Over the past few years Max Stiegemeier has launched a series of matrix based recruitment scams that, particularly over the last six months or so, have been launched with increased frequency.

With all of Stiegemeier’s MLM opportunities having no retail product offering and relying on the recruitment of new members to generate commissions for existing members, sooner or later Stiegemeier’s companys always fizzle out and he finds himself having to relaunch the same concept over and over again under different branding.

Common to all of his company’s are the marketing videos Max, who refers to himself as ‘the Internet’s TOP super affiliate‘, uploads to YouTube to market them. Usually consisting of Max sitting infront of a few computer screens assuring viewers that they’ve stumbled across ‘the most important website they’ll ever visit’ or some such, Stiegemeier usually used these videos on the homepages of his companies to promote them.

Not anymore.

Sometime over the last week YouTube decided they’d had enough of Stiegemeier promoting his recruitment scams on their website and have suspended Stiegemeier’s ‘gcfglobalsystem’ YouTube account.

The reason?

‘gfcglobalsystem’ has been suspended due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy against spam, scams and commercially deceptive content.

After conducting an investigation themselves, it appears YouTube have decided that the various companies Stiegemeier operates (most recently being Auto Profit Machine and Auto Profit Global), are scams that are ‘commercially deceptive‘ in nature.

Here at BehindMLM after reviewing Auto Profit Machine and Auto Profit Global I’d already concluded they were nothing more than recruitment scams, so it’s great to see YouTube take a proactive stance against the promotion and propagation of such scams.

Not withstanding the statement YouTube’s suspension of Stiegemeier’s gfcglobalsystem account makes about his own credibility and that of his MLM companies, one can only wonder if this is perhaps part of a greater effort by YouTube to crack down on the use of their website to promote MLM opportunities of dubious nature.

Promoters of blatant recruitment based MLM  scams might want to think twice before uploading their next promotional video to YouTube…