MMB60 Review: Network Marketing VT rebooted
The Mind Money Body 60 website domain (“”) was registered on the 3rd of March 2013 and lists a “Matthew Spurlock” as the owner.
A mailing address is provided in the US state of Alabama. No corporate address is provided on the Mind Money Body 60 (MMB60) website, with the company requesting visitors only contact them by “phone or E-Mail”.
Despite Matthew Spurlock being listed as the owner of MMB60 website domain, Jason Spurlock is credited as the “owner and founder” of the company on its website.
The email address provided with Matthew Spurlock’s name on the MMB60 domain registration has been used in the past by Jason Spurlock (photo right), so I’m not too sure what’s going on there.
In any case, Jason Spurlock’s past MLM ventures include the founding of Network Marketing VT back in January 2011. Jason Spurlock was credited as the CEO of Network Marketing VT, with Matthew Spurlock’s name again appearing on the company’s domain registration.
Network Marketing VT was a recruitment driven income opportunity, with affiliates selling $98 memberships to the company itself. 100% commissions were paid out, with each affiliate having to pass up their first three membership sales to the affiliate that recruited them.
After just over two years of operation Network Marketing VT crashed in January 2013, with the company failing to pay its affiliates from around September 2012.
In late January Spurlock officially pulled the plug on Network Marketing VT, blaming affiliates for spreading ‘negative emotions in the social networking space based on wrongful assumptions that they were never paid fairly‘.
Now, three months later, Spurlock is back with MMB60.
Read on for a full review of the MMB60 MLM business opportunity.
The MMB60 Product Line
MMB60 has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market membership to the company itself.
Bundled with MMB60 affiliate membership is access to
a ” Performance Coaching Wake Up Call”, organic recipes, workout routines, lead generation & marketing webinars, expert marketer interviews, our live Fast Start Training, Daily Method of Operation worksheets, a complete PLR marketing library, and so much more.
A “Core MasterMind” and “Transformation Live Event” are mentioned in the company’s compensation plan material, however I was unable to find any further information on costs or specifics.
The MMB60 Compensation Plan
MMB60 claim their compensation plan is ‘designed for earning a six-figure income very quickly, even if you have zero experience‘ and revolves around the recruitment of new MMB60 affiliates.
MMB60 run what they call a “reverse 3-up” compensation plan. Affiliates sell $98 memberships to MMB60, passing up their 2nd, 4th and 6th membership sale commission ($98) to their sponsor.
In turn, recruited affiliates must also pass up their 2nd, 4th and 6th membership sales to the affiliate that recruited them.
MMB60 affiliates keep 100% of the membership fees paid on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th and ever membership sale made thereafter.
Presumably the Core MasterMind and Transformation Live Events will add an additional two tiers of commissions, using the same reverse 3-up compensation structure as the basic affiliate membership.
Joining MMB60
Affiliate membership to MMB60 is $98 a month.
The MMB60 compensation plan material also mentions “a small administrative and hosting fee”, however no further information or specifics are provided.
In order to analyse MMB60 it’s important to understand why Network Marketing VT crashed. Quite simply, those in opportunity ran out of new affiliates to recruit.
When the company stopped paying, affiliates complained publicly only hampering said recruitment efforts, with Spurlock deciding to pull the plug.
MMB60 follows a similar recruitment driven business model, spacing out the required pass up sales as opposed to making them the first three.
The problem?
Once again the business model is recruitment dependant and sooner or later those new recruits are going to dry up.
When that happens those at the bottom stop paying their $98 a month affiliate fees, meaning those above them stop getting payments. They too then stop paying their fees and before you know it we’ve got Spurlock publishing another announcement on Facebook blaming his affiliates.
In addition to the pyramid scheme like nature of the company, there’s also the issue of 100% commissions on company membership. MMB60 quite clearly state in their refund policy that
THERE ARE NO REFUNDS AND THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES All product purchases and memberships are non-refundable. All sales are final.
We never handle any money from any product or membership purchases. 100% of all product transactions are paid instantly and directly to the referring affiliate (the ‘sponsor’) the moment the sale is made.
The company never even touches your money because of our exclusive member-to-member payment system.
No refunds is a red flag in itself, but far more concerning is the issue that mechanically MMB60 simply shuffles new affiliate money to existing affiliates. Nothing is being bought or sold as affiliates pay money to eachother directly (otherwise known as cash gifting).
With no money being paid to MMB60, the company cannot claim to actually sell anything, which when coupled with no retail offering pretty much spells out what MMB60 effectively is all about.
Network Marketing VT lasted just under two years. With the bad taste it evidently left in its affiliate’s mouths I suspect Spurlock’s attempt to reboot the business will last even half as long as that.
In other words, MMB60 is just NMVT + “body tips”.
Phooey. The Aussie X-up plans, as explained by Len Clements, is some of the WORST comp plans possible in MLM, and is only used by the shadiest companies.
Isn’t this exactly what Empower Network is?
Empower don’t give you body and mind tips.
It just want to teach you to be a MENTAL badass, not a physical badass.
How is this not getting more attention Oz?
WARNING: Jason Sputlock stole money from his NMVT members just months ago. There are people that want vengenace. Jason has screwed everyone he’s been in business with. History has a funny way of repeating itself.
The noise on facebook warning people is crazy. It appears the most respected members of the industry are removing all association with Spurlock and his latest scam. The only known “leaders” to join this soon to be bad dream are Rick Crawford and Susann Crawford.
The Crawford’s have lost all credibility over the past few years. Instead they are now wide known as opportunity jumpers.
I had the misfortune of attending a meeting at their home. What a joke. They don’t have any furniture and their house is dirty covered in mess and animal piss.
Jason Spurlock is a thief and a silver tongued conman. Do your due diligence on this company. MMB60 is an illegal pyramid being run by a con man. Jason Spurlock closed down his old business network marketing vt and left countless nmvt members unpaid.
This is not going to last long before Spurlock runs away with a stack of cash leaving the members wondering what that burning feeling on their bum is.
Let me guess, Spurlock appears next here and claim that he never met either of you and you all must be liars working for a competitor?
I was asked by a couple of people to look at MMB60 at there website. Having been ripped off by con men (and women) in the past, and knowing that these people are pretty much ‘cut from the same cloth’ as Spurlock (who I didn’t know about at the time) I went in cautiously.
Any way as soon as I started reading and looking around his site, I could ‘smell’ con man written all over it. I of course went right to Behind MLM to check it out.
I was correct and thanks to you guys I didn’t (but might have been talked into) make a costly mistake. I sent them an Email with this information, not that it will do a lot of good I don’t think.
Thank you again for the helpful info, and sorry that I had to learn from your mistakes.
I am amazed by, what I call A weak Spirit some people display and how can you put any truth in anything you say Mr. Jones? How can we put any faith in someone who flat out lies and won’t even use your real name?
One year ago I burried my father who served our country for our freedom. He always said “son you have one name and one name only so don’t tarnish it.”
So, to post such a load of crap and with all my suspicions, you, Mr Jones lol, I believe you served our country and now are dishonoring yourself and your country. Out and Out lies… Shame on you.
Here is what I will offer you Jones- have coffee @ my house and we will walk through our house and we will video it for eveyone to judge you.
Let the public decide on your B.S. or I can help you and would love to see you have a better life and just maybe you could help and not try to hurt people for no good reason. Be the change.
So I guess the allegations of “opportunity jumper” is completely baseless? What will we find when we Google ™ your name and your wife’s?
So if I put Google’s name behind it would it make the charges “more serious”, since you refuse to accept statements from apparently anonymous individuals?
K. Chang. I fully admit that I have been a part of more than one company. I’ve always changed companies when associates are being harmed or taken advantage of and even then only after we worked for months to make things better.
Just like people have jobs with more than one company or date more than one person prior to marrying. I was simply stating if its the truth then why hide behind a fictitious name especially when totally making lies up.
Never disputed we had been with more than one opportunity.
However on that note when a company merges into something completely different than what you signed up for I don’t think those instances can be counted as “jumping”.
Excellent spin control. Next question… You said:
What does that say about your ability to pick the right company to join?
I can see once you get to the top that you may go onto “bigger and better offers”, but if you keep on picking losers that harm your downlines, do you blame yourself for picking the losers, the lame leaders who tricked you and them, the entire industry, or you simply move on?
What have you learned during multiple companies on what to pick and what to avoid?
I’m really glad I found this site. I was just about to join and then stumbled across this page whilst doing due diligence. After seeing the name discrepancy listed here on this site , I researched the founder and it was not pretty.
I searched for Jason Spurlock, Matthew Spurlock and also Matthew Jason Spurlock. I’m shocked to see how many times Matthew Jason Spurlock and Matthew J Spurlock has been arrested. There is no doubt if its the same guy. The guy in the mugshots are the same guy posted here and on the MMB60 website.
Needless to say, I’m going to pass on this and save my money and time.
I checked 3 of the mugshots. 2 of them had “No photo available”, the third one had a photo but I wasn’t able to identify who it was on that photo (it was from 2003 or 2006).
The arrests were mostly about “driving under influence” and behavior related to that, e.g. “terroristic threatening” and “disorderly conduct”. He also had “expired or missing KY registration plate”.
It’s him. Ive been searching and debating whether I should juimp in.
I was in NMVT and never got paid the money I was due. It was not much but it was my money. I was about to almost jump into this new deal. I should have lerned my leason the first time.
If it was not for this site, i would have done it again. I got screwed the first time and I was only going to join for the fast money. Im not making the same mistake twice times.
Jason Spurlock is a conman- a slick snake ready to pounce and manipulate his next victim. Take it or leave it, he can ne nice but all he wants and cares about is his well being, noone else’s.
How can you run a buisness claiming to help others when you can’t even help yourself. He’s a father who doesn’t see his child, he’s broke and lives off his grandparents. I witnessed first hand this man’s crazy.
He is pathological, he OS master mind at manipulation. Hes been accused of rape, he never finished med school and doesn’t have a medical degree. I wont post my name because I’ve been warned that he is aggressive when confronted. I know this personaly. And Im afraid of what he is capable of.
Don’t believe me? Ask his recent Girl Friend, Tiffany. I’m sure she knows more then she wants to about his scam of a buisness and who he portrayed to be, only to shock us all with the real Jason. It’s sad this man needs help, yet here he is saleing it.
I am taking a long shot right now but unfortunately my Sister in Law may have fallen prey to Jason/Matthew Spurlock and I/we are all very concerned.. I am hoping this reaches someone who can help us.
From what we know, he DID graduate from Med School.. Was Homeless but crawled out of the gutter and is now making 1.8 Million a MONTH. He’s a world traveler, etc..
We are all calling Bullshit and no better, but God Bless my Sister in Law, her heart is so much bigger than her mind when it comes into these type of things. Please, if anyone has any information on him, please please shoot me a reply.
This is a Beautiful woman who makes an amazing living, has a TON to offer and in my opinion, a perfect candidate to con..
He did not graduate from med school. He is a liar and preys on vulnerable woman.
You should fear for your sister in law. No one deserves to go through his web/game of lies and deceit.
He did not graduate from med school, he is a master manipulator and excels at recognizing women with big hearts and an ability to forgive. Tell your sister in law to stay away. I learned my lesson the hard way and am glad i finally have him out of my life.
The longer she spends with him the deeper she will fall into his web, you have every reason to be concerned. This thread exists for a reason, heed the warning.
It is a difficult decision for me to post in this thread, which I saw a few months ago, but I didn’t say anything because I thought somebody else would. I am so relieved to see the comments here, because I know now I am not the one who is crazy.
I am posting this now with one aim, to help anyone who reads this thread to know that 1) No you are NOT CRAZY and 2) all the crazy things you heard about him are not crazy, they are true.
Jason Spurlock is now living in Siem Reap in Cambodia. This is at least his third trip here in the past couple of years. I do not know how long he has been here or how long he plans to stay here this time.
To anyone from Cambodia who has just met him, or who stumbled on this thread because you’re doing your research, PLEASE BE VERY CAREFUL. The last three commenters said it right, he is a master manipulator and liar.
He is so good, that he would even tell you about this website and then tell you how he has changed and needs help to be a good person or whatever.
So once again, anybody from Cambodia or Siem Reap who wants to do business with him, or even worse, if you are a lady who thinks you are in love with him. Please be very very careful with him.
Please tell what things he did. Don’t be afraid. I need to know. But only facts.
There are many glitches in this particular program. One of them is when new members are redirected from the original sponsor to the owner of the company (Jason Spurlock).
This has happened multiple times in my organization. When a prospect decides to become a paid member the commission go straight to the owner instead of the referring member.
I was assured that is was a mistake, a glitch and it will be fixed and commissions will be returned/paid to me, time and time again.
This was never fixed and I never got my commissions. Be very careful and do your homework if you are looking to join Morning Ignition. It is not what it seems to be.
Seems he won’t be causing problems any longer. He’s died in a motorcycle accident.
Spurlock’s Facebook seems to confirm it:
Wear helmets people… even in Thailand.
I met Jason in Thailand and did think there was something off about him, just couldn’t pinpoint.
I didn’t know he had a son, is this true? His death is still very tragical and very upsetting…
There’s a photo of Spurlock with a kid if you Google search. Not sure if that’s his son though, we don’t usually get into family life on here.
What did he do to his victims? Anybody more background information other than already provided? I’m still trying to piece everything together.
We covered two questionable schemes Spurlock was behind here, MMB60 and Network Marketing VT (cash gifting). Outside of that (people’s personal experiences) I can’t say.