ICO Ponzi promotion on YouTube leads to calls to Miami police & FBI
One of the larger channels still promoting ICO lending Ponzi schemes on YouTube is “Team US Crypto Baller”.
Starting out with BitConnect, as many did, since the Ponzi scheme’s collapse the Team US Crypto Baller channel has been used to promote numerous ICO lending Ponzis, most of which have since collapsed.
It was recently revealed that the owner of the Team US Crypto Baller channel is Francesco Dilullo.
Prior to getting into Ponzi promotion on YouTube, Dilullo was the CEO of Holey Donuts.
Dilullo touted his experience as a professional donut chef. He even grew up in the back of his father’s donut shop and had run his online donut business successfully for over 10 years.
Holey Donuts launched in April 2014 and by May, 2015, had filed for bankruptcy.
After Holey Donuts, Dilullo rebranded himself as a psychic under the pseudonym “Delano”;
Update 3rd August 2021 – As at the time of this update Dilullo has deleted his Delano psychic video.
As such I’ve removed the previously accessible YouTube link. /end update
In 2017 Dilullo reinvented himself again, this time as a cryptocurrency trading expert.
It’s no secret that interest in ICO lending Ponzi schemes has dramatically declined since BitConnect and DavorCoin collapsed.
Despite this, Dilullo maintains on his YouTube channel that he made and continues to make a ton of money off them.
It is believed this is largely not through the investments themselves, but rather through referral commissions and selling acquired points during an initial pump.
Those initial pumps have been getting smaller and smaller though, putting pressure on YouTube ICO lending Ponzi promoters like Dilullo.
Unfortunately for his family, Dilullo’s promotion of Ponzi schemes has now caught up with him.
In the interest of privacy I won’t go into specifics, save what has already been made public by Dilullo and (allegedly) the mother of his son.
Dilullo has been involved in a paternity dispute with his former partner since 2015.
The specifics aren’t important, up until March 2nd, wherein Dilullo’s former partner filed an “Urgent Motion to Suspend All Father’s Time Sharing”.
A March 1st exhibit in the case is titled “Letter: Stating for the past year Mr. Duliullo [sic] has been promting [sic] himself…”
This exhibit is believed to be in reference to Dilullo’s running of the Team US Crypto Baller YouTube channel and the promotion of Ponzi schemes.
In response to his former partner’s filing, Dilullo filed his own “urgent motion”.
In the motion Dilullo seeks an injunction to prevent his former partner from divulging his personal information. Dilullo also requests his former partner be subject to a psychiatric evaluation.
In his filing, Dilullo states his former partner
falsely accuses (him) of being involved in a cryptocurrency start-up business, that has scammed people out of millions of dollars.
I believe the business referenced is the collapsed ICO lending Ponzi Ribbon Coin.
Other than actively promoting RibbonCoin on his YouTube channel, to what other extent Dilullo may or may not have been involved in the Ponzi scheme is unknown.
What I can tell you is that last year, the Chapter 7 Trustee appointed in the Holey Donuts bankruptcy case, sued Dulillo for fraudulently selling hundreds of thousands of shares back to Holey Donuts.
The Chapter 7 Trustee alleges the shares were bought back when Dulillo and the investors who benefited knew or should of known Holey Donuts was insolvent.
This, the Chapter 7 Trustee alleges, saw Dilullo orchestrate a Ponzi scheme.
Dulillo (the Debtor) engaged in pervasive actual fraud, uncontrolled by the Non-Debtor Defendants, who had a responsibility to detect and stop the fraudulent conduct.
Throughout the period when HDHC was insolvent, Dulillo continued to solicit investors in HDHC.
Each of those solicitations involved representations by Dulillo that HDHC was solvent and thriving.
Each such representation was false, and Dulillo knew that each such representation was false when it was made.
Dulillo also used multiple sets of financial statements to conduct such solicitations.
The data in the financials was inconsistent for the same time periods and false, and Dulillo knew the data was false.
In essence, Dulillo was engaged in a Ponzi scheme, using sales to new investors to pay off, in whole or in part, old investors and himself.
If the Non-Debtor Defendants had complied with their fiduciary obligations to HDHC’s shareholders (and creditors), they would have been aware of the foregoing frauds and Ponzi scheme and should have stopped it.
Again, whether Dulillo was involved in the Ribbon Coin ICO lending Ponzi scheme (or any of the other ICO lending Ponzi schemes he promoted) is unknown.
Dulillo clearly however had an awareness of and familiarity with running Ponzi schemes.
The Chapter 7 Trustee’s case against Dulillo and the group of non-debtor investors is still playing out in court.
Getting back to recent events, Dilullo in his motion goes on to claim his former partner has “divulged his personal information”, which has purportedly resulted in him losing “a significant amount of money”.
Dilullo doesn’t clarify how his partner’s alleged conduct resulted in him allegedly losing money.
Of particular interest is paragraph 13 in the motion, which states;
In addition, the Mother, using her alias “Back Door Ghost Worm,” antagonized the other members in the chat room, and persuaded them to call the FBI and Miami Police Department, in order to get Father arrested, and begin an investigation.
Last week another Ponzi promoter on YouTube, Trevon James, confirmed the FBI are investigating BitConnect.
Whether the FBI has since made contact with or whether Dilullo is a person of interest in their investigation is unclear.
The extent Dilullo went to to insulate himself from potential regulatory investigations are made pretty clear in his filing.
It is important to note that the only people who know where (Dilullo) lives are his landlord, (Dilullo’s) counsel, (Dilullo’s) timesharing supervisor, and (his former partner).
In fact, (Dilullo) does not even receive mail at his home address.
The apartment is no under his name, and neither are the utilities.
This was done intentionally by (Dilullo) to protect his privacy.
In his YouTube videos, Dilullo falsely represented to viewers that he was based out of Canada.
How much money Dilullo has made from the promotion of various scams on YouTube and the number of his victims is unclear. In many of Dilullo’s YouTube videos he refers to working with “a team”.
Whether that team is the same group of investors the appointed Chapter 7 Trustee is suing for fraud is unclear.
What is clear from all of this though is that Dilullo’s ICO lending Ponzi scamming days are seemingly over.
With the ICO lending Ponzi niche all but dead, Dilullo is using recent disputes with his former partner as an excuse to abandon the Team US Crypto Baller channel.
The announcement was made in a YouTube video titled “ITS OVER MY LAST VIDEO-THANK YOU EVERYONE! PLEASE WATCH AND SHARE”, uploaded a few hours ago.
Perhaps it’s somewhat poetic that, after leading who knows how many gullible investors through a series of exit scams, “the oracle”, as Dilullo refers to himself, is now pulling one of his own.
Footnote: I am only stating this in the event people bring up what I’ve purposefully left out in the comments:
I’m aware of the allegations in Frank Dilullo’s motion. I’m also aware of the audio on YouTube in which Dilullo hurls abuse and makes all manner of threats, as well as the leaked nude photo.
There’s obviously a lot of animosity between the two parties involved and that’s something they need to work out for the sake of the child involved.
Dilullo’s family problems extend far beyond the fallout of a YouTube promoter possibly being a person of interest in the ongoing FBI investigation into BitConnect.
I have no intention of reporting on Dilullo’s family problems and I request readers respect the privacy of the parties involved, to the extent any discussion extends beyond Dilullo’s promotion of ICO lending Ponzi schemes and possible regulatory ramifications.
Update 25th March 2018 – In a case of the “oxymorons”, Frank Dilullo has renamed his channel the “Crypto Intelligence Report” and resumed uploading.
Update 30th July 2022 – Frank Dilullo is still on YouTube. He’s now using multiple channel names:
- Oracle Fast Money Trader – crypto trading grifting
- Oracle Crypto Trader – crypto trading grifting
- Oracle Crypto News Network – regurgitated crypto news
- Million Dollar Passive Crypto Income – promoting crypto Ponzis
- War on Wall St Fast Money Options – popular stocks spam channel
- Bitcoin Trader 5 Toddler Does T.A Oracle – abandoned trading channel featuring a child trader gimmick
- Crypto Conspiracy Network – abandoned crypto conspiracy theories channel
- Oracle Magic and Myth – “Here we discuss how to unleash your super powers”, abandoned channel
- Magic and Myth – “how to control the world”, abandoned channel
- Oracle Real Talk Unboxing – marketing attempt using unboxing video clickbait
All of Dillulo’s channels point to his trading consulting, which he flogs over Discord.
this reminds of me of sunil patel’s [traffic monsoon top scammer] child custody battle with his former wife.
his wife had also petitioned for sole custody alleging that patel was scamming people in fraud schemes.
so scammers beware, you could not only get in trouble with regulators, you could also lose your children and family.
well, hell hath no fury like a woman out for revenge or protecting her child.
i think ‘Back Door Ghost Worm’ alludes to a type of malware and his wife is creatively using this alias to demonstrate she can infiltrate his life and take control by exposing his scams online.
seems like a woman on a mission 😉
i guess ‘Delano the Psychic’ will have to unleash all of his supernatural powers against the ‘Back Door Ghost Worm’ to win this one.
^^sounds hollywoodian 🙂
I *just* added some additional information regarding Dilullo’s bankruptcy you might want to go back and read.
Combined with Dilullo’s ICO lending crypto scamming over the past year, I’m utterly bewildered as to how authorities have yet to step in.
whoa, that video is a lot of washing dirty linen in public.
regardless of his messy personal life, why does dilullo have to forsake his crypto baller channel and his career as a ‘youtube personality’ to protect his son?
..unless the crypto baller channel was for promotion of crypto scams and he was involved in criminal activity?
have to feel sorry for a kid who’s dad will use him as an excuse to wriggle out of a failing criminal enterprise. just shameful.
We should be used to that by now. Scoville has done it by imitating his mother and using the sympathy card with his son to raise cash for the legal fees as well as most recently Trevon and his kids.
At the end of the day if a con man or woman is willing to go that far to the point they bring their family into what is their fault you know they are the lowest kinds of scum.
Sometimes I feel like this site is one long soap opera and unlike soap operas it’s actually worth watching 😉
This man is really one sick individual. He really needs some mental health help. Whats that old saying… something about when you set out to deceive?
I just cant believe how many of his followers continued to believe that he formally worked on wall street.. But this guy really played it up… thought he was the wolf of wall street… even drove around in an uber trying to trick his followers into believing he was some big time baller!…w hen in actuality he is pond scum!
Another of his big scams was KNOXCOIN… thats when people really started catching onto him though… he tried to act like he was saving people from being scammed by warning them to pull their money out at last minute … full well knowing that they couldnt…
he really played his followers… I will never understand how people cant eventually catch on to creeps like him!
MLMers teach using your kids. The Amway diamonds I knew flaunted their kid saying they were showing her how to own her own business; and not waste time on college.
Truly disgusting people.
Oracle wanted to hire a dev team to build him icos with Sean Walters.
When Sean said no he got mad at him. He went on Fiverr and hired a person to make Knox and he promised the guy 50%.
When he saw frank didn’t pay anything back after the second round he threatened to expose him. So frank pulled the plug.
Loopx was a dev team member that left davor and teamed up with frank.
All the above will be coming out soon. The Proper authorities have been watching him.
What is crazy about the whole thing is all his followers, his “wolves”(sheep), STILL worship him.
What you said Ivan sounds very believable but there weren’t any rounds run in the Knox ICO. It was just deposits made to the platform that were lost.
Knox had the timer on there site it was the second the second hour the guy didn’t seee any money and if you listen to the video he made.
The guy said he was drunk out of his mind. Well go back and listen he was slurring.
A scam is s scam. Either way he pulled it at risk of getting exposed and paid the guy 50k out of the over $600,000 made over all.
Remember he stopped it st the last second after it was running and tried to act like he saved the day.
Hitstake same thing, except he locked people out of there btc wallets.
Ribboncoin was blamed on big international hackers that are mostly white hate to there own cause.
They wouldn’t waste time with ribbon. The SEC already has confirmed his involvement with Knox coin.
Cant wait to see all of this come out Ivan… this man really needs a stint in jail… he has made a career of scamming people and if not stopped he will continue…
It just totally blows my mind how these followers of him can not see right through him… or at least wake up a bit to the possibility that he doesnt care one bit for them… His only concern is making his own pocket fat.
This is a man who wasnt even showing his face! And these people throw hundreds and thousands at him! What is wrong with people!
Judas goats, brainwashed into believing they are wolves.
I thought it was interesting that Sean Walter’s name came up in all this.
I was a loyal follower of Sean up until he made one of his last video’s supporting the Oracle. The essence of Sean’s video was right, but the only way for someone to defend Oracle, is to condone what he was doing.
I can believe Sean would say NO to R&D work. But I would not swear to it in a court of law. This is where in a moment – you recall every word ever uttered from someone’s mouth – Sean’s in this case.
While he was straight forward with his intent, you have to ask were they teamed at the hip on many of these platforms…. Meaning the promoting, the exits….. who knows…
I totally respected Sean, until that video. It’s almost like, “Sean, you can say those things about any person on earth, any business process. EXCEPT when talking about this guy.”
We all know what he (Oracle) did, but Sean condoned it….. I never saw him the same, even with everything he had said, as aggressively as he said it.
This does not imply he had tons to do with Oracle, but if you look at all the platforms – a connection might can be drawn….
I was wondering if there is any updates on Dilullo’s case?
I’m one of the dummies who followed him into icos and lost a lot of my retirement. I see him promoting again on YouTube.
Still playing out in court.
Yeah, he still scams everyday with crytpo scams, his latest is put some money in his investment pool… but he changed his name to Man of Uncle, Crypto Coffee or something like that, he always changes names so this will be different in a month or so.
Oracle is a scammer who fleeces his folk about once a week with scams. Stay far away from this ass hat.
are you guys really sure about this oracle guy? i was about paying for his discord.
Sure that he promotes scams? Yup.
Frank Dilullo Oracle, still using his you tube channels to get people into ponzi scams. Which he discusses on his channels.
How is he able to do that he in violation of you tube rules? Breaking laws with ftc.
He even says he knows they are scams he investing in. Getting others to go in to these ponzi too. Very dishonest bad person do not trust.
hey guys,
this Oracle you’re talking about is doing private discord groups now for $1500 with (if you pay an extra $1500) a live 1 on 1 cosultation via his youtube channels!
In this discord group and consultation he consults, and calls for 1 minute chart trading on BTC and ETH.
I was thinking about joining the discord group until i found out who he really was. i dont trust it anymore.
also a mind-changing article about him (The Oracle) what made me question him:
if youre thinking about joining his discord for 1500 dollars. read the article first, then you can decide.
And lets not ignore the hundreds of comments under his videos who suspiciously speak exactly like him talking in the third person.
Those are obvioulsy bots, they even repeat themselves on differen videos.
if you guys have more info about the discord group and how it’s going now, please react below.
Funny in 2014 I met him and his wife in the hospital. She Just had a baby and I just have birth so we shared the same room.
His wife was nice but I always thought he was a conceited jerk. lol. My intuition was right all along.
I pray his ex is doing fine since she had another child from a previous relationship and felt he was her ticket to happiness.
I had almost forgotten about this scumbag. I’ll admit, I fell for two of his ICO ponzi schemes in 2017, LoopX and Knoxcoin.
It was during that time when I was new to crypto and decided to find some youtube channels to look for lucrative ICO’s to invest in.
After the exit scams, most of the scammed followers created our own discord channel to investigate the guy and turns out his wife was the one to release all his official info.
I didn’t realize it was possible to report the scumbag to Miami PD and FBI. Might just do that if it’s still possible.
This guys is pure scum he even has people glorify him now about him ordering sex dolls. He is a very sick person and need to be thrown in jail and have the key thrown away.
What he does is rip people off and only care about himself. He needs to go away he is a very bad actor in this crypto space.
I can’t believe Frank is still thriving off of scamming others and making millions doing it.
He promotes HYIPS and a day or 2 before they are suppose to pay out he has them closed.
I spoke to the dev that makes them for him and he’s another piece of work. He said he doesn’t care and that they’ve made over 8 million in crypto over the past year.
Now we know how’s he’s able to buy island, lambos and all his other toys.
He will get what’s coming to him because everyone he meets he ends up screwing. He will screw the wrong person one day and lose it all or end up in prison.
His discord course is a joke for 0.50 btc.
Please report him to all authorities you can cftc.gov, fbi, sec, irs you name it.
He thinks he rules the youtube space. He was promoting some lady ai bot that supposedly is an insider.
We all know Frank turns on everybody, he uses them and then he starts a fight to make himself feel justified about it.
If this suppose “insider” ever reads this I’m guessing by this time he’s turned on you.
He had 2 of my channels taken down and I pray for KARMA and the day you turn on your precious insider so he or she can see your true colors.
If your watching this do the right thing and give back everyone’s channels and delete that scum bags income stream. He’s using you and he told everyone to block you in his Green Enlightened room in discord.
He’s made millions off of his HYIP scams. Funny how 2-3 days before those HYIPS payout even they shut down. There is a recording out there where Stickasso recorded him admitting to using Russian developers to make ALL these sites.
They guy above is correct he’s made at least $8-10 million dollars and bitseven pays him 50k a month in commissions.
He needs to get shut down and reported fast if anyone has any information please call the FBI AND SEC in Miami Fl and report Antonio Francesco Dilullo to them.
I work for bitseven and he get paid more than $50,000 month from us at bitseven. Last month it was over 10 bitcoin at 15k each.
If he no fix problem with hyip scam reports we let him go soon.
We have better promoter now. He was good last 10 months he change now with money he make from us no work as hard. But is ok life move on.
I don’t understand why ppl would throw retirement savings into HYIPs. This page just sounds like a buch of sore losers.
I lost $ on the ICOs but I’m not gunna whine about it and I certainly won’t blame anyone but myself. Grow up, children!
You might get off on getting scammed. That’s cool, no judgment.
The majority of people however don’t enjoy losing money to scammers.
Why doesn’t anyone report him. I hate scammers he recently promoted neavar a Russian pharmaceutical company that pays insane results.
It paid me a week then I got my father involved we had 12k in that project then one day boom… it stopped paying out.
Because people keep investing in the Ponzi schemes Dilullo is pushing. And when they go tits up instead of reporting him they run around the internet asking “why doesn’t anyone report him?”
Wash, rinse, repeat. Sorry for your loss.
Frank is still scamming living in Miami. Call Sec office in Miami, if they get enough calls they will follow up with agents.
fyi, the oracle is still very active on YouTube. Yield Max TV is one of his channels. You can post and let me people know who the real oracle is.
I’m not sure what his plan is now with those channels on YouTube. time wol tell. Maybe he’s trying to get people to join discord and sell them Crypto.
Why does Dilullo sound drugged up in every video? His speech rhythm has really slowed down since BitConnect and the subsequent crypto scamming.
Must be depressing being middle-aged and wasting your life with random “shitcoin scam of the week” garbage.
You can schedule stuff on Youtube for SEVERAL MONTHS ahead. So having new content on Youtube, unless they’re live streams, doesn’t necessarily mean they are actually “active” on Youtube.
I’ve started delving into this individual and I was horrified with what I found. One of his many Youtube channels is called “vag hacker”.
There’s a video here where it shows what looks like him speaking in an incoherent and derogatory way to a woman – using the term “bitch” etc. Both of them imply that she is a sex worker.
See video here: youtube.com/watch?v=n-hGIKqvpgE&t
It’s awful.
Also here is a full list of all of the channels run by Dilullo. He has an absolute smorgasbord now – omaxcrypto.com/channels
Amusingly he runs a channel called “crypto conspiracy network” where he has a video entitled “getting AI head” and another called “EXPOSED AI ALIENS BLOCKCHIAN BITCOIN THE WOW SIGNAL”. This guy is a complete fruit loop.