Yolllo fails to provide company ownership or executive information on its website.

Yolllo’s primary website domain (“yolllo.com”), was first registered in August 2021. The registration was last updated on June 21st, 2022.

Yolllo also operates from “yolllobusiness.com”, a private registration also last updated on June 21st.

“Yolllo Corp” is listed as Yolllo’s primary website domain owner, through an address in Florida. The same address appears on Yolllo’s website.

The address in fact belongs to OHM Americas, an industrial power supply manufacturer.

Following the August 2021 registration of its website domains, Yolllo held a staged marketing event it represented took place in Florida on December 17th:

It was your typical Boris CEO production. A rented function room populated with actors.

This now “unofficial” branded launch flopped and by mid 2022 traffic to Yolllo’s websites was non-existent.

This prompted a “relaunch” in Dubai, held just this past weekend.

The man in the photo above is Pasha Kidman, cited as Yolllo’s CEO.

On his personal LinkedIn profile, Kidman claims he’s fluent in English and Russian. He speaks English with a minor eastern European accent.

In 2020 Kidman appeared as an extra for a Rolls Royce dealership promo video shot in Miami:

In 2021 Kidman appeared in “Investing in America“, a TV series aimed at encouraging domestic and foreign investment in the US.

Kidman was onboard as early as Yolllo’s December initial launch event in Miami:

Kidman is very much a Boris CEO but his deception goes beyond just being hired to play Yolllo’s CEO.

Possibly tied to his apparent knowledge of soliciting foreign investment in the US, Kidman is also behind a recently created Florida company tied to Yolllo:

I can’t verify anything but “HappinessUp LLC” as an obvious shell company screams money laundering.

So if Kidman is Yolllo’s fall guy, who’s actually behind the company?

Boris CEO companies are typically the work of Russian and Ukrainian scammers.

To that end Yolllo’s official FaceBook page is being managed from Turkey and Ukraine.

Yolllo’s connection to Turkey is Maxim Gorbachev:

Gorbachev cites himself as co-founder of Yolllo. Who he’s working with isn’t disclosed.

The screenshot above is from a Yolllo marketing video dated July 2022, depicting the opening of a “Yolllo office” in Alanya, Turkey. Gorbachev was present at the event but whether he’s based out of Turkey or not is unclear.

In any event, this explains Turkey showing up as an admin location on Yolllo’s FaceBook page.

Revisiting that address in Florida Yolllo uses, the one that belongs to Ohm Americas?

Maxim Gorbachev is also the founder and Chairman of OHM Americas.

Corporate records tie Gorbachev and Pasha Kidman together through Eagle Next Group LLC and United MG Holdings LLC, two additional Florida shell companies.

Another name we can pin to Yolllo is Tino Ludwig, cited as “Asia Director of Development”:

Ludwig, believed to be a German citizen, made a name for himself promoting the Omnia Tech Ponzi scheme:

Omnia Tech collapsed in 2018, resulting in the vast majority of Ludwig’s 100,000+ downline losing money. A crypto trading reboot was launched but it was short-lived (more losses).

As many MLM Ponzi promoters have done, Ludwig has fled to Dubai.

In addition to continuing to promote MLM Ponzi schemes, Ludwig also instructs other scammers on how to launch scams from Dubai:

Dubai is the MLM crime capital of the world.

BehindMLM’s guidelines for Dubai are:

  1. If someone lives in Dubai and approaches you about an MLM opportunity, they’re trying to scam you.
  2. If an MLM company is based out of or represents it has ties to Dubai, it’s a scam.

If you want to know specifically how this applies to Yolllo, read on for a full review.

Yolllo’s Products

With respect to its MLM opportunity, Yolllo has no retailable products or services.

Outside of that Yolllo represents it runs a “social platform”, on which users can “upload your art and transform it into NFT”.

Yolllo’s NFT platform can be accessed for free or on a recurring subscription:

  • 1 month – $9
  • 6 months – $49
  • 12 months – $89

Free members can’t create NFTs or sell them. I don’t think there’s a difference between the paid tiers.

I don’t want to waste my brain cells (or yours) by getting too much into it. As stated, Yolllo’s NFT platform has nothing to do with their MLM opportunity.

Yolllo’s Compensation Plan

Yolllo affiliates invest in Yolllo tokens on the expectation of being able to cash them in for more than they invested.

  • Light – invest $100 and receive 10,000 Yolllo tokens
  • Basic – invest $300 and receive 30,000 Yolllo tokens
  • Advanced – invest $1188 and receive 118,800 Yolllo tokens
  • VIP – invest $50,000 and receive 5,000,000 Yolllo tokens

Note that invested in Yolllo tokens are frozen for 365 days. This is done on the promise of a 240% ROI.

Attached to each of the above Yolllo investment packages are bonus tokens that must be unlocked through Yolllo Rating Marks (YRMs).

“Likes” on Yolllo’s social network are left through “Yolllo Rating Marks” (1 mark = 1 like).

Yolllo affiliates receive Yolllo Rating Marks (YRM) when they invest, which they must use to earn bonus tokens.

  • Light – invest $100 and receive 100 YRMs, use 1 YRM a day = 99 Yolllo tokens a day for 100 days (9900 tokents total)
  • Basic – invest $300 and receive 300 YRMs, use 3 YRMs a day = 297 Yolllo tokens a day for 100 days (29,700 tokens total)
  • Advanced – invest $1188 and receive 1200 YRMs, use 12 YRMs a day = 1188 Yolllo tokens a day for 100 days (118,800 tokens total)
  • Pro – invest $3000 and receive 2500 YRMs, use 30 YRMs a day = 2970 Yolllo tokens a day for 100 days (297,000 tokens total)
  • Expert – invest $10,000 and receive 10,000 YRMs, use 100 YRMs a day = 9,900 Yolllo tokens a day for 100 days (990,000 tokens total)
  • VIP – invest $50,000 and receive 50,000 YRMs, use 500 YRMs a day = 49,500 Yolllo tokens a day for 100 days (4,950,000 tokens total)

The specific ROI rate per YRM used is 99 Yolllo tokens. Yolllo affiliates are capped on what they receive daily, based on how much they’ve invested.

The MLM side of Yolllo pays on recruitment of new affiliate investors.

Yolllo Affiliate Ranks

There are eight ranks within Yolllo’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Affiliate – sign up as a Yolllo affiliate and invest at least once every 365 days
  2. Producer – recruit five affiliates who have each invested at least $300 (Basic tier or higher)
  3. Administrative Producer – personally recruit five Producers or higher
  4. GA Producer – personally recruit ten Producers or higher
  5. Line Producer – personally recruit five GA Producers or higher
  6. Prime Producer – personally recruit five Line Producers or higher
  7. Executive Producer – personally recruit five Prime Producers or higher
  8. VIP Producer – personally recruit five Executive Producers or higher

Referral Commissions

Yolllo pays a referral commissions down three levels of recruitment (unilevel):

Referral commission rates across these levels are determined by rank:

  • Affiliates earn 3% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) and 2.5% on levels 2 and 3
  • Producers earn 5% on level 1 and 2.5% on levels 2 and 3
  • Administrative Producers earn up to 12% on level 1 and 2.5% on levels 2 and 3
  • GA Producers earn up to 17% on level 1 and 2.5% on levels 2 and 3
  • Line Producers earn up to 22% on level 1 and 2.5% on levels 2 and 3
  • Prime Producers earn up to 27% on level 1 and 2.5% on levels 2 and 3
  • Executive Producers earn up to 28% on level 1 and 2.5% on levels 2 and 3
  • VIP Producers earn up to 29% on level 1 and 2.5% on levels 2 and 3

The “up to” commissions are a range tied to recruitment of Producers.

In the example above, you can see the referral commission range for Administrative Producer is 4% to 12%.

I’m unclear on why the Producer rate (5%) is higher than the starting Administrative rate (4%).

Matching Bonus

Yolllo pays a Matching Bonus to Administrative Producers and higher.

The Matching Bonus appears to be a 1% match on MLM commissions earned by same level or higher ranked unilevel team affiliates.

World Primacy Premium

Yolllo rewards Executive Producer and higher ranked affiliates with a share in 1% of company wide investment volume.

Joining Yolllo

Yolllo affiliate membership is tied to an initial $100 to $50,000 investment:

  • Light – $100
  • Basic – $300
  • Advanced – $1188
  • Pro – $3000
  • Expert – $10,000
  • VIP – $50,000

The more a Yolllo affiliate invests the higher their income potential.

Yolllo Conclusion

Yolllo is your typical MLM Ponzi token scheme.

Affiliates invest in Yolllo tokens and tokens are parked with the company for 365 days – on the promise of a 240% ROI – paid of course in Yolllo tokens.

Yolllo token is on CoinMarketCap but is untracked. It’s probably the usual x20 token setup – created in a few minutes at little to no cost.

To summarise Yolllo’s Ponzi business model, real money goes in when affiliates a recruited. Yolllo then issues tokens which costs it nothing, and allows affiliates to cash out as along as there’s enough new investment to cover withdrawals.

When that inevitably collapses, Yolllo does a runner and/or dumps the token on public exchanges.

The MLM side of the business financially incentivizes recruitment of new affiliate investors – without which Yolllo’s inevitable collapse happens sooner.

As to the whole NFT platform nonsense, it’s a solution without a problem. Not that it matters, Yolllo is just bandwagoning NFTs to push their Ponzi.

Tying daily returns to clicking a like button is busy-body work. It’s designed to create the illusion of a activity outside of Yolllo’s primary Ponzi business model.

I’d be surprised if someone hasn’t automated the process of having to leave hundreds of likes a day to receive the bonu ROI. Or if Yolllo itself doesn’t offer this functionality.

On the regulatory front, Maxim Gorbachev represents Yolllo is an “American corporation”:

In addition to targeting Asia through Tito Ludwig, Yolllo targets the US through Uri Kasparov:

On LinkedIn Kasparov (right) represents he is based out of New York.

Kasparov cites himself as a Jeunesse founder. He represents he got into MLM through Amway back in 1992.

More recently, Kasparov has reinvented himself as a crypto bro;

 I am also a “EndoTech” Crypto Investor & Connections Facilitator.

EndoTech are behind Daisy AI, a collapsed Ponzi scheme launched in 2020.

On FaceBook Kasparov represents he is based out of Florida. He also has ties to Dubai;

As per the Howey Test, Yolllo’s token investment scheme clearly constitutes a securities offering.

Offering and promotion of securities in the US requires registration with the SEC.

Neither Yolllo or anyone involved as an executive and/or promoting Yolllo is registered with the SEC.

This means that at a minimum Yolllo, an “American corporation”, is committing securities fraud. This further lends itself to Yolllo operating as a Ponzi scheme.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Yolllo of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind MLM Ponzi schemes guarantees the majority of investors lose money.

Russians hiding out in Dubai, Russians hiding out in Turkey, cryptocurrency, actors… you know how this ends.