Back in September Seacret Direct, formerly a personal care MLM company, rebranded itself as Viago and Club Viago.

Seacret Direct’s former website now redirects to a Viago branded website. Somewhat confusingly, there’s also a separate Club Viago website set up to market the same company.

To keep things simple I’m going to refer to Viago as the MLM company and Club Viago as the product service offering.

On either website, Viago fails to provide consumers with company ownership or executive information.

All you can do on both of Viago’s websites is sign up as an affiliate and/or Club Viago member (the Club Viago redirects to the Viago website if enrollment is initiated).

Seacret Direct was founded in 2011 by co-founders Izhak Ben Shabat (CEO, right) and Mody Ben Shabat.

Prior to the Viago rebrand, Seacret Direct listed its co-founders as Izhak Ben Shabat and Dani Solomon.

Viago does not provide a corporate address on either of its websites. Opening hours however appear to be based on Arizona time.

Of note is shortly after the rebrand, Viago announced a merger with Stemtech in November 2024.

Stemtech was an MLM company that sold stem cell nutritional supplements. Following bankruptcy in 2017, Stemtech went on to generate millions in losses annually.

While they didn’t acquire a profitable business, what Viago did get from Stemtech was a public listing. Stemtech is/was publicly listed through a 2021 merger with Globe Net Wireless, a failed Chinese telco and app development company.

At time of publication Stemtech maintains its own independent website and executive management team.

Read on for a full review of Viago’s MLM opportunity.

Viago’s Products

Viago fails to list any retailable products or services on its primary website.

On Club Viago a travel booking platform is marketed.

Adventures await… not just in far away destinations. Whether you’re looking to amplify your vacation escape or your next night out, we’ve got you covered. Are you ready? Let’s go!

Club Viago also additionally provides access to an entertainment booking platform, “premier product marketplace” and telemedicine and healthcare services.

Club Viago membership access via monthly subscription:

  • Club Viago Monthly – $99 a month (25 Viago Points a month)
  • Club Viago Plus – $149 a month (100 Viago Points a month)
  • Club Viago 6 Month – $799 for six-months (a “GetAway Trip for Two”, a “Getaway activation” and 100 Viago Points a month)
  • Club Viago Standard Pack – $199 and then $99 a month (300 Viago Points first month and then 100 Viago Points a month)
  • Viago Launch Pack (aka Viago Plus Pack) – $450 and then $99 a month (“annual loyalty trip”, 600 Viago points first month and then 100 Viago Points a month)

As per Club Viago’s website;

Loyalty earns you annual vacation vouchers, deep discounts on already reduced pricing to save even more, with points worth $1 each in discount value across select products and select travel experiences.

Note that “Getaway Trips” and “Getaway Activation” aren’t defined on Viago’s website or in its compensation documentation. Presumably however they are some sort of incentive trip, offered through Viago’s undisclosed travel partner(s).

Viago’s Compensation Plan

Viago’s compensation plan pays on the sale of Viago Club memberships to retail customers and recruited affiliates.

Viago Affiliate Ranks

There are eleven affiliate ranks within Viago’s compensation plan:

  1. Affiliate – sign up as a Viago affiliate
  2. Bronze – refer/recruit and maintain five Club Viago subscribed members on both sides of the binary team
  3. Silver – refer/recruit and maintain ten Club Viago subscribed members on both sides of the binary team
  4. Gold – refer/recruit and maintain twenty-five Club Viago subscribed members on both sides of the binary team
  5. Sapphire – refer/recruit and maintain fifty Club Viago subscribed members on both sides of the binary team
  6. Emerald – refer/recruit and maintain one hundred Club Viago subscribed members on both sides of the binary team
  7. Diamond – refer/recruit and maintain two hundred and fifty Club Viago subscribed members on both sides of the binary team
  8. Blue Diamond – refer/recruit and maintain five hundred Club Viago subscribed members on both sides of the binary team
  9. Red Diamond – refer/recruit and maintain one thousand Club Viago subscribed members on both sides of the binary team
  10. Purple Diamond – refer/recruit and maintain two thousand Club Viago subscribed members on both sides of the binary team
  11. Black Diamond – refer/recruit and maintain five thousand Club Viago subscribed members on both sides of the binary team

Note that from Sapphire, no more than 50% of required memberships can come from any one unilevel team (recruitment) leg.

MLM Commission Qualification

Viago affiliates must be “active” and “qualified” to earn MLM commissions.

Neither term is defined in Viago’s compensation documentation.

Membership Fee Waiver

Viago waives an affiliate’s $99 a month Club Viago membership fee if they have six referred/recruited Club Viago retail customers/recruited affiliates under them.

Referral/Recruitment Commissions

Viago affiliates earn a commission per Club Viago membership sold to retail customers:

  • sell a Club Viago Standard membership and receive $20
  • sell a Club Viago Plus membership and receive $30
  • sell a Club Viago Standard Pack and receive $50
  • sell a Viago Launch Pack and receive $100

Sapphire Bonus

Sapphire and higher ranked Viago affiliates earn a bonus on Club Viago Standard Pack and Viago Launch Pack sales across their downline.

  • Club Viago Standard Pack sale = $25 Sapphire Bonus
  • Viago Launch Pack sale = $50 Sapphire Bonus

Note that the Sapphire Bonus is paid on activity in each unilevel team leg until another Sapphire or higher ranked affiliate is found in that leg.

Residual Commissions

Viago pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

Viago tracks residual commissions through points, generated on the purchase of “new enrollments, à la carte orders, and special kits”.

  • 50 to 99 GV order = 0.5 points
  • 100 to 149 GV order = 1 point
  • 150 to 199 GV order = 1.5 points
  • 200 to 249 GV order = 2 points
  • 250 to 299 GV order = 2.5 points
  • 300 to 349 GV order = 3 points
  • 350 to 399 GV order = 3.5 points
  • 400 to 449 GV order = 4 points
  • 450 to 499 GV order = 4.5 points

It’s unclear whether this point allocation continues beyond 4.5 points or is maxxed out, regardless of sales volume (GV) generated.

Also unclear is specific point allocation tied to Club Viago memberships. This information isn’t disclosed on Viago’s websites or in its compensation documentation.

Viago pays residual commissions as $50 per 5 points matched on both sides of the binary team.

Note that if 15 points or more are matched, the corresponding $50 residual commissions are doubled (effective $300 payout).

Also note that Viago caps residual commissions weekly based on rank:

  • Bronze ranked affiliates can earn up to $500 a week in residual commissions
  • Silver ranked affiliates can earn up to $600 a week in residual commissions
  • Gold ranked affiliates can earn up to $700 a week in residual commissions
  • Sapphire ranked affiliates can earn up to $1000 a week in residual commissions
  • Emerald ranked affiliates can earn up to $2000 a week in residual commissions
  • Diamond ranked affiliates can earn up to $3000 a week in residual commissions
  • Blue Diamond ranked affiliates can earn up to $5000 a week in residual commissions
  • Red Diamond ranked affiliates can earn up to $7500 a week in residual commissions
  • Purple Diamond ranked affiliates can earn up to $10,000 a week in residual commissions
  • Black Diamond ranked affiliates can earn up to $15,000 a week in residual commissions

Once paid out on points are flushed. Unmatched points carry over into the following week.

Squared Bonus

The Squared Bonus rewards Viago affiliates for generating “active Members” across their binary team.

Note again that Viago doesn’t define what “active” means in their compensation material.

  • generate 5 active Members on both  sides of the binary team and receive $50 a month
  • generate 10 active Members on both sides of the binary team and receive $200 a month
  • generate 25 active Members on both sides of the binary team and receive $500 a month
  • generate 50 active Members on both sides of the binary team and receive $1000 a month
  • generate 100 active Members on both sides of the binary team and receive $2000 a month
  • generate 250 active Members on both sides of the binary team and receive $5000 a month
  • generate 500 active Members on both sides of the binary team and receive $10,000 a month
  • generate 1000 active Members on both sides of the binary team and receive $20,000 a month
  • generate 2000 active Members on both sides of the binary team and receive $36,000 a month
  • generate 5000 active Members on both sides of the binary team and receive $85,000 a month

Check Match Bonus

Sapphire and higher ranked Viago affiliates earn a Check Match Bonus.

The Check Match Bonus is paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

The Check Match Bonus is paid on earnings of up to six Gold or higher ranked affiliates per unilevel team leg:

  • Sapphire ranked affiliates earn a 20% match on one Gold or higher ranked affiliate per unilevel team leg
  • Emerald ranked affiliates earn a 20% match on the first Gold or higher ranked affiliate per unilevel team leg and 10% on the second
  • Diamond ranked affiliates earn a 20% match on the first Gold or higher ranked affiliate per unilevel team leg and 10% on the second and third
  • Blue Diamond ranked affiliates earn a 20% match on the first Gold or higher ranked affiliate per unilevel team leg and 10% on the second to fourth
  • Red Diamond ranked affiliates earn a 20% match on the first Gold or higher ranked affiliate per unilevel team leg, 10% on the second to fourth and 5% on the fifth
  • Purple Diamond and higher ranked affiliates earn a 20% match on the first Gold or higher ranked affiliate per unilevel team leg, 10% on the second to fourth and 5% on the fifth and sixth

Joining Viago

Viago affiliate membership is $49 for the first year and then $99 annually.

Viago Conclusion

With Seacret Direct being launched thirteen years ago, there is simply no excuse for the horrendously poor experience Viago offers consumers.

The cynic in me believes this reflects Viago’s underlying focus on recruitment.

Seacret Direct’s departure from its founding “dead sea salts personal care” product range began with its failed WorldVentures acquisition in 2020.

WorldVentures, a collapsed pyramid scheme that filed for bankruptcy later that same year, combined a discount travel with pyramid recruitment.

WorldVentures retail membership sales were possible, but were laughably negligible compared to recruited affiliates who held active memberships.

After the WorldVentures acquisition fell through, Seacret Direct went on to launch its own discount travel booking platform.

“Club Seacret” was headed up by former WorldVentures President Eddie Head.

Today Head is the President of Viago, although you won’t find any mention of that on Viago’s websites. Viago failing to disclose ownership and executive information is a potential violation of the FTC Act.

In essence, Club Viago is a direct continuation of Club Seacret. Between the failed acquisition and pivot to travel anyway, it’s clear Seacret Direct is unable to sustain itself on personal care product sales alone.

Club Viago pushes the dead sea salts products well into the shadows, erasing what’s left of Seacret Direct’s founding identity. Evidently Izhak Shabat has decided discount travel is more lucrative – but why?

I believe the answer lies in what Club Viago has been trying to emulate since 2020 – the “success” of WorldVentures.

WorldVentures, at least initially, undoubtedly made a ton of money. The problem is it did so at the cost of the majority of its affiliate members.

Viago isn’t overtly a pyramid scheme. While it’s true Club Viago isn’t a requirement to maintain affiliate status, there’s a *winkwink, nudgenudge* question mark over the undefined “active” status.

Conspicuously being an active Viago affiliate isn’t defined in its compensation documentation or on Viago’s websites.

Nonetheless I suspect it ties into having one or more active Club Viago memberships under you. This can be your own Club Viago membership as an affiliate or a referred retail customer.

Without explicit retail membership requirements (which I can confirm there are none), this ambiguity leaves Viago’s compensation plan open to abuse.

That is, you sign up as a Viago affiliate, buy and maintain a Club Viago membership, and get paid to recruit others who do the same.

Like I said, it’s not overt but there are signs if you’re paying attention.

Refer and maintain six Club Viago members and you’re “totally not required but just in case you have one anyway” Club Viago membership fees are waived.

Are those six Club Viago members going to be affiliates or retail customer members?

Matt Morris, a former WorldVentures pyramid promoter, cites himself as a Viago Red Diamond ranked promoter.

In a Viago “compensation plan overview” video published a week ago to YouTube, Morris states;

[8:42] Please know that you do not need to understand how everything works in order to get paid.

The most important question you should be asking is, “What do I actually need to do in order to maximize the compensation plan and start advancing through the ranks?”

Now the biggest challenge is not over complicating it. Keep things simple.

Set a goal of getting your six and getting your fees waived, and then help others do the exact same thing. Simple as that.

Retail Club Viago members can’t participate in the compensation plan. So the inference here is “the first thing you need to do is go out and recruit six affiliates with a Club Viago membership”.

Morris goes on to emphatically clarify that he’s talking about a “business building system” that relies on “enrollment”.

In other words, the foundation of the same pyramid fraud that was going on within WorldVentures.

The sad thing here is Izhak Shabat had a front-row seat to WorldVentures’ inevitable demise. Shabat knows exactly how recruitment-driven pyramid schemes end and the damage to consumers they cause.

As a prospective Viago affiliate, what you want to ask your potential upline is firstly how many active Club Viago memberships have they personally referred?

Then ask them, of those memberships, how many are held by members who paid the affiliate fee versus actual retail customers.

Club Viago and Club Seacret are too closely aligned with WorldVentures for me to suspect otherwise, but we still need to give individual Viago affiliates the benefit of the doubt.

At least until they personally confirm they have little to no retail Club Viago members under them. Which I suspect is the majority of the case company-wide.