Holton Buggs & Robert Collazo consent to Traders Domain injunctions
The Traders Domain defendants Holton Buggs and Robert Collazo have consented to preliminary injunctions.
Buggs’ consent is of particular significance as, up until very recently, he was set to raise shameful arguments in court.
Buggs’ preliminary injunction consent motion was filed on January 15th and approved later the same day. Collazo’s consent motion was filed and approved on January 9th.
The granted preliminary injunctions extend the asset freeze implemented by the previously granted TRO. Buggs and Collazo are also required to fully cooperate with the court-appointed The Traders Domain Receiver.
Other orders from the court since BehindMLM’s last The Traders Domain update include:
- a motion for and court clerk’s entry of default against Traders Domain FX Ltd, Fredirick Teddy Joseph Safranko, William Negus-Romvari, Ares Global Ltd, Algo Capital LLC, Algo FX Capital Advisor LLC and Juan Herman on January 10th;
- denial of Robert Collazo’s motion to dismiss on January 14th;
- denial of Holton Buggs’ motion to dismiss on January 17th; and
- all defendants ordered to file an answer to the CFTC’s Complaint by February 7th
A preliminary injunction hearing for the remaining The Traders Domain defendants was held as scheduled on January 24th.
As per the case docket entry;
A preliminary injunction shall be issued against Defendants Frederick “Teddy” Joseph Safranko, David Williams Negus-Romvari, and Juan “JJ” Herman. A written order will follow.
That order is expected sometime next week. I’ll leave an update below to confirm.
This week, Buggs is taking some breaks from meetings with his lawyers to pitch his MLM coaching courses.
This would explain why suddenly his Facebook ads for MLM coaching have started up again …
When Eric Worre? He influence is big Traders Domain promotion and many lose a lot of money that go to people on list.
Eric Worre deep in Omega Pro and push heavy into latin community, hurting many peeoples. He take money in Omega Pro from consulting, have office in dubai with his name on door, he trading, get fee for bring new investors, backdoor promo of GoPro tie to join packs & new ranks.
I’d expect Worre’s name to pop up when the Receiver tackles net-winner clawbacks.
Nothing is certain when it comes to Receiverships though so we’ll just have to wait and see.
Wow! Holton’s Ibuumerang Diamond Rats deserting the sinking ship lol. Here’s a list of his Ibuumerang Diamonds that have left the company just within the last few months :-
Tommy Johnson….Diamond Ambassador
Lindsay Johnson….Diamond Ambassador
David Hunt….Blue Diamond
Avinash Nagamah….Black Diamond
Julius Burrell….Diamond Ambassador
Kelly Haupu….Diamond Ambassador
Marianne Schutze….Diamond Ambassador
Desi Lipova….Black Diamond
Vasil Kraynov….Diamond Ambassador
Luis Ventura….Blue Diamond
Fernanda Vera….Blue Diamond
Ondrej Smejkal….Black Diamond
Michal Smejkal….Black Diamond
Altay Erol….Diamond Ambassador
Yep Holtons ship sinking. Lots of fleas in the network as some are fed jail now.
The education package they provided only has a few calls and a few videos. No education index or tools but proclamation the best forex and crypto and Mining Nodeing.
Yep all the mouth pieces promoting have gone to safer grounds. As Holton said he only knows people to promote and for them to belive.
He said he knows nothing about markets but he learnt of you tube following stock kid. Not any the in his Ellev8 about stock or options.
All these promoters is post their toys, clothes, houses.
Another high ranking Diamond Jake The Snake Parton announced his departure from Ibuumerang yesterday, so it’s only a matter of time before the whole company collapses I think. Holton Buggs is now all over Facebook touting his coaching program to train you of all things the ability to build your team and retain customers lol.
@gizmo. Lesson #1 is how to poach downlines
My apologies if this shouldn’t be posted here, as this is an article about the criminal Holton Buggs. But I mentioned one of his Diamonds Snake Partons departure from Ibuumerang the other day.
The very same day, he announced he was partnering with Alex Morton to make history joining a new company with no mention of who that company was.
Took me about 2 minutes to figure out that Company is Jifu lol. However, he’s pitching this Company as a new Company and he’s Pre-launching and everyone needs to get in early for the official launch in May.
My question is, Jifu have been around for years, so why a pre-launch and why wait until May to officially launch?
Is it because there’s a non compete cool off from leaving Ibuumerang? Or is it a case of buying time for he and Morton to get the minions in their downlines from the other Companies on board?
Alex Morton’s doing another Jeunesse-like side-quest?
And yeah, Jifu has been around since 2018, it’s not a new company.
I can understand people bailing from Buggs given his clear descent into crypto fraud over the last few years. I think the bigger question here might be why Morton’s not on board with Iyovia. Is the situation at what was IM Academy that bad?
was it jake partons voice on coffeezila. Reasearch 2022 john spencer aka jon spence and toni anoun.
This john spence forex educator from ELLEV8 HOLTONS main education guy ….interesting court papers to read ,, perhaps even good for a good fellows movie plot if you like watching flashy scum bags.
Jifu letting Hilton and Morton in, will accelerate the death of yet another Ponzi scheme. Traders domain people stick together.
Sad that the bad actors and the bad companies keep repeating. Check the fruit. Where is the company really based out of. Dubai is the safe haven for these non product companies.
I can confirm that Lipova, Schutze, and Erol joined iGenius
@ Oz and Gizmo
It Seems that Morton was launching Iyovia in December in Qatar. He was also part of an Iyovia event in Atlanta around the 20th of January.
So is Morton in Jifu or Iyovia? Surely they’re both not that desperate to have him front-run promo both companies?
I honestly don’t know if he joined Jifu since less than a month or if he’s doing both (the posts related to Iyovia are still on his Instagram) which seems very unlikely but who knows…
I’ve just seen he did indeed participated in a video from Danilo Delggado posted the 12th of February, youtu.be/Pbzuumzn3q0?feature=shared&t=2104 where he says “Jifu is the deal”.
I can confirm Alex Morton has left I markets live/IAM academy/IYOVIA ♂️ I guess all 3 burned.
Even Julian Kuschner is following like a puppy.
Julian has been in many bullshit deals from Wake up now to Wealth Gen and I markets live shindig now JIFU.
We all know JIFU stands for Joy In Fucking You. Just more overpriced MLM junk.
These travel clubs are all shit powered by third party’s like custom travel solutions ect. They just white label bullshit like the skincare and drinks.
Honestly I’m not surprised if holtons jumping on ship but like Everyone is saying it’s just a matter of time before they burn these ships too.
None of these people have built legitimate businesses in the traditional business world quite frankly I don’t even know if they know how to do anything but scam via pyramid schemes, and selling people a dream like the hope dealers they are dealing out hope to all these broke folk.
Julian out there posting pictures in front of a private jet and a Ferrari just to bait people into the new deal.
Nothing new from these people get luxurious things post them online and beat people into their scams so they can get paid to pay for these luxurious stupid things.
One thing I learned wealth is silent and brokefolk are loud.
Ex Ibuumerang Blue Diamond Jake Partons latest post. Not sure why he keeps saying it’s a Brand New Company as he’s joined Jifu.
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