SuperOne provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.

The SuperOne website domain (“”) was first registered on July 24th, 2017.

The domain registration details were recently updated on March 3rd, 2018, suggesting this is when the current owner(s) took possession of it.

A marketing video on the SuperOne website features a narrator with a thick European accent.

A lead I received via email links three Norwegians to SuperOne; Fredrik Skjoldt, Stian Alexander Karlsen (both of whom were top Zeek Rewards Ponzi net-winners) and Andreas Christensen.

The guy building the system is Andreas Christensen, he have been scaming people with Mowjow in many years.

He is doing a scam ICO in Mowjow as welll.

Possibly due to language-barriers, I was unable to independently verify this information.

Typically I don’t publish information I can’t personally verify. The European narrator for SuperOne’s marketing video however lends weight to the information.

Until we receive confirmation regarding SuperOne’s management team, treat the above as unverified.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

SuperOne Products

SuperOne has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market SuperOne affiliate membership itself.

The SuperOne Compensation Plan

SuperOne affiliates invest ether on the prospect of winning a “secret amount of ether”.

Investment into a SuperOne ether lottery is tracked via 0.1 ETH token bids.

The winning bid(s) in a game are purportedly determined by SuperOne via “proprietary algorithms”.

Referral Commissions

SuperOne pay referral commissions on each invested position up to a maximum of three times.

Referral commissions are tied to personal recruitment efforts as follows:

  • fill first referral commission slot = 2%
  • fill second referral commission slot =  4%
  • fill third referral commission slot = 8%

Each 0.1 ETH position investment has three referral commission slots, which are filled sequentially as personally recruited affiliates invest.

Note that after all three available referral commissions slows for an investment position are filled, no more referral commissions are paid on that position.

Residual Commissions

SuperOne pay residual commissions via a 3×10 matrix.

A 3×10 matrix places a SuperOne affiliate’s token position at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first three positions into another three positions each (9 positions).

Levels three to ten of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing three times as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the matrix are filled via 0.1 ETH investments.

As positions in the matrix are filled a percentage of each 0.1 ETH position investment is distributed throughout the 3×10 matrix.

Matrix commission rates are determined in the same manner as referral commissions (2%, 4% or 8%).

Joining SuperOne

SuperOne affiliate membership is tied to a minimum 0.1 ETH investment.


It was only a matter of time before the ethereum smart contract games were combined with MLM.

I believe the first such non-MLM “proof of” company was Proof of Weak Hands.

This was followed by Proof of Only Hodling. Other notable clones that have also since launched includeProof of Craig Grant, Craig Grant Now, Proof of Trevon James and Proof of Carlos Matos.

The underlying business model of each “proof of” clone is essentially the same.

You invest in ERC20 tokens at the set price. Each new investment is distributed among existing token holders, driving up the price over time.

Invested funds are held in the contract and are accessed by investors when they sell their tokens.

The theory is greed will stop the schemes from collapsing (people cashing out), however in reality “proof of” scams operate the same as any other Ponzi scheme.

Once the early investors with the most tokens pull out, it’s over.

As I write this Proof of Weak Hands is on the way to collapse. Proof of Only Hodling collapsed within a few weeks of launch. Proof of Craig Grant collapsed within a few days.

The rest have only been launched in the past few days, with early investors yet to withdraw the majority of invested funds.

And yeah, there’s a strong association between the collapsed BitConnect Ponzi scheme and “proof of” scams.

Enter SuperOne, which under the guise of running a lottery is pretty much the same model, attached to an MLM compensation plan.

The gaming bid token side of SuperOne is the same as the “proof of” scams.

You invest in tokens for 0.1 ETH each, more people invest and the internal value of the tokens goes up.

You cash out by selling off your tokens, which you can do as long as there’s reserve ethereum to steal in the contract.

Obviously as the reserve inevitably dwindles, the value of the token goes down and eventually those who got in last or didn’t withdraw (the majority of investors) are left with a loss.

The MLM side of SuperOne is straight pyramid recruitment.

Nothing is marketed or sold to retail customers, with referral and recruitment commissions serving as incentive to provide a continuous stream of new investors.

And SuperOne is very specific about what type of investors they’re looking to attract;

We are targeting the millennial generation because they are not used to play [sic] so much casino games.

They don’t like casino games. They like SnapChat, they like new forms of entertainment… and we are delivering a fresh new type of game that is directed towards the millennials.

Naive young people who probably don’t know any better.

If SuperOne ran on fiat it’d be an obvious investment scam.

Through buzzwords, smart contract and cryptocurrency malarkey however, investors are told what is otherwise a fraudulent business model is somehow legitimate.

Make no mistake, investment scams are still fraud no matter the vehicle.

SuperOne is just another “proof of” clone except it has an MLM component.

In the end those who build the largest token balances and cash out first “win”, with everyone else taking a loss.

Of the 2 billion SuperOne tokens created, the company’s owners are keeping half (1 billion). Pretty much whenever they decide to exit-scam it’s game over.

It’s unlikely early investors will get a chance to grow their token balance to the point where a withdrawal will crash the contract.

Regardless of what happens at the top though, the majority of SmartOne investors will still ultimately lose out. Same as any other Ponzi scheme.


Update 11th May 2020 – After collapsing shortly after launch, SuperOne was rebooted in early 2020 with a recycled trivia app.