OneCoin @ BehindMLM

OneCoin’s bungled US trademark application

As first uncovered by BehindMLM reader OzDelphi, on the 16th of April 2015 One Network Services Ltd. filed a US trademark application for “onecoin”. One Network Services Ltd., believed to be OneCoin’s parent company, sought to trademark the OneCoin name ‘without claim to any particular font, style, size, or color‘. Irina Dilkinska was the name [Continue reading…]

OneCoin warning issued by Austrian Consumer Protection

Accompanied by a visual representation of a thief stealing money, yesterday saw Austria’s Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection issue a warning against OneCoin.

Reddit reacts to “bullshit scam” OneCoin

The Reddit Bitcoin subreddit has 173,813 subscribers. It’s a hub of activity for all things bitcoin, with ten or more topics published every hour. Up for discussion is of course bitcoin, along with the technology behind it. /r/bitcoin is a subreddit devoted to new information and discussion about Bitcoin and its ecosystem. What I’m getting [Continue reading…]

Swedish police launch preliminary OneCoin investigation

In late January news broke that the Swedish Gaming Board had finished their investigation into OneCoin. The regulator found OneCoin to be ““a chain letter game or similar”, and promptly reported the scheme to police. Upon consideration of the Gaming Board’s findings these last two months, now news that Swedish police have launched a preliminary investigation [Continue reading…]

OneCoin Mastercard merchant part of a drug gang

A few days ago we reported on OneCoin’s abrupt suspension of Mastercard processing and card loading. In effect, cards issued to OneCoin affiliates are currently useless “until further notice”. Seemingly out of the blue, the suspension raised a few eyebrows and prompted further research. That research lead to a copy of OneCoin’s Mastercard service agreement. [Continue reading…]

OneCoin suspend Mastercard approvals & withdrawals

Amid reports that OneCoin reopened their exchange after shutting it down for two weeks, now news that the company has suspended issued Mastercards. Typically used to promote OneCoin on social media and YouTube, the cards had briefly allowed OneCoin affiliates to transfer commissions onto them and then spend the funds. A message issued by OneCoin [Continue reading…]

Ignatova laundering OneCoin funds through mother

Following a decision by Finnish authorities to “monitor” OneCoin’s scamming of victims, as opposed to doing their jobs, Finnish media have recently been reporting on the Ponzi scheme. Much of what we already knew was covered in a recent Finnish Broadcasting Company (Yle) article, however specifics about OneCoin’s laundering of funds was news to us.

OneCoin confirm UniverTeam buyout, victims lament losses

Earlier today OneCoin confirmed their acquisition of the UniverTeam pyramid scheme. BehindMLM first broke news of the acquisition back on the 5th of March. As per a OneCoin press-release issued a few hours ago;

Latvian regulator: OneCoin modeled on a pyramid scheme

Latvia’s Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC) is an autonomous public institution, which carries out the supervision of Latvian banks, credit unions, insurance companies and insurance brokerage companies, participants of financial instruments market, as well as private pension funds, payment institutions and electronic money institutions. Part of the FCMC’s duties see them engage in consumer protection, [Continue reading…]

Norwegian DSA warn against OneCoin pyramid scheme

Although not as large as its US counter-part, Norway’s Direct Selling Association (DSA) has 22 member companies. The organization claims that around 75% of Norway’s 88,000 MLM affiliates belong to one or more of their members. One of the stated objectives of the Norwegian DSA is to ‘protect consumers’ legitimate interests with respect to direct sales companies‘. [Continue reading…]