Having just come off a weekend of being sick, I’m feeling a bit behind on the reviews. Caught up on the news yesterday and so today I wanted to get back into it.

First on the list was Make Wellness, a new MLM company revealed by Justin Prince last month.

I’d saved some notes and links in advance for when Make Wellness came up. Seeing as this was back in the first week of August, I was surprised to see Make Wellness’ website was still just a recruitment form.

Well OK then, how long is this supposed to go on for? October 31st, 2024? November 30th, 2024?!

It was around this point I realized Make Wellness’ prelaunch was a pyramid scheme.

Justin Prince’s Make Wellness marketing cites him as a “co-creator” of Modere. This tracks with Prince previously citing himself as an equity holder in Modere.

Prince’s relationship with Modere broke down through a series of lawsuits. Following his termination, Prince sued Modere and Modere sued Prince.

Unfortunately being state-level cases filed in Utah, I haven’t been able to track the cases beyond initial filings last October.

Prince did issue a video statement on June 24th, suggesting he was coming out ahead.

Certainly Make Wellness going into prelaunch further supports that.

Prince is joined in Make Wellness by co-founders Truman Hunt and Robert Finigan.

Truman Hunt made a name for himself in the MLM industry as Nu Skin’s CEO dating back to 2003.

Under Hunt’s leadership, NuSkin

Truman stood down as Nu Skin’s CEO in December 2016. He was cited as Utah’s highest paid CEO for the same year.

Robert Finigan is Modere’s former Chief Marketing Officer.

Make Wellness markets a range of nutritional supplements they claim contain “obscure peptides”.

Beyond that it Make Wellness’ offering sounds like your typical MLM range of supplements:

Pricing, retail and wholesale, is conspicuously absent.

If you’re curious about Make Wellness’ compensation plan, Erin Bies has a YouTube video up going over it.

BehindMLM will eventually have a full Make Wellness review up but this article is about their prelaunch.

Make Wellness’ prelaunch hit the public on or around August 1st, 2024.

It costs nothing to sign up and this is from the Pre-Enrollment Terms and Conditions”:

To maintain your account position, you acknowledge that you are required to make a personal purchase of MAKE Wellness products by October 31, 2024.

In the event you do not confirm your account position by making a product purchase by October 31, 2024, you will be free to re-register an account position with MAKE Wellness with whatever sponsor you choose.

You also acknowledge that you and your sponsor may choose to place your account under a different sponsor at any time before November 30, 2024.

It’s a bit vague but from that it appears Make Wellness’ prelaunch is set to drag on for another two to three months.

That’s problematic because Make Wellness prelaunch distributors “are required to make a personal purchase of MAKE Wellness products by October 31, 2024.”

This is pay to play, a strong indicator of a pyramid scheme in MLM. There is also no retail in Make Wellness, and I’m assuming the prelaunch mandatory purchases are commissionable.

One month of prelaunch with full retail pricing details? I might bring it up as a potential problem but OK. Three to four months of forced purchase recruitment with no retail commissions?

That’s a pyramid scheme. And don’t tell me after three to four months of pyramid recruitment, all of a sudden everyone in Make Wellness is going to focus on retail sales.

Presently there are 9600 members in Make Wellness’ official prelaunch private FaceBook group.

Till prelaunch is over, Make Wellness doesn’t have a single retail customer. I’m not sure exactly when Make Wellness’ prelaunch ends, but this prelaunch pyramid will certainly be a focal point in our full review.


Update 30th August 2024 – Likely in response to this article, Make Wellness has abandoned its mandatory purchase pay to play business model.

Instead, Make Wellness now financially penalizes affiliates who don’t purchase products when they sign up:

You do not need to make a purchase to become a MAKE Wellness Affiliate. Affiliates who finalize their account and pre-order the Founder’s Box starting October 14, 2024, will receive:

• Early access to MAKE Wellness products

• A commemorative Founder’s Box

• Five $20.00 shareable discounts

These Affiliates will also gain early access to start sharing MAKE Wellness with customers from November 1 – 15, 2024.

Affiliates who finalize their account but do not pre-order the Founder’s Box will be able to start sharing MAKE Wellness with customers beginning November 16, 2024.

Financially penalizing affiliates who don’t commit to a product purchase is still indicative of a pay-to-play pyramid scheme.