The third reboot of the The Future Trade Ponzi scheme launched as TFT Metaweb in late 2022.

I don’t have an exact date but TFT Metaweb also collapsed in early 2023. At time of publication TFT Metaweb’s previously accessible website has been taken down.

Enter The Future Trade again, rebooted for a fourth time on or around March 2023.

The Future Trade’s fourth reboot operates from “”, privately registered on October 9th, 2022.

The first three iterations of The Future Trade were Boris CEO Ponzi schemes run by Russians.

Interestingly, The Future Trade’s current newly set up FaceBook page is operated from Nigeria.

This raises the question of whether The Future Trade v4 is a true reboot or spinoff from an opportunistic scammer.

In an attempt to appear legitimate The Future Trade provides incorporation certificates for The Future Trade in Australia, and The Future Trade INT LTD in Seychelles.

A search of ASIC’s records reveals the Australian certificate is bogus. Notwithstanding, for the purpose of MLM due-diligence, basic incorporation in any jurisdiction is meaningless.

This is due to the ease with which scammers are able to register shell companies with bogus information.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

The Future Trade’s Products

The Future Trade has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market The Future Trade affiliate membership itself.

The Future Trade’s Compensation Plan

The Future Trade affiliates invest USD equivalents of cryptocurrency. This is done on the promise of advertised returns:

  • Standard – invest $100 to $2999 and receive 5.5% a day
  • Gold – invest $3000 to $4999 and receive 10% a day
  • Platinum – invest $5000 to $999 and receive 15% a day
  • Diamond – invest $10,000 to $19,999 and receive 20% a day
  • VIP Plan – invest $20,000 or more and receive 25% a day

The Future Trade pays a 5% referral commissions down two levels of recruitment (unilevel).

Note that to unlock referral commissions on level 2, personally recruited affiliate investment must reach $3000.

Joining The Future Trade

The Future Trade affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum $100 investment.

The Future Trade solicits investment in various cryptocurrencies.

The Future Trade Conclusion

The Future Trade is a pretty stock-standard lazy Ponzi reboot. TFT Metaweb’s “NFT metaverse” nonsense is gone, and so is forex trading from the first two iterations.

Also gone are The Future Trade’s Boris CEO marketing videos on YouTube. This time around they’ve been recycled as a background video on The Future Trade’s website.

Again, lazy. Where are the new actors?

The Future Trade V4’s FaceBook page being operated from Nigeria is interesting. Not enough to confirm different scammers are behind the fourth reboot.

The original Russian scammers could have just outsourced socials to Nigeria on the cheap. They could have also moved to Nigeria but that seems a bit drastic.

In any event, The Future Trade’s new Ponzi ruse is crypto mining.

thefuturetrade participates in providing cloud server mining and incorporates Proof of Stake (PoS) using technology, developed by a Group of Experts in the field of IT and Cryptocurrencies.

Like the previous ruses, this is baloney. And perhaps this is best demonstrated by The Future Trade pitching a 25% daily ROI, and also claiming to have access to $4.1 trillion dollars.

25% of $4.1 trillion dollars is $1.025 trillion… which The Future Net is purportedly able to generate a day.

But here they are graciously providing you access for free.

The good thing about Ponzi reboots is you only need to look as far as their previous iterations to confirm the inevitable collapse:

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve The Future Trade of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees the majority of participants lose money.

The Future Trade’s reboots are getting shorter, and no doubt they are bogged down with previous victims trying to recoup their losses.

This makes for even quicker collapses, which we’ll likely be able to confirm again soon.