dexcar-logoDexCar was a matrix cycler scheme launched in 2014.

You’re forgiven if you’ve never heard of it, I hadn’t either. Promotion for DexCar in English is non-existent.

Through a series of six 2×3 matrices, each requiring fourteen positions to be filled, DexCar affiliates recruited their way towards use of a car.

Each matrix position cost €390 EUR, with cars available starting with economical hatchbacks to Maserati and Porsche models after the sixth matrix tier.

DexCar affiliates also received cash bonuses (ROIs) when they cycled out of the six matrix cycler tiers.

As I understand it, DexCar provided the cars for use along with insurance, maintenance and tire changes. Everything else is paid by the qualifying affiliate.

The problem?

After two years and more than €10 million EUR spent, only 84 out of 23,000 DexCar affiliates received a car to drive.

Following an investigation, a fortnight ago Italian authorities moved in and shut the scheme down.

DexCar itself appears to be a German company that operates from a Swiss domain (“”).

A visit to the DexCar website today reveals a seizure notice:


A press-release issued by the Guardia di Finanza states DexCar was shut down as part of operation “Dream Car”.

In essence, the mechanism in place is nothing more than a pyramid scheme (better known as “ponzi scheme” or “chain letters”), where the gain of an individual member is derived by the direct or indirect recruitment of a number of participants which in turn pay predetermined amounts.

Guardia di Finanza are a division of Italy’s military police and are responsible for dealing with financial crime and smuggling.

The regulator claims DexCar’s business model

continues to operate as long as there are individuals at the base of the pyramid who pay entry fees, guaranteeing those who already joined advancement through (matrix) levels.

Entry of new (matrix) system allows subscribers to those who had already adhered to climb to a higher level and so on, from level to level.

Participants who are located at the base of the pyramid will recover their initial investment only if a large number of new participants (with their initial investment) join the scheme.

Brothers Marco and Fabio Gai are credited as the owners of DexCar. Italian media reports suggest the pair have been arrested.