There is no information on the Adz Firm website indicating who owns or runs the business.

The Adz Firm website domain (“”) was privately registered on December 25th, 2016.

The Adz Firm website is hosted on a private server, which also hosts the website for My Ads Family:

My Ads Family is a Ponzi scheme launched a few weeks ago. A recent affiliate newsletter claimed My Ads Family is a ‘sister site of ViralCrypto Team‘.

Viral Crypto is a cash gifting scheme launched a few months ago. Alexa traffic statistics suggest it began to collapse in early December.

My Ads Family doesn’t appear to have taken off, likely prompting the launch of Adz Firm.

Apex Adz is also hosted on the same private server and advertises a $3.75 ROI off a $2 investment.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The Adz Firm Product Line

Adz Firm has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Adz Firm affiliate membership itself.

Once signed up, Adz Firm affiliates can purchase revenue sharing and matrix cycler positions.

Bundled with each are ad credits, which can be used to display advertising on the Adz Firm website.

The Adz Firm Compensation Plan

The Adz Firm compensation plan sees affiliates purchase AdPack revenue sharing and matrix cycler positions.

Revenue Sharing

Adz Firm affiliates invest $10 to $35 on the promise of an advertised ROI of up to 140%

  • Bronze Plan – invest $10 and receive a 120% ROI (up to 6% a day)
  • Silver Plan – invest $20 and receive a 130% ROI (up to 4% a day)
  • Gold Plan – invest $35 and receive a 140% ROI (up to 3% a day)

Matrix Cycler

Adz Firm matrix cycler position cost $2 and utilize a 3×1 matrix structure.

A 3×1 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix with three positions under them to fill.

Once these three positions are filled, via purchases from new or existing Adz Firm affiliates, a “cycle” is triggered.

Cycle commissions across Adz Firm’s five-tier matrix cycler are as follows:

  • Level 1 (positions cost $2) – no commission, generates a new Level 1 position and cycles into Level 2
  • Level 2 – $2 cycle commission, generates a new Level 1 position and cycles into Level 3
  • Level 3 – $4 cycle commission, generates a new Level 1 position and cycles into Level 4
  • Level 4 – $8 cycle commission, generates a new level 1 position and cycles into Level 5
  • Level 5 – $32 cycle commission and generates forty new Level 1 positions

Referral commissions of $2, $6 and $10 are paid out when personally recruited affiliates cycle out of levels 3 to 5.

Joining Adz Firm

Adz Firm affiliate membership is tied to a $2 cycler position purchase and/or revenue sharing investment of between $10 and $35.


Adz Firm offers up Ponzi fraud through revenue sharing and a matrix cycler.

The revenue sharing component is pretty straight forward. You invest, others invest and you get paid a ROI.

The matrix cycler operates in the same manner, however ROI funds are sourced through position purchases instead of a fixed daily ROI payout.

Regardless, both components of the Adz Firm compensation plan requires a constant stream of newly recruited affiliates.

If recruitment dies down, Adz Firm collapses and the majority of affiliates lose money.

The launching of simultaneous companies so close together by the “ViralCrypto Team” suggests the admin(s) don’t really know what they’re doing (or are experimenting with different types of fraud).

In line with Viral Crypto and My Ads Family, expect Adz Firm to last a few weeks before collapsing.