HyperFund @ BehindMLM

Satoshi Square Table Review: Sam Lee resurrects HyperFund

Satoshi Square Table operates in the MLM cryptocurrency niche. Satoshi Stable’s website domain (“satoshistable.com”), was privately registered on December 6th, 2024. Serial fraudster Sam Lee is cited as Satoshi Square Table’s CEO. Xue Samuel Lee is a wanted fugitive hiding in Dubai. With partner-in-crime Ryan Xu, Lee launched HyperCash, HyperCapital, HyperFund and Hyperverse – all Ponzi schemes in which [Continue reading…]

StableDAO’s Nicholas Hofgren banned for fraud in Guernsey

StableDAO board member Nicholas Hofgren, aka Nick Hofgren, has been banned from holding executive positions in Guernsey. Specifically and for a period of fourteen years, in November 2022 the Guernsey Financial Services Commission prohibited Hofgren

Sam Lee detained in Dubai on Interpol arrest warrant

Sam Lee, aka Xue Samuel Lee, has been detained at Dubai’s Al Aweer Central Prison. During his ongoing detainment, the SEC managed to serve Lee their civil HyperFund fraud lawsuit. As per November 5th filings from the SEC, Lee refused personal service at the prison but was considered served under US law.

StableDAO scammer begs for help to return to US

StableDAO Ponzi factory executive Garret Blakeslee is begging for help to leave Dubai and return the US.

We Are All Satoshi fraud warning from QC, Canada

We Are All Satoshi has received a securities fraud warning from Quebec’s Autorite des Marches Financiers (AMF). As per the AMF’s November 1st We Are All Satoshi warning;

Hyperverse securities fraud warning from BC, Canada

Hyperverse has received a securities fraud warning from the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC). As per the BCSC’s October 18th, 2024 warning;

We Are All Satoshi & Boomerang Trade fraud warnings from NZ

We Are All Satoshi and Boomerang Trade have received fraud warnings from New Zealand’s Financial Markets Authority (FMA). In two published August 7th warnings, the FMA warns that We Are All Satoshi and Boomerang Trade are

HyperFund’s Rodney Burton is a sovereign citizen nutjob

After stealing millions from consumers through cryptocurrency Ponzi schemes, and allegedly aware of federal investigations into him, HyperFund’s Rodney Burton believed he was above the law. As part of that process, Burton fell down a sovereign citizen rabbit hole. Upon his arrest at a Florida airport back in January, US authorities seized a “27-page packet [Continue reading…]

HyperFund scammer Rodney Burton denied release

HyperFund Ponzi promoter Rodney Burton was arrested en route to Dubai back in January. Since then Burton has been in custody pending the outcome of him criminal case. On June 16th, Burton filed a motion requesting a review of his detention. Burton’s motion was denied on July 9th.

Two HyperFund promoters arrested in Nepal

Two HyperFund promoters have been arrested in Nepal. The Central Investigation Bureau made two arrests over the past week; Nanu Ghumire (aka Kajal) of Laitpur earlier in the week, and Srikant Bhandari of Rukum on Wednesday.