BitConnect @ BehindMLM

BitConnect investor “detained, threatened and interrogated by the FBI”

Things are getting serious for BitConnect’s top promoters, as “Crypto Clover” found out upon returning to the US. Crypto Clover (real name: Calen Powell), promoted BitConnect through his YouTube channel until it collapsed. How much money Powell stole from BitConnect victims is unclear. Powell refers to himself as a “crypto nomad”, having sold most of his assets [Continue reading…]

SEC investigation into BitConnect confirmed

Top BitConnect investor Craig Grant uploaded a YouTube video a few hours ago, in which he confirms an SEC investigation into the company is underway.

BitConnect cease and desist permanent in North Carolina

Following no response from BitConnect, a cease and desist issued against the company by North Carolina has been ordered permanent.

BitConnect lawsuits update, July 2018 (class-action mergers)

Over the last month we’ve covered the addition of YouTube as a defendant in the BitConnect class-action filed in Florida. Here’s our July update on the other BitConnect cases filed across the US.

YouTube added to defendants in BitConnect fraud class-action

A third amended complaint has seen YouTube added as a defendant in the ongoing BitConnect fraud class-action.

BitConnect FBI investigation update, Director’s wife missing

BehindMLM first reported on an FBI investigation into BitConnect back in March, following confirmation from top-investor Trevon James. Following the disappearance of BitConnect Director John Bigatton’s wife, authorities have confirmed the FBI investigation is ongoing.

BitConnect lawsuits update, June 2018

As it stands there are currently five active lawsuits filed against BitConnect and top investor defendants in the US. Here’s an update on their current status as of June 16th, 2018.

Singapore govt refers to OneCoin & BitConnect as Ponzi pyramids

In a May 25th press-release addressing digital tokens, the Singapore government has singled out OneCoin and BitConnect as Ponzi pyramid schemes.

BitConnect tied to Indian demonetization, three owners on the run

It appears BitConnect, a Ponzi scheme with losses potentially running into the billions, was launched to skirt newly introduced demonetization law in India.

Kidnapping and extortion escapades in India reveal BitConnect owner?

A builder in India has been arrested as part of a Rs. 1.5 billion bitcoin extortion bust ($22.7 million USD). Three months ago local builder Shailesh Bhatt had filed a complaint with the Gujurat Criminal Investigation Department. In his complaint Bhatt alleged extortion by the Amreli police. Amreli is a district in Saurashtra, Gujurat. Upon [Continue reading…]