Eddie Alexandre will pay $213,639,133 in restitution to EminiFX victims.

The CFTC’s civil EminiFX case has also been reopened.

Final judgment was entered against Alexandre on July 25th. As previously reported, Alexandre was sentenced to 9 years in prison last month.

Alexandre’s restitution order brings EminiFX criminal proceedings to a close.

On July 20th the court ordered the CFTC’s civil EminiFX case be reopened. The case was stayed last September, pending the outcome of Alexandre’s criminal proceedings.

On July 28th the EminiFX Receiver filed a Status Report for the second quarter of 2023.

During Q2 2023, the Receivership

  • sold $20.3 million in recovered cryptocurrency (~700 BTC) and
  • earned $1.14 million in interest

As of the end of Q2 2023, the EminiFX Receivership is sitting on $153 million in cash.

Looking forward,

The Receiver expects to file a motion for approval of a user transaction verification and claims process in early August 2023

The Receiver and his team have already begun to create the infrastructure for the EminiFX User Portal.

As of August 10th, the above cited Motion for Approval has yet to be filed.