If you’re ready to embark on an adventure that will change your life then contact us immediately.

It will be the best move you’ll ever make!

You can see the ads for these kind of ‘businesses’ anywhere. They could be on a street sign as you drive past, in the backpages of a newspaper or these days even on the television.

The premise is always the same, promise or suggest big earnings but never disclose the actual work involved.


Because the affiliate/member/seller/sucker/whatever loses the sale if you’re given enough information to go home and google whatever it is they’re peddling.

They only get money via direct sales so it’s all about intriguing you to either contact them with an enquiry so they can first screen you and then make the hard sell.

This is why there’s hundreds of websites and youtube videos set up begging you to enter your contact details so that ‘we can get in touch with you to have a chat’.

What they really do in these chats is try to ascertain how much you want to make money and what depths your willing to sink to in trying to reach these goals.

Sixfigurechicks.com is one such company that has gone one step further and started to advertise on tv during the daytime targeting stay at home mums.

So what are they really about? What’s involved? Let’s find out.

Their marketing promises giant incomes on the back of hard work but tell you nothing about what you will be doing. Here’s an example of what you might have seen airing on Channel 10 recently;

Liberty League International have been in Australia now for about two years and have been operating in the US for eight. They involve selling motivational ‘self improvement’ products to people for ridiculously inflated prices and affiliates then make money based off a split commission.

What is left after your commission is then split between your uplines (people who recruited you) and that brings us to how the real long-term money is made.

Like any MLM/pyramid scheme the idea is that in addition to your direct sales the more people you have working under you pushing money your way the exponential your earnings become.

The idea is that with enough suckers underneath you, you won’t have to do any real work other then answering a few phone calls and giving the standard bullshit motivational speeches to get your lemmings back out into the field trying to sell the product.

So what is the product Sixfigurechicks are selling?

Sixfigurechicks operate under the Liberty League International banner. They have three main products you will be selling to other people.

Beyond Freedom

A 90 day home study course called Beyond Freedom for US$1,495 (AUD$1912). Out of the initial US$1,495 you take home US$1,000 (AUD$1279) or 66% of the sale.

Liberty Conference

A 3 day conference called the Liberty conference for US$7,995 (AUD$10,230). Out of the initial US$7,995 cost you take home US$5,000 (AUD$6,397) or 62% of the sale.

Summit Conference

A 5 Day conference called the Summit conference for US$12995 (AUD$16,628). Out of the initial US$12,995 cost you take home US$8,000 (AUD$10,236) or 60% of the sale.


On top of this there is a US$49.95 joining fee to become an associate. As an associate you are now ‘qualified’ to start selling Beyond Freedom but your first 5 sales are completely passed up to your uplink (as in you make $0, nada, zip).

You can reduce the number of sales passed up by purchasing Beyond Freedom yourself. If you do this you only are required to pass up your first two sales of Beyond Freedom.

After meeting this goal you are then qualified to start selling the Liberty conference and after buying into the conference and/or passing up however amount of your first sales you are then able to sell the Summit conference.

Eventually you are ‘free’ and the hunt begins to start getting others under you selling as this is where the real money is made.

As I mentioned earlier the rest of the money is then sent back to Liberty League international where it is then divided between your upline, the people who referred you and then the people that referred them and so on right up to the top.

Do you understand now why none of these ads advertise exactly what you will be doing? Having people under you is more valuable then any of the products they are selling.

Once a product is sold a once off profit is made and unless the affiliate can convince the buyer to join, the profit is then gone. However for each lemming you have under you selling, as an affiliate this can be a regular source of passive income for as long as they are in the program.

And this is exactly what everyone is after, a large passive income.

What’s involved in these conferences or the 90 day home study course I’m not sure. I presume it’s the usual

‘are you motivated people?’




*cue aerobics techno*


type affair where you leave with just enough motivation to get out there and try and sell some more before crashing again and having to go to another conference for a quick fix.

The reality you’re pretty much right where you started except your predisposition of desperateness has made you more susceptible to flashy lights and big promises.

This is ideally where your upline wants you, gullible and dependant. Congratulations you’re the perfect cash cow.

Remember one of the basic principles of these programs is if the product doesn’t sell it’s not the product, it’s because you aren’t motivated enough to succeed.

We only work with the most highly motivated and positive people. You need to have huge personal and financial goals. You have to have the hunger to generate substantial income in the next 6 to 9 months.

What this really means is that they’re after people so desperate they are willing to believe anything and sell to anyone.

Your friends, your family, random people in the supermarket the more the merrier. Get out there and sell sell sell improve people’s lives.

Think about this very long and very hard before committing yourself to Sixfigurechicks – Do you really want to be that type of person?