US authorities’ efforts to extradite Kristijan Krstic and several accomplices have hit a roadblock.

In a decision handed down either earlier this week or late last week, the Belgrade Court of Appeals has overturned previously granted extradition requests.

As reported by Kurir, quoting a court spokesperson (auto-translated);

The Court of Appeals considers that “the reasons for the facts that are the subject of proving were missing, while the reasons that were given remained unclear, while the factual situation remained incompletely established”.

If I’m reading that right, the Court of Appeals wasn’t satisfied by the evidence presented against Krstic and his accomplices.

That same evidence has seen Krstic indicted in both Texas and New York.

It also served as the basis for the successful extradition of accomplice Antonije Stojilkovic in February.

Where the US’ extradition efforts go from here is unclear.

According to Kurir the Court of Appeals decision applies to all ten extradition requests, however

seven defendants from Nis are awaiting the final decision on extradition to the United States under house arrest, while three defendants are still in custody, namely the first defendants Kristijan Krstić, MP and BR.

“Final decision” suggests the Court of Appeals decision isn’t the end of extradition proceedings. Stay tuned…


Update 3rd April 2021 – No word on Krstic’s extradition but US authorities are pressing ahead with a scheduled July 12th trial.


Update 23 April 2021 – The Belgrade High Court has once again approved extradition of Krstic and his accomplices.

The matter is again under appeal with a decision on the High Court’s decision pending.