The MPB Today Review: Direct sales without sales
Founded by Gary Calhoun, My Premiere Business (MPB) Today is, to use the company’s official description from their website, a ‘direct sales’ company ‘affiliated with online grocery delivery company SouthEastern Delivery.
Pairing groceries with a MLM business model seems to be a no brainer. You’ve got plenty of repeat consumables products and a product line that everybody, and I do mean everybody is already purchasing.
Whether it be a daily, weekly or even monthly purchase, everybody on the planet has to purchase groceries one way or another.
Unfortunately when it comes to the MPB Today business opportunity however, there is less focus on this natural product based retail relationship and instead emphasis on recruiting others to join MPB and encouraging them to do the same.
Well, that’s actually understating it a bit – if you look closely at the MPB Today business opportunity, it’s blatantly apparent that it has nothing at all to do with retail product sales.
The MPB Today product line
Effectively being an affiliate of SouthEastern Delivery, MPB Today don’t really carry any products themselves. Instead, they offer access to the grocery range on offer from SouthEastern Delivery.
The same product range available to people who aren’t a part of MPB Today.
As such, I think it’s fair to say that as a standalone company, MPB today don’t really have any products of their own.
Joining MPB Today
If you want to join MPB Today, you’re looking at a $210 once off payment to the company.
$200 gets you a grocery voucher (where you still have to pay shipping), and $10 goes towards a standard replicated website that you’re supposed to then use to recruit others to the MPB Today opportunity.
The $10 cost is annually recurring whereas the $200 is a once off out of pocket expense. Future $200 matrix buy-ins are directly taken out of your future commissions upon filling a matrix (as part of the MPB Today compensation plan).
The MPB Today Compensation Plan
The MPB Today compensation plan revolves primarily around a 2×2 matrix. This means that rather then rely on retail sales and customers purchasing groceries, MPB Today members are instead out there looking to recruit new people to the company.
This recruitment focus follows on to both the additional commission streams offered by MPB Today, with both the ‘Shared Coding Infinity Bonus’ and ‘matching bonuses’ both rely on member’s recruitment numbers to increase, rather than any grocery sales.
Within the compensation plan there is no way to make any money off grocery sales and all members brought into MPB today must be placed in the downline of an active existing member.
This in itself highlights the major weakness of the MPB Today business opportunity as once new members slow down or stop company wide, there is no way to earn any money – residual or otherwise.
For further analysis of the compensation plan, you can check out BehindMLM’s review of the MPB Today compensation plan.
Despite the recruitment driven compensation plan being the major problem with teh MPB Today business opportunity, from a practicality sense the biggest problem hindering a retail arm of MPB Today is going to be shipping.
Let’s face it, with SouthEastern Delivery operating out of Florida you’re not only limited to a US based market, but also anyone who is considering purchasing groceries is going to have to deal with shipping.
I can understand that it’s for this reason MPB Today don’t offer any commissions or incentives to members based on retail grocery sales. With shipping charges to consider, online grocery shopping from Florida is simply just not attractive for most of the population of the United States.
The free shipping option upon completing a 6 person matrix is nice and all, but remember it’s only for $200 and are you really going to hinge your food supply on being able to 6 new people to MPB Today each and every week (or rely on your downline/upline to do so)?
Unless you live in Florida itself, in which case the delivery charge might be viable, unfortunately SouthEastern Delivery are going to have a hard time proving to be cost effective vs. a trip down to a local supermarket.
This is the major reason MPB Today offer Walmart cards as an alternative to the SouthEastern Delivery vouchers, but all that does is further highlight the disconnect between grocery sales and the MPB Today business opportunity.
If MPB Today can reward members with Walmart cards, then effectively they’re cutting out SouthEastern Delivery from the equation altogether.
What does this mean?
It means that in effect, the MPB Today business opportunity is a standalone recruitment driven model that could be applied to anything. At the end of the day all we’re looking at here is a membership numbers game. The product is irrelevant and there are no retail sales or commissions on these sales to be made.
As always, I’d highly caution against the long term viability of any business opportunity that relies solely on recruitment to generate commissions for its members. The MPB Today business opportunity is no exception.
FYI, MPB Today was highlighted previously on Linkvaark as hawked by a member: (search for “MPB”)
Any one remember WebVan? 😀
MPB Today’s owner was arrested last month in Florida for fraud, may face Federal charges. Reports on
Yeah been following that. Looks like a done deal.
MPB didn’t have the sales to make it viable when I reviewed it, looks like one thing led to another. RIP.
i have been trying to join this business but no one respond to me please come back to me if you find this email
MPB Today was shut down in 2012 and its owner sent to jail. It’s no small wonder you’re having issues joining it.