BehindMLM initially reviewed Xcelerate back in October 2022.

Back then Xcelerate was a simple MLM opportunity, built around reselling Renssli Corp fuel tabs. In October 2023 we noted Xcelerate had transitioned to marketing white labelled supplements.

Following compensation plan changes, a reader wrote in requesting an updated Xcelerate review.

Today we’re revisiting Xcelerate to see what’s changed.

The Company

Xcelerate is based out of Florida and still headed up by founder and CEO, Dan Maltais.

Note that this is still not disclosed on Xcelerate’s website.

In addition to “Xcelerate”, the company also markets itself as “GrabTheTab” and “Go20X”.

Xcelerate’s Products

Xcelerate still markets Renssli fuel tabs and other auto products.

  • Fuel Tabs – “proven to increase fuel efficiency by lowering the temperature at which fuel burns resulting in less carbon, lower emissions, more power, better fuel economy, cleaner oil and an overall healthier engine”, retails at $24 a pack, $60 for three packs, $200 for 10 packs or $1800 for 200 packs (6 tabs in a pack)
  • TitanCLR Oil Additive (diesel and gasoline variants) – “will extend the life of your engine, extend the time between oil drain intervals, reduce engine noise, protects against friction, heat and wear and tear”, retails at $40 for an 8 oz bottle
  • HydroX – “omniphobic glass treatment repels water, ice, snow and road grime”, retails at $30 for a 28 ml bottle

Supplements now marketed by Xcelerate include:

  • Focus – “cognitive support”, retails at $60 for a pouch of 90 capsules
  • Bio3X – “ultimate gut health”, retails at $40 for a pouch of 60 capsules
  • Relax – “advanced sleep aid formula”, retails at $39 for a pouch of 60 capsules
  • modiFiber – “turn sugar into fiber”, retails at $69 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Collagen Plus – “collagen supplementation combined with vitamin C”, retails at $39.95 for a pouch of 41 servings
  • Lose It – weight loss supplement, retails at $24 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Magnesium Plus – magnesium supplement, retails at $19.95 for a bottle of 60 capsules
  • Coffee Super Go Joe – mushroom coffee with “MCT oil”, retails at $29.95 for a pouch

Xcelerate also has a line of “coming soon” essential oils.

Who manufactures Xcelerate’s white label supplement and essential oils isn’t disclosed.

Xcelerate charges retail customers $10 a month for access to wholesale pricing (member retail customers).

Retail customers who don’t pay $10 a month are charged the full retail price.

Xcelerate’s Compensation Plan

Xcelerate’s compensation plan combines retail order commissions with recruitment commissions.

Xcelerate Affiliate Ranks

There are six affiliate ranks within Xcelerate’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Affiliate – sign up as an Xcelerate affiliate for $20 a month
  2. Director – not disclosed
  3. Senior Director – not disclosed
  4. Executive Director – not disclosed
  5. Corporate Director – not disclosed
  6. Ambassador – not disclosed

Retail Commissions

Xcelerate pays retail commissions out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Xcelerate caps payable unilevel team levels at ten.

Retail commissions are paid as a percentage of the difference between the wholesale and retail cost of products ordered by retail customers.

How much of a percentage is paid out is determined by which level of the unilevel team a retail order was placed:

  • Affiliates earn 60% on level 1 (personally referred retail customers and recruited affiliates)
  • Directors earn 60% on level 1, 15% on level 2 and 10% on level 3
  • Senior Directors earn 60% on level 1, 15% on level 2, 10% on level 3 and 5% on level 4
  • Executive Directors earn 60% on level 1, 15% on level 2, 10% on level 3, 5% on level 4, 3% on level 5 and 2% on level 6
  • Corporate Directors earn 60% on level 1, 15% on level 2, 10% on level 3, 5% on level 4, 3% on level 5, 2% on levels 6 and 7 and 1% on level 8
  • Ambassadors earn 60% on level 1, 15% on level 2, 10% on level 3, 5% on level 4, 3% on level 5, 2% on levels 6 and 7 and 1% on levels 8 to 10

Recruitment Commissions

Xcelerate pays recruitment commissions on the $20 a newly recruited affiliate pays for their first month.

Xcelerate’s recruitment commissions are paid out via the same ten-level unilevel team as retail commissions (see “Retail Commissions” above).

  • Affiliates earn 50% on level 1 and 10% on level 2
  • Directors earn 50% on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on level 3
  • Senior Directors earn 50% on level 1, 10% on level 2 and 5% on levels 3 and 4
  • Executive Directors earn 50% on level 1, 10% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4, 3% on level 5 and 2% on level 6
  • Corporate Directors earn 50% on level 1, 10% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4, 3% on level 5, 2% on levels 6 and 7 and 1% on level 8
  • Ambassadors earn 50% on level 1, 10% on level 2, 5% on levels 3 and 4, 3% on level 5, 2% on levels 6 and 7 and 1% on levels 8 to 10

Residual Recruitment Commissions

Xcelerate pays a residual recruitment commission via a 3×10 matrix.

A 3×10 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each (nine positions).

Levels three to ten of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.

Residual recruitment commissions are paid as a percentage of the $20 a month fee recruited affiliates pay after their first month.

Specific residual recruitment commission percentages are determined by which level of the matrix a recruited affiliates pays their fee:

  • Affiliates earn 5% across levels 1 to 7 of the matrix
  • Directors and Senior Directors earn 5% across levels 1 to 8% of the matrix
  • Executive Directors and Corporate Directors earn 5% across levels 1 to 9 of the matrix
  • Ambassadors earn 5% across levels 1 to 10 of the matrix

Residual Recruitment Commissions Match

Xcelerate pays a match on residual recruitment commissions earned by downline affiliates.

The residual recruitment commissions match is paid down five levels deep across the unilevel team (for a unilevel team explanation, see “Retail Commissions” above).

  • Affiliates earn a 50% match on personally recruited affiliates
  • Directors earn a 50% match on personally recruited affiliates and 10% on level 2
  • Senior Directors earn a 50% match on personally recruited affiliates, 10% on level 2 and 3% on level 3
  • Executive Directors earn a 50% match on personally recruited affiliates, 10% on level 2, 5% on level 3 and 3% on level 4
  • Corporate Directors earn a 50% match on personally recruited affiliates, 10% on levels 2 and 3, 5% on level 4 and 3% on level 5
  • Ambassadors earn a 50% match on personally recruited affiliates, 10% on levels 2 and 3 and 5% on levels 4 and 5

Member Order Commissions

Xcelerate pays a 15% commission on products ordered by member retail customers and recruited affiliates.

This 15% is split using the same ten-level unilevel team as retail commissions (see “Retail Commissions” above).

  • 10% on level 1 (personally referred member retail customers and recruited affiliates)
  • 0.55% on levels 2 to 10

Joining Xcelerate

Xcelerate affiliate membership is $20 a month

Note there is a free Xcelerate affiliate option but this is separate to the MLM opportunity.

Xcelerate Conclusion

Xcelerate is yet another MLM company adopting the “charge money for wholesale pricing” model LiveGood started.

From a compliance perspective, Xcelerate’s legitimacy as an MLM company hinges on whether they have more retail customers paying for access to discounts over affiliates.

Specifically, a higher company-wide retail spend over what Xcelerate’s affiliates are paying each month (membership + order(s)).

LiveGood collapsing and constantly moving into new countries suggests insignificant retail sales. I’m not seeing why Xcelerate would be any different.

The Renssli products are still there, and now you’ve got a bunch of generic white label capsule products and essential oils.

Nothing wrong with Xcelerate’s product offering, it’s just not particularly compelling.

Personally I find the “charge money for wholesale pricing” model to be analogous to “a solution without a problem”.

The model is profitable if you’re OK running a pyramid scheme and running the risk of an FTC investigation. To that end it doesn’t matter what products you have. People are joining to pay a fee each month and get paid to recruit others who do the same.

Mandatory retail volume requirements at each rank would “fix” the model. As of yet though, we haven’t seen an MLM company using the model implement this (go figure).

On the topic of rank requirements, that they are conspicuously absent from Xcelerate’s official marketing presentations is a concern. Xcelerate also fails to provide consumers with compensation documentation on its website.

Along with there being no mention of Dan Mathias on Xcelerate’s website, these are all additional potential violations of the FTC Act.

Approach with caution.


Update 4th May 2024 – On May 1st Xcelerate added a precious metals offering to its MLM opportunity.

As per the marketing slide above, Xcelerate affiliates pay $5 annually plus $10 a month to join. This provides access to various precious metal products.

Access fees generate commissions within Xcelerate. This is important to note because these commissions are generated with no actual product being sold.

As far as MLM due-diligence goes, charging a fee to access products and paying commissions on those fees would constitute a pyramid scheme. This is due to nothing being marketed or sold to retail customers in the process.