Skippy Cash Matrix appears to be based in Melbourne Australia and was launched mid 2012.

Heading up the company is President Greg Turcanu (also known as Grigore Turcanu) and CEO Marian Craiu.

Turcanu (photo right) claims to have built up a team of “38,000” in MLM coffee company Gano Excel, but left due to ‘a vision to build his own Company and help people who are struggling‘.

As late as July 2012 Turcanu was advertising MLM business opportunity EPXBody on Twitter, however since then he’s only been promoting Skippy Cash Matrix and his other company “Skippy Traffic” (traffic exchange).

In his Twitter marketing spiel, Turcanu claims that Skippy Cash Matrix is ‘guaranteed to work 4 anyone‘:

Read on for a full review of the Skippy Cash MLM business opportunity.

The Skippy Cash Matrix Product Line

Skippy Cash Matrix has no retailable products or services, with membership being the only thing Skippy Matrix members are able to market.

Once signed up, Skippy Cash Matrix members can then purchase matrix positions and buy into the company’s compensation plan.

The Skippy Cash Matrix Compensation Plan

The Skippy Cash Matrix compensation plan revolves around a series of matrices that are slightly different sizes.

The basic idea is that new members join the company and then buy a matrix position. Once the matrix is full, which happens via new and existing members buying matrix positions, the member at the top cycles out, earns a commission and enters into another matrix.

There are three basic matrices used in the Skippy Cash Matrix compensation plan:

  • 2×1 – affiliate is placed at the top and has two positions under them
  • 2×2 – affiliate is placed at the top and has two positions under them, each of these positions then has two positions under them for a total of six positions
  • 2×3 – as above but with an extra level of positions (3) bringing the total number of positions to 14

Using these matrix structures, the Skippy Cash Matrix has six matrices that members are able to buy into:

  • Skippy Jr (2×2) – $25 position, once full top member cycles out and earns $50 which is used to buy into the Skippy 2×2 matrix
  • Skippy 2×2 (2×2) – $50 position, once full top member cycles out and earns $50 and entry into Skippy Boomerang matrix
  • Skippy Boomerang (2×1) – entry only via cycling out of Skippy 2×2, upon cycling member is given one re-entry position in Skippy 2×2 and entry into Skippy Silver
  • Skippy Silver (2×2) – entry only via cycling out of Skippy Boomerang, upon cycling member earns $100, re-entry back into Skippy Boomerang and entry into Skippy Gold
  • Skippy Gold (2×3) – entry only via cycling out of Skippy Silver, upon cycling member earns $1000, is given a “Australian solid gold coin” (no further information is provided), re-entry into Skippy Boomerang and entry into Skippy Platinum
  • Skippy Platinum (2×3) – entry only via cycling out Skippy Platinum, upon cycling member earns $5000, is given an “Australian solid platinum coin” (no further information is provided) and re-entry into Skippy Boomerang

Joining Skippy Cash Matrix

Membership to Skippy Cash Matrix is free, however members must purchase a $25 matrix position if they wish to earn from the company’s compensation plan.


Part money game and part pyramid scheme, Skippy Cash Matrix simply requires new members to join and purchase matrix positions in order to sustain itself.

The problem with this of course is that once the recruitment stops and existing members stop purchasing matrix positions, the scheme will collapse.

Members join Skippy Cash Matrix, pump money into the scheme and then earn money from other member’s matrix position purchases. Unfortunately matrix positions aren’t a legitimate product which further reduces Skippy Cash Matrix to a simply money game amongst its members.

Ultimately those joining and purchasing matrix positions last are not going to make any money, and with the generated matrix positions created each time a matrix cycles, this is most likely to happen sooner rather than later.

Not only that, but members of Skippy Cash Matrix also must consent to receiving spam from the company too:

By signing up for the program, Member is opting-in to receive other special offer emails from and its members.



Update 2nd October 2012 – Shortly after the publication of this review and sometime in the last week, Skippy Cash Matrix have changed their name to “Skippy Advertising”.

The old domain now redirects to ‘’ and for reasons unknown, the company also now hides its compensation plan from prospective members (red flag):

Our reword (sic) program is only for active members. The access to pay plan is in members area.

To the best of my knowledge Skippy Advertising are still using the matrix position based business model analysed in this review.