Following claims by TLC Trading’s actor CEO that invested cryptocurrency was insured, Liga Insurance has confirmed no such contract exists.

Liga Insurance claims were made by the second actor to play TLC Trading’s fictional CEO Armen Sargasyan last month.

[0:20] Today I can show you official document. Official insurance, liability insurance of our company.

What this means?

This is best thing what I can tell you and shared to you. All our money, all company assets it’s already cover but official insurance by biggest company in Armenia.

[3:18] So if company will be bankrupt, insurance will pay it back your money.

BehindMLM has seen email correspondence from two Liga Insurance representatives claiming otherwise.

The first email, from a member of Liga Insurance’s Liabilities and Financial Risks department, claims while Liga Insurance does have a contract with TLC Trading, the

policy does not cover any activity related to cryptocurrency trade.

The mentioned company does not have any insurance at our company in respect of cryptocurrencies and invested capital.

The email can be viewed below (click to enlarge):

In the second email, the same representative claims TLC Trading’s policy “has already been terminated”.

The mentioned statements are all false. Liga Insurance company has not insured any of TLC’s funds nor capital nor investment of any kind.

The company had a products liability insurance covering beer importing activities.

The policy has already been terminated. So, the company has not got any liability insurance at this moment.

In reporting on TLC Trading’s claimed insurance, we pointed out that product liability protects a company if a physical product causes injury and/or damages to a third-party. Investment can be insured but you don’t do it through product liability.

Since Liga Insurance confirmed TLC Trading’s lies, the company has marked the insurance claim video private.

Instead of just being honest about getting caught out lying though, TLC Trading has doubled down.

As news of there being no contract between Liga Insurance began circulating among investors, TLC Trading reframed getting caught lying as a “bot attack on our company”.

We would like to alert you to an organized bot attack that we are currently facing. Our company is the target of a disinformation campaign aimed at misleading you about our insurance.

The competition is spreading false emails allegedly from Liga, claiming that:

– We have no insurance

– Our insurance covers beer imports and many more

We would like to unequivocally refute this misinformation. We have a valid NDA (non-disclosure agreement) signed with Liga Insurance, which both companies strictly adhere to.

Therefore, all official and reliable information can be obtained only at the email address: [email removed].

Please be aware that these attacks are intensifying day by day, so we must remain extremely vigilant at this time. Ensure that any messages regarding our insurance come from this official source.

TLC Trading is a reboot of the collapsed Trade Like Crazy Ponzi scheme. The scam is believed to be run by Polish and/or Russian scammers hiding in Dubai.

BehindMLM did reach out separately to Liga Insurance seeking comment through a press enquiry but never heard back.

One way for Liga Insurance to clear this up once and for all would be to issue a public statement distancing itself from TLC Trading’s fraud.


Update 4th July 2024 – The second actor to play TLC Trading CEO Armen Sargasyan, has been outed as Polish national Tomas Malodobry.