TelexFree Trustee drops second round of subpoena requests
Hot on the heels being granted permission to subpoena several individuals and companies in relation to their involvement with TelexFree, Stephen Darr has dropped a second motherload of subpoena requests.
No less than eight parties are named in this second round, with Darr requesting permission to “obtain documents” and conduct “oral examinations” for the purpose of aiding ‘the Trustee in his continuing investigation into the Debtors’ financial affairs‘.
In no particular order, the eight parties Darr has issued fresh subpoena requests to are
- Telecom Logic and Opt3 Solutions – these two companies are (IT) service providers, who provided computer/network support services to the Debtors and are in possession of documents relevant to TelexFree
- Lane Powell Prof. Corp – provided prepetition legal advice to TelexFree respecting their business operation
- Garvey Schubert Barer – acted as prepetition counsel to TelexFree and/or advised the company, and likely has relevant information with respect to the
TelexFree’s businesses - The Sheffield Group – provided multi-level marketing consulting advice to TelexFree prior to the petition date
- Global Payroll Gateway (GPG), International Payout Systems (i-Payout), ProPay, Argus Payments & Allied Wallet – the services of the Payment
Processors were used, on information and belief, to remit entrance fees by participating individuals to TelexFree and/or for TelexFree to remit commissions and other compensation to individuals participating in their businesses - Gerald Nehra and the law offices of Nehra & Waak – Nehra acted as prepetition counsel to TelexFree with respect to their multi-level marketing program, and likely has relevant information with respect to TelexFree’s businesses and business model
- Babener and Associates – Babener acted as counsel to TelexFree in the conduct of their multi-level marketing program, and likely has relevant information with respect to the TelexFree’s businesses and business model
- Joele Frank, Wilkinson, Brimmer, Katcher – Joele Frank provided public relations and investor relations services to TelexFree both prepetition and postpetition.
Note that the reasoning above is taken from each of the respective subpoena requests filed by Darr (in the interests of readability I didn’t format them). “Prepetition” and “postpetition” refer to TelexFree’s Chapter 11 bankruptcy petition.
Of particular relevance is the subpoena request on TelexFree’s payment processors. i-Payout in particular vowed that TelexFree was not a Ponzi scheme, as did Gerry Nehra. What will be interesting is whether the information they provide confirms that they were grossly negligent in their assertions.
i-Payout especially, given that they were handling all of TelexFree’s money right up until the point they were shut down. Once the regulators moved in, only then did i-Payout terminate TelexFree’s account citing money laundering concerns.
All of Darr’s recent subpoena requests have been marked with a request for “expedited determination”, meaning Darr’s looking for a speedy decision. Darr’s previous requests were ruled within a fortnight, and I imagine the same will happen with this second round.
What, if any, incriminating evidence is uncovered as a result of Darr’s subpoena requests remains to be seen.
In any event, I look forward to payment processors trying to explain away millions of dollars in transfers between TelexFree’s affiliates as anything but a Ponzi scheme. Ditto Gerry Nehra’s assertions that TelexFree in the US was absolutely not a Ponzi scheme.
Should be a hoot.
Update 4th Jule 2014 – Well that was quick, Judge Hoffman has already granted the TelexFree Trustee’s latest round of subpoenas. An objection deadline has been set for July 10th, after which Stephen Darr will be free to request information be handed over.
I have said it before, but it will be interesting to see some of Darr’s conclusions and what he may have detected, in his first preliminary report (the one with recommendations for how to continue with the case).
Babener / Sheffield might have been the ones recommending Stuart A. MacMillan. They visited TelexFree in February, around the time of the MSD hearing. They might also have been the ones designing the March 9th changes to the compensation plan (it failed miserably, but it was an emergency solution).
The most interesting ones are the payment processors.
What is an MSD hearing?
MSD = Massachusetts Securities Division if I’m not mistaken.
Cool story brah.
And in other news, Herbalife continue to hide retail revenue statistics from the public…
From the KCC website.
Claim Form (Modified Version Available Shortly)
Please note that a modified Proof of Claim Form specific to the TelexFree cases will be available in the near future. A Bar Date has not been set. Where’s that guy who had already processed claims for “thousands” of Dominicans?
Additionally, Darr has motioned for approval of a BAR DATE for professional fees and Administrative Claims.
Got the popcorn and soda pop ready.
Well, I hope you have a lot of it because this is going to take a long, long, long time before it is finally over.
It is going to take at least 1-2 pallets of soda just for the civil cases, and probably 3-4 pallets for the criminal cases. Your microwave is going to be working overtime popping all that popcorn.
Make sure you have a real comfy recliner to sit in while eating and drinking. You’ll need it. LOL!
The whole Merrill article has gone black for me. It’s the only one that is like that. Must be Dorothy brought a twister to Oz when she made comments….lol
Article updated with news that Judge Hoffman has granted all of Darr’s latest subpoena requests.
Well, as I have predicted a long time ago, Carlos Costa has just registered himself to run for congressman in Brazil:
If that guy gets elected, I swear I’ll lose it…
Isn’t there a law in Brazil that elected officials cannot be jailed unless it’s charges of corruption or something like that?
They have something called “parliamentary immunity”:
I really, really hope people are not THAT STUPID to vote for this Costa guy. Anyway, his register as a congressman is still being evaluated but, since there’s no charges against him, I’m pretty sure they’ll approve it.
Hey, look what carlos costa did in 2004. He drink and hit someone with car.. hahaha
Look, he really have problem with drink.
Read the “Lei seca – eu seco todas”, I can translate to something like “Drink Law, I drink all”
Carlos Costa and Pele Reis (first Brazilian TF “millionaire”) are long date buddies and partners in scams. How can people believe in the fallacy that Reis was just a poor street hotdog seller that miraculously became rich after selling the uselless and pricey TF “VoIP”? Oh please…
Those are the same morons willing now to vote for “Congressman Costa”. What a shame!
Carlos Costas hit the news! Let’s vote for then!!!!
Acusado de golpe da pirâmide é candidato a deputado federal
If he gets elected…man…that old saying is true after all, people REALLY GET what they deserve!
Yo Brazil, can you hurry up and throw this guy in jail already?
Obviously they think they are above the law and can buy their way in to the top of political corruption.
I think he will buy his way into politics. When you come to think that he has (criminal) connections, tons of hidden stolen money (although in the video he says the “only way to make a campaign is through donations”) to buy votes, along with tons of zombies who believe in his lies, that’s the logical conclusion.
It’s funny when he says he almost decided not to run for congressman, and he really formalized his candidate registration in the last minute.
If E&Y did not request another 4 months to conclude its auditing and had finished it last month, I’m pretty sure that Costa scammer would at least be criminally accused and therefore unable to be a candidate.
Out of curiosity, what happens if he’s running and is then criminally accused in a case?
He keeps running… Mexico…
I suppose nothing will happen. That’s the idea: he wants to “shield” himself using the parliamentary immunity.
And he’s not the only one: Do you guys remember that “Brazilian Rambo”, called Aerci Olm, and TF’s former lawyer Roberto Duarte? Both are running for congressman and senator, respectively.
They’re basing their campaign on “vote for us and we will bring your money back; We will make MLM legal in Brazil; Everyone will be rich, hurraaaay”.
Carlos Costa, one of the richest candidates with R$13 million in assets (stolen Ponzi funds).
Uh, steal millions from Ponzi victims and then launder it through Brazilian government?
Wonder what Wanzeler is doing in the background…
Lololol, trying to legalize Ponzi schemes through government election. What a mess.
If only Brazilians got as angry when they get ripped off in Ponzi scams as they do when they get knocked out of the World Cup. I can’t believe anyone is taking Carlos Costa seriously.
Even that “I’m gunna protest by starving myself for 5 minutes” Aerci guy is running for Congress!
I can’t believe this. He is probably going to be elected. People here are so stupid when it comes to voting.
Good luck Brasil! But be worried, Portugal is catching up to you guys! Lol
Holy Spirit = Espirito Santo. Translation is not recommended.
I usually manually edit the translations when I put them up for an article, comments not so much :).
In 2010 a famous TV clown known as Tiririca won the São Paulo ellections for congressman with a record of 1,35 million votes. An interesting effect happened in other states at that time, and may happen again with Costa.
In 2010, an unexpected large number of people voted for the candidate with the number 2222 in other states, and those candidates of such a small party won in 11 states besides SP.
2222 was the number for Tiririca in SP, and if anyone typed it in another state, a different person would receive the vote. The popularity of the clown was so high, however, that people who supposedly didn’t know they can only vote for their state tryed to vote on him anyway.
Costa will run for the small state of Espírito Santo, with a population of less than 4 million people. Anyway, through the entire country, Costa might help to ellect candidates of a dwarf party in several states using the same number as him.
WOW! Is the Brazilian election system that retarted.
Where are all the angry people with pitchforks who lost thousands of dollars?
Sounds like many people in Brazil are suffering from brainwashing and amnesia.