment volume and $2,000,000 in weaker binary team investment volume
ROI Booster
BowlaCoin affiliates can pay an annual fee to increase monthly BAC returns.
- Basic tier affiliates pay $100 to receive up to 10% a month
- Advance tier affiliates pay $100 to receive up to 10% a month or $200 to receive up to 15%
- Partner tier affiliates pay $300 to receive up to a 20% a month or $1500 to receive up to 25%
- Business tier affiliates pay $300 to receive up to 20% a month, $1500 to receive up to 25% or $5000 to receive up to 30%
- Royal tier affiliates pay $300 to receive up to 20% a month, $1500 to receive up to 25%, $5000 to receive up to 30% or $10,000 to receive up to 35%
Referral Commissions
BowlaCoin pays referral commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
BowlaCoin caps referral commissions down ten unilevel team levels.
Referral commissions are paid out as a percentage of funds invested across these ten levels as follows:
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 20%
- levels 2 to 10 – 2%
Residual Commissions
BowlaCoin pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.
A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):
The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).
Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.
Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.
BowlaCoin don’t specify how often residual binary commissions are paid. Typically they are daily or weekly.
Be it daily or weekly, at the end of the calculation period BowlaCoin tallies up new investment volume on both sides of the binary team.
Affiliates are paid 10% of volume generated on their weaker binary team side.
Leftover volume on the stronger binary team side is carried over into the following calculation period.
Binary and Unilevel Bonuses
The Binary Bonus takes the first ten levels generated within a binary team and treats them like a unilevel.
That is to say the first level of a binary team would be level 1, the second level of the team level 2 and so on and so forth.
The Binary Bonus pays 1% on investment volume generated on each binary team level.
The Unilevel Bonus is a similar bonus paid on up to ten unilevel team levels (the actual unilevel team, not the binary).
Through the Unilevel Bonus, a BowlaCoin affiliate can earn a 30% bonus on level 1 and 1% bonus on levels 2 to 10.
Note that how many levels the Binary and Unilevel Bonuses are paid out is determined by how much a BowlaCoin affiliate has invested:
- Member license affiliates receive the Binary and Unilevel Bonuses on two levels
- Basic license affiliates receive the Binary and Unilevel Bonuses on three levels
- Advance license affiliates receive the Binary and Unilevel Bonuses on four levels
- Partner license affiliates receive the Binary and Unilevel Bonuses on five levels
- Business license affiliates receive the Binary and Unilevel Bonuses on seven levels
- Royal license affiliates receive the Binary and Unilevel Bonuses on all ten available levels
Matching Bonus
The Matching Bonus is paid out on referral (unilevel) and residual (binary) commissions earned by personally recruited affiliates.
Matching Bonus rates are determined by how much a BowlaCoin affiliate has invested:
- Partner license affiliates receive a 5% Matching Bonus rate
- Business license affiliates receive a 10% Matching Bonus rate
- Royal license affiliates receive a 15% Matching Bonus rate
Rank Achievement Bonus
BowlaCoin rewards affiliates with the following Rank Achievement Bonuses:
- qualify as an Agent and receive 100 BAC
- qualify as a Senior Agent and receive 500 BAC
- qualify as a Managing Agent and receive $200
- qualify as a Bronze Agent and receive $500
- qualify as a Silver Agent and receive $1000
- qualify as a Gold Agent and receive $5000
- qualify as a Sapphire Agent and receive $10,000
- qualify as a Ruby Agent and receive $50,000
- qualify as an Emerald Agent and receive $100,000
- qualify as a Diamond Agent and receive $250,000
Joining BowlaCoin
BowlaCoin affiliate membership is tied to the purchase of a license:
- Member – $5 a month
- Basic – $35 annually
- Advance – $85 annually
- Partner – $250 annually
- Business – $1000 annually
- Royal – $3500 annually
The more a new BowlaCoin affiliate spends on their license, the higher their income potential.
The combination of bowling and blockchain might sound novel, but I can’t think of any beneficial reason to implement it.
Case in point BowlaCoin has launched without any operational partnered alleys.
After we open the first 3 bowling alleys ourselves, then we start franchising the concept and selling software license to other bowling alleys.
There will be two ways to purchase our software license:
1. Franchising a Bowl A Coin bowling alley
2. An existing bowling alley may upgrade their software license to ours.
Owning your own Bowl´A´Coin alley: Each member of Bowl´a´Coin can apply for financial assistance for their own bowling alley.
Bowl’a’Coin will determine their level of assistance based on specific criteria.
BowlaCoin seems to be a classic convoluted cryptocurrency solution to a problem that doesn’t exist. Well, at least as far as the physical bowling alleys go.
Outside of that you have the online bowling game, of which there are plenty of alternatives to choose from.
To make sense of any of this, we have to accept that bowling is just a ruse. Central to BowlaCoin is the acquisition of BAC points.
Affiliates invest, get tokens, spend tokens through the online game and get BAC in return.
The idea is you get enough BAC to eventually withdraw more than you initially invested.
The ROI booster detailed in the compensation analysis above is basically pay a fee and we’ll give you more BAC each month.
That side of BowlaCoin is your classic investment scheme. With BAC pegged at $1 a token, it’ll pay out internally until withdrawals exceed new investment.
This triggers securities regulation, which requires BowlaCoin to register with financial regulators in any jurisdiction they solicit investment in.
At the time of publication BowlaCoin provides no indication it has registered with any financial regulator.
On top of that there’s the issue of BowlaCoin potentially operating as a Ponzi scheme. As it stands the BowlaCoin’s primary source of revenue is new investment.
There is an attached advertising platform, but I can’t see that generating significant revenue – it’s too niche.
With new investment being used to fund BAC withdrawals, BowlaCoin is operating as a Ponzi scheme.
The majority of commissions tied to recruited affiliate investment means BowlaCoin functions as a pyramid scheme too.
The cynic in me pegs Michael Petersen as wanting his own FuturoCoin, and bowling is the ruse he’s implemented to launch it.
If you want to launch an online bowling game or real world bowling alleys, go for it.
Attaching a token to them however is pointless. It’s the same old “invest in our token and moon” nonsense.
Nobody outside of the investment opportunity will care and you know how this ends.