Validus co-founder Mansour Tawafi has issued a statement begging investors to keep recruiting despite withdrawals being disabled.

As reported here on BehindMLM, Validus collapsed on April 20th by disabling withdrawals. The ruse for the collapse was “back office upgrades”, which are supposed to complete on May 16th.

Against a backdrop of an overall decline in Validus website traffic and now withdrawals being disabled, Tawafi urged investors to “minimize the negativity”.

Many network executives, as well as people in the wider industry, have contacted me about the behindmlm article and the suspension of takedowns.

It was not unexpected but still has its negative impact. The reason for the suspension is as we said before; security issues that we need to work on and integrate them fully into the back office.

Yes, we are aware that this is not ideal and should not happen for a professional business, but the bottlenecks were identified months ago and are being eliminated step by step. In the meantime, we must deal with the situation as it is.

We need everyone to control the damage and make sure to minimize the negativity. More so, this should be the time when we need to build stronger and better.

Validus leaders have been instructed to pay their downlines out of their own fictional “gift wallet” backoffice balances.

Leaders can help their teams with a gift wallet, but for that we need the volume to increase, not decrease.

“Volume” refers to Validus investment volume – which if recruitment is down would also be in decline.

Validus represents it generates returns via automated forex trading. Why investor recruitment and “increasing” investment volume matters isn’t addressed.

If Validus’ Ponzi ruse is to be believed, Validus should be able to continue generating new revenue via trading. How many investors Validus has or whether recruitment has collapsed shouldn’t matter.

Let’s grab the tab, crank up the volume louder than ever, crank up VCON and make sure everyone gets there at all costs, and thrive together.

VCON is an upcoming Validus marketing event, scheduled to take place in Dubai over May 5th to 7th.

Why anyone would attend a marketing event for a collapsed Ponzi scheme is unclear.

Tawafi wraps up by accusing anyone who slows down recruiting new Validus investors of “shooting the company in the foot.”

Tawafi and partner-in-crime Parwiz Daud are scheduled to speak on a Validus investor call tomorrow.

Tomorrow I will explain all this to you on the call. Please make sure everyone is there.

Not expecting anything different from Tawafi’s update above. If there’s anything additional to cover I’ll report back.