Tronconomy provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

Tronconomy’s website domain (“”) was privately registered on April 12th, 2021.

At time of publication, Alexa ranks Russia as the only notable source of traffic to Tronconomy’s website (37%).

This suggests whoever is running Tronconomy is based out of Russia.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Tronconomy’s Products

Tronconomy has no retailable products or services.

Tronconomy affiliates are only able to market Tronconomy affiliate membership itself.

Tronconomy’s Compensation Plan

Tronconomy affiliates invest 200 tron (TRX) or more on the promise of a daily 0.85% to 1% ROI.

The MLM side of Troncomomy’s compensation plan pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

Tronconomy Affiliate Ranks

There are eight ranks within Tronconomy’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Miner – sign up as a Tronconomy affiliate and invest 200 to 9999 TRX
  • Trader – invest 10,000 to 49,999 TRX
  • Legendary Lambo – invest 50,000 to 99,999 TRX
  • Moon Traveler – invest 100,000 to 249,999 TRX
  • Elon Musk – invest 250,000 to 499,999 TRX
  • Justin Sun – invest 500,000 to 998,999 TRX
  • Satoshi Nakamoto – invest 999,000 to 2,499,000 TRX
  • 9 Zero Billionaire – invest 2,500,000 TRX or more

Referral Commissions

Tronconomy pays referral commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Tronconomy caps payable unilevel team levels at five.

Referral commissions are paid as a percentage of TRX invested across these five levels as follows:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 10%
  • level 2 – 2%
  • levels 3 to 5 – 1%

Matching Bonus

Tronconomy pays a Matching Bonus on daily returns paid to downline affiliates.

The Matching Bonus is paid out using the same unilevel compensation structure used to pay referral commissions (see “referral commissions” above).

The Matching Bonus is capped at fifty unilevel team levels.

Each Matching Bonus level has its own qualification criteria, detailed below:

  • level 1 (recruit three affiliates) – 20% match
  • level 2 (maintain three personally recruited affiliates and invest 5000 TRX) – 12.5% match
  • level 3 (maintain three personally recruited affiliates and invest 20,000 TRX) – 12.5% match
  • level 4 (recruit twenty-five affiliates and invest 100,000 TRX) – 1.25% match
  • levels 5 and 6 (maintain twenty-five personally recruited affiliates and a 100,000 TRX investment) – 1.25% match
  • level 7 (maintain twenty-five personally recruited affiliates and a 250,000 TRX investment) – 1.25% match
  • level 8 (recruit fifty affiliates and maintain a 250,000 TRX investment) – 1.25% match
  • levels 9 to 13 (recruit fifty-five affiliates and maintain a 250,000 TRX investment) – 1% match
  • level 14 (maintain fifty-five personally recruited affiliates and invest 500,000 TRX) – 1% match
  • level 15 (maintain fifty-five personally recruited affiliates and a 500,000 TRX investment) – 0.75% match
  • level 16 to 23 (recruit sixty affiliates and maintain a 500,000 TRX investment) – 0.75% match
  • level 24 (maintain sixty personally recruited affiliates and invest 1,000,000 TRX) – 0.75% match
  • level 25 to 27 (recruit sixty-five affiliates and maintain a 1,000,000 TRX investment) – 0.5% match
  • levels 28 and 29 (maintain sixty-five personally recruited affiliates and invest 1,500,000 TRX) – 0.75% match
  • level 30 (recruit sixty-five affiliates and invest 2,000,000 TRX) – 0.75% match
  • level 31 (maintain sixty-five personally recruited affiliates and a 2,000,000 TRX investment) – 1% match
  • level 32 (maintain sixty-five personally recruited affiliates and invest 5,000,000 TRX) – 1.5% match
  • levels 33 to 35 (maintain sixty-five personally recruited affiliates and invest 7,500,000 TRX) – 2% match
  • levels 36 and 37 (maintain sixty-five personally recruited affiliates and invest 9,000,000 TRX) – 2% match
  • level 38 (maintain sixty-five personally recruited affiliates and a 9,000,000 TRX investment) – 3% match
  • levels 39 and 40 (recruit seventy-five affiliates and invest 10,000,000 TRX) – 3% match
  • levels 41 to 43 (maintain seventy-five personally recruited affiliates and invest 10,500,000 TRX) – 3% match
  • level 44 (maintain seventy-five personally recruited affiliates and invest 11,000,000 TRX) – 3% match
  • levels 45 and 46 (maintain seventy-five personally recruited affiliates and invest 13,000,000 TRX) – 3% match
  • level 47 (maintain seventy-five personally recruited affiliates and invest 15,000,000 TRX) – 3% match
  • level 48 (maintain seventy-five personally recruited affiliates and invest 17,000,000 TRX) – 3% match
  • level 49 (recruit eighty affiliates and invest 18,000,000 TRX) – 3% match
  • level 50 (maintain eighty personally recruited affiliates and invest 20,000,000 TRX) – 3% match

Note that recruited affiliates must have an active investment of 200 TRX or more to qualify for Matching Bonus criteria.

Personally invested funds must also be active investments (reinvestment is required after a total 270% ROI is reached).

Daily Top Leader Pool

Tronconomy takes 1% of daily invested TRX and distributes it to the top 5 recruiters that day.

  • the top recruiter receives 35% of 1%
  • the second recruiter receives 25% of 1%
  • the third recruiter receives 10% of 1%
  • the fourth recruiter receives 8% of 1%
  • the fifth recruiter receives 6% of 1%

Galaxy Pool

Tronconomy takes 0.5% of each investment and places it into the Galaxy Pool.

To qualify for a share in the Galaxy Pool a Tronconomy affiliate must

  1. rank at Satoshi Nakamoto; and
  2. have personally invested at least 1 million TRX.

How often the Galaxy Pool is paid out is not disclosed.

Supernova Pool

Tronconomy takes 1.5% of each investment and places it into the Supernova Pool.

To qualify for a share in the Supernova Pool a Tronconomy affiliate must

  1. rank at 9 Zero Billionaire; and
  2. recruit fifty affiliates who have each invested at least 50,000 TRX.

How often the Supernova Pool is paid out is not disclosed.

Joining Tronconomy

Tronconomy affiliate membership is tied to a minimum initial 200 TRX investment.

Reinvestment is required to continue earning after a 270% ROI is reached on any invested TRX amount.


Tronconomy is a simple smart-contract Ponzi scheme.

Affiliates invest 200 TRX or more on the promise of a 270% ROI. Returns are paid out of subsequently invested funds.

Attached to that you have a pyramid scheme, incentivizing recruitment of new affiliate investors.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve Tronconomy of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

A visit to Tronconomy’s website suggests that might have already happened:

Despite promising to be “back in a few hours”, Tronconomy’s website maintenance page went up at least 48 hours ago.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.