Forcount’s Juan Tacuri sentenced to 20 years prison
Forcount’s Jan Tacuri has been sentenced to twenty years in prison.
At the conclusion of his sentence, Tacuri will additionally be subject to an additional year of supervised release.
Forcount was an MLM crypto Ponzi scheme launched in 2018.
Tacuri (right), a top promoter of the scam, and several co-conspirators were indicted in 2022.
Tacuri pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud back in June.
In addition to serving time in prison, Tacuri consented to forfeiture of $3.6 million and a five bedroom residential home in Florida – both tied to Tacuri’s Forcount scamming.
The SEC also filed fraud charges against Tacuri and three accomplices in December 2022. The SEC’s civil fraud case has been stayed pending the outcome of criminal proceedings.
Forcount was part of a larger $800 million Ponzi empire run by Francisley Valdevino Da Silva (aka Francis Silva, right).
During his run as an MLM crypto Ponzi admin, Silva referred to himself as the “Cryptocurrency Sheik” and “boss of the pyramid scammers”.
Silva was arrested in Brazil in 2022 around the time of his indictment. Since then there have been no updates on his status.
Forcount co-defendants, Antonia Hernandez (promoter) and Nestor Nunez (Boris CEO), have pled guilty. The pair are scheduled to be sentenced next month.
Update 28th February 2025 – A February 19th order sees Juan Tacuri additionally liable for $2.62 million in restitution.
The restitution order was added to Tacuri’s judgment on February 25th, 2025.
Seems like US judges are getting tougher on promoters of MLM Ponzis. Here we have 20 years for a promoter on a guilty plea.
Twelve years ago Paul Burks was sentenced to 14 years in prison for running a $939 MLM Ponzi after being found guilty at trial.
And we still have US resident/citizen clowns on YouTube and social media promoting MLM crypto Ponzis.
edit: I got the math wrong on 240 months (divided by 20 instead of 12 because reasons). Holy shit, 20 years for promoting an MLM crypto Ponzi.
Greed is a b*tch, ain’t it.
“Twenty years?! What are you in for dawg?”
“tHiS iS nOt FiNaNcIaL aDvIcE. i Am NoT yOuR fInAnCiAl AdViSor.”
Article updated to include Tacuri’s $2.6 million restitution order.