Swiss Mine launched about a year ago as a OneCoin Ponzi points clone.

Swiss Mine affiliates invested in pre-generated Ducatus points, which were marketed as a bitcoin alternative.

As a hard fork of bitcoin Ducatus will work in a very similar way to Bitcoin.

Ducatus will use an almost identical set of rules and we will run our own software on e-wallets to establish, build, maintain and manage its own decentralised blockchain.

For no evident reason, recently Swiss Coin decided to rebrand itself as Ducatus Network.

Visitors to the former Swiss Coin website are advised;

As part of our rebranding efforts, the landing page for  swissmine has now changed to ducatus.

We will continue to use swissmine backoffice to login to your dashboard.

The Ducatus Management

Unfortunately despite offering pre-generated Ducatus points to affiliates for roughly a year, Ducatus is still nothing more than internal points generated via a script.

On the MLM side of things, Ducatus Network retains Swiss Mine’s pyramid scheme compensation plan.

That is Ducatus Network affiliates are paid both directly and residually when they convince others to invest in Ducatus points.

Alexa traffic estimates show Ducatus Network’s primary source of new investment is Italy, which accounts for 74% of traffic to the Ducatus website.

Ronny Tome (right) is still running the show, although he’s since grown out a beard as per an updated “management team” photo on the Ducatus Network website.

One interesting development is correspondence from Selected Hotels, who claim Tome owes them “a considerable amount of money”.

We met RT via an investor for whom we conceptualised a large HealthResort in Bali – it never opened due to lack of funds.

Ronny Tome acted as the local rep/partner of the investor.

Due to his existing contacts on the island/married to an Indonesian lady, Ronny Tome convinced a Balinese land owner to provide a building site for a tourist development.

We made initial feasibility studies & accepted a partnership to provide concepts, intl marketing & management & founded ‘SEA-Selected Estates of Asia’ as developer company in Singapore.

Ronny Tome was responsible to the villa development, called delMango.

delMango is of particular significance, as part of Tome’s legitimacy pertains to a $600,000 transaction in bitcoin for an Indonesian villa.

Turns out that while Tome might accept payment for villas, building them and actually delivering is another matter.

To cut a long story short: due to our concept, delMango became an internationally renowned brand with top designer villas.

Due to non-performance in sales (however), we decided to sell our shareholding.

Since neither Tome nor SEA had the financial means, we accepted a fraction of a villa as payment.

This villa – and also others! – was/were sold by RT but in fact never built.

Selected Hotels claim this is fraud, but claim legal fees from a lawsuit that might take years to resolve make recovery financially unfeasible.

As for Tome, Selected Hotels claim he was eventually evicted from his residence.

Due to non-payment of lease rates to the landlord, Tome was finally evicted.

In the process we came to know Tome, who is calling himself a ‘successful real estate developer….’ has a background as TimeShare Agent in the Canary Island; owner of a discotheque in Bali/closed; TeaShops in Bali/insolvent; importer of german beers/failed; sales agent for magnetic field mats/Ponzi scheme; charity agent/esoteric …

Next thing we heard, he founded SwissMine together with the ‘visionary investor’ for whom we first worked on the large and also very esoteric resort/never built, called VitaLife Estate – who btw also owns the magnetic field mat company, and now they use it to finance their ‘charity’ called ‘The Garden of Life’.

Email correspondence between Selected Hotels and Tome would appear to verify their claims.

What does Ducatus Network have to do with villas you ask?

Nothing. But it does provide some insight into how Tomme conducts business.

Considering Ducatus Network is a Ponzi scheme combined with pyramid recruitment, those who ignore the warning signs and choose to invest anyway would do well to take notice.


Update 10th June 2021 – Ducatus Network has been rebooted as Centurion Global.