turbo-cycler-logoWhen I sit down to review a MLM company and see 100% commissions being offered, it always raises my eyebrows.

When I see the same company also provides members with utilities to spam people online, via SMS and phone… that only makes things worse.

Read on for a full review of the Turbo Cycler MLM opportunity.

The Company

The Turbo Cycler website operates as a capture page and contains no information about who runs or owns the Turbo Cycler opportunity. Infact the only thing you can do on the Turbo Cycler website is become a member of the opportunity.

The domain ‘turbocycler.com’ was registered on the 31st of August 2010 but the registration information is set to private. The domain however uses the nameservers ‘NS1.MLMTOOLGUY.COM’ and ‘NS2.MLMTOOLGUY.COM’.

The domain ‘mlmtoolguy.com’ also has its registration information set to private and itself does not point to an active website.

The YouTube videos that feature on the Turbo Cycler website were uploaded on the account ‘multiplexsystems’ with more than a few of them featuring some guy called Peter Wolfing (photo right).

Wolfing lists himself as the President of Multiplex Systems on his LinkedIn profile,

and likes to refer to himself online as ‘The Tool Guy’ and ‘The Online Tool Guy’, so that additionally ties him in with the ‘mlmtoolguy.com’ domain.

Furthermore the following appears on the Turbo Cycler website:

We are backed by our parent company with a 14 year track record and many successful sites to prove it.

The Facebook page for the MLM opportunity ‘Infinity Downline’ lists Multiplex as a parent company and states:

Multiplex Systems (MS) is a 13-year tradition in the United States Internet service company tools!

Infinity Downline was a 100% commission $25 a month gifting scam launched in March 2009 with the above quote published in 2010. Despite being a year off, Turbo Cycler claiming they are backed by a 14 year old company is close enough to suggest they are referring to Wolfing’s Multiplex Systems.

Oh, and just incase there was any doubt… here’s Wolfing personally promoting Turbo Cycler on his Twitter account less than 24 hours ago:

Wolfing and Multiplex Systems appear to have a bit of a history spamming people with his lead generation products and services. Back in 2010 Stephen Barret wrote an article on the website Quackwatch discussing one of Wolfing’s other ventures, ‘Scaper Pro’;

Several callers told me that Scraper Pro and Phone Broadcast Club were developed and are owned by Peter Wolfing, who has been involved with multilevel marketing for many years.

The parent company for Wolfing’s operations is New-York-based Multiplex Systems. After I located them. I reported my experience to the North Carolina Attorney General’s office, which asked Multiplex Systems for a response.

To my delight, an attorney representing the company replied that the company upgraded its programs so that people who do not wish to receive calls will be removed from its overall calling system by pressing a designated telephone key.

That way, the lawyer said, opting out from any of the automated calls will result in having the recipient’s number blocked from receiving calls from all marketers using the system.

Combining Multiplex’s “lead generation” spam software solutions with a MLM backend and the demise of Infinity Downline, appears to be the motivation behind Wolfing’s launch of Turbo Cycler.

The Turbo Cycler Product Line

Turbo Cycler include a bunch of marketing materials to members who join the company. As far as I can tell, there is no way to purchase anything at a retail level within the opportunity, so in effect members of Turbo Cycler are marketing the business opportunity.

As for the marketing materials included with a membership purchase, Turbo Cycler describe them as products

that people would get regardless if there was a business attached.

Included, webinar education on dozens of topics. Email Blaster, SMS Blaster, Phone Blaster, (and the leads to go into them) & PC based Lead Scrapper.

Tools that anyone can use for any business all included!

Why Turbo Cycler don’t sell their “products” without the business attached when they claim people would purchase them regardless, is a mystery.

The rest of the product line sounds like a bunch of spam tools designed to push opportunities and whatever else it is you want to spam people with via email, SMS or phone.

All of these services are I believe cloud-based and provided for use by Turbo Cycler members provided they continue to pay the monthly membership fee.

The Turbo Cycler Compensation Plan

The Turbo Cycler compensation plan revolves around three 2×2 matrices. These matrices start with you at the top and have six positions underneath you that need to be filled with members (new and existing).

There are three matrices within the Turbo Cycler opportunity costing $200, $500 and $1000 to enter respectively.

Instead of a traditional cycle bonus, Turbo Cycler uses a cash gifting 100% commission structure that has all new entrants to a member’s matrix on level 2 (4 members) pay their entire membership fee to the owner of the matrix.

In the above matrix illustration example, the four members of the bottom would each pay $200 to the top member as they joined the matrix. The $500 and $1000 matrix require a $500 and $1000 commission pass-up in much the same manner.

The only way to gain access to the $500 and $1000 matrices is to cycle out of the $200 matrix first.

Once cycled out, members are able to re-enter the matrix level they just cycled out of and enter the next level matrix (at their own expense).

Joining Turbo Cycler

Membership to Turbo Cycler is $39.95 per quarter. Participation in the compensation plan however will set you back $200, $500 or $1000 depending on which particular matrix you are entering.

Everyone must start off at the $200 matrix level so effectively you are looking at $239.95 to get started with Turbo Cycler.

There is also a $39.95 quarterly admin fee that needs to be paid too. This $39.95 quarterly fee is where Turbo Cycler make their money.


Although Turbo Cycler try to pass off their 100% commission structure as product sales, the reality is it’s the quarterly admin fee that is the actual cost of the product.

The 100% commission is pure cash gifting as it’s got nothing to do with the product and is effectively a recruitment commission for signing someone up. Turbo Cycler themselves appear to not even handle the money that passes between members.

True retail would mean being able to bypass the 100% commission as it’s got nothing to do with the products associated with Turbo Cycler. Without this option all we’re looking at here is a MLM business opportunity that is simply shuffling the bulk of money paid in amongst existing members.

Members don’t get a cut of the ongoing membership fees so it’s up to them collectively to continue recruiting new members and paying out commissions themselves by re-entering matrices at their own cost.