Seedchange provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the business.

What information Seedchange does provide is complete baloney.

Seedchange claims to be

an investment platform that was established in 2012 in San Francisco.

Securities are offered via Seedchange Execution Services, Inc., a broker-dealer registered with the SEC USA and FINRA | SIPC.

Seedchange’s website domain (“”) was first registered in 2014. The registration was last updated on October 31st, 2020.

I believe Seedchange’s owner(s) took possession of the domain on or around early October (could be as far back as March 2020).

A search of the SEC’s Edgar database reveals Seedchange Execution Services has been registered with the SEC since 2014.

Seedchange Execution Services claims to be “engage(d) in the marketing and sale to accredited investors of securities issued by early stage technology companies”.

The last public report filed by Seedchange Execution Services was on June 3rd, 2019. The report details $145,975 in losses for the year ended March 31, 2019.

There is nothing about Seedchange’s new investment scheme in Seedchange Execution Services’ filings.

As far as I can tell Seedchange Execution Services has nothing to do with Seedchange the investment scheme. 

This is confirmed in an October 29th consumer alert, issued by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation;

DFPI has received information that the website is marketing itself as licensed Broker-Dealer Seedchange Execution Services Inc., or Seedchange (CRD number 165587).

The website is using the name, address, iconography, and website template of Seedchange, and could possibly be offering investments in violation of California law.

Someone has simply registered a domain and plagiarized Seedchange Execution Services’ to represent a newly created company.

Given this, it’s a safe bet all information provided on Seedchange’s website is bogus.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Seedchange’s Products

Seedchange has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Seedchange affiliate membership itself.

Seedchange’s Compensation Plan

Seedchange affiliates invest funds on the promise of advertised returns.

  • Auric Energy – invest $100 or more and receive 0.5% a day for 285 days
  • JMW Farms – invest $200 or more and receive 0.5% a day for 290 days
  • Serene Fishing Company – invest $2000 or more and receive 0.6% a day for 255 days
  • XT Energy – invest $5000 or more and receive 0.7% a day for 230 days
  • Energeotek – invest $8000 or more and receive 1% a day for 170 days
  • Legacy Measurement Solutions – invest $10,000 or more and receive 1.1% a day for 165 days
  • St. Nicholas Court Farms – invest $18,000 or more and receive 1.3% a day for 147 days
  • Lakes Oil NL – invest $20,000 or more and receive 1.3% a day for 143 days
  • Tempus Applied Solutions – invest $30,000 or more and receive 1.5% a day for 147 days
  • Brightrock Gold Corporation – invest $50,000 or more and receive 1.8% a day for 155 days

Seedchange pays referral commissions on invested funds down two levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • 7% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • 3% on level 2

Joining Seedchange

Seedchange affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum $100 investment.


Some effort has gone into setting up Seedchange but none of it holds up to scrutiny.

In the introduction of this review I’ve already covered the bogus Seedchange Execution Services link.

Seedchange represents external revenue is generated through a series of “new investment opportunities”, none of which actually exist. At least not how they’re represented on Seedchange’s website.

Auric Energy supposedly “provides solar system design and installation services.”

The actual Auric Energy operates from “”. Seedchange’s fake company operates from “”, a domain Seedchange’s scamming owners acquired and set up in May 2020.

JMW Farms is supposedly ‘working on the introduction of anaerobic digestion technology for the production of methane-rich biogas’.

It’s a real company based out of Ireland. The fake company website Seedchange’s scamming owners set up however, is hosted on a domain they acquired in June 2020.

XT Energy Group is supposedly “among the world’s leading producers of compressed-air energy storage capacities”.

XT Energy Group is an actual company (Nevada corporation registered with the SEC), that’s been around since at least 2009. The real company doesn’t have a website.

The fake XT Energy Group website Seedchange’s scamming owners set up is hosted on a domain registered in April 2020.

Energeotek is a geothermal energy solutions company based out of Sweden.

The actual company operates from “”. The fake Energeotek website Seedchange’s scamming owners set up is hosted on “” (registered March 3rd, 2020).

Legacy Measurement Solutions is a defunct oil and energy company based out of Texas.

The actual company was operating from “” (now a parked domain). The fake company website Seedchange’s scamming owners set up is hosted on “” (domain reg last updated November 6th, 2020).

St. Nicholas Court Farms is an actual farm in the UK. They don’t have a website but do have an relatively active Facebook page.

Seedchange’s bogus St. Nicholas Court Farms website domain (“”), was privately registered in April 2020.

Lakes Oil NL is an Australia-based oil and gas explorer.

The actual company operates from “”. The fake website Seedchange’s scamming owners set up is hosted on “” (registered September 30th, 2020).

Tempus Applied Solutions is an abandoned company as of mid 2020.

Seedchange’s scamming owners snatched up the company’s website domain in April 2020. Their bogus Tempus Applied Solutions website was set up shortly thereafter.

Brightrock Gold Corporation is supposedly a “gold mine exploration, development and operation”, based in Florida but operating in South West Africa [sic].

Again, this appears to be an actual company. The bogus website Seedchange has set up for Brightrock Gold Corporation is hosted on “”.

The domain registration was last updated on May 5th, 2020. Prior to Seedchange’s scamming owners buying the domain, it was used to host a defunct Shopify store.

Not surprisingly, Seedinvesting’s owner(s) skimped out on hosting their fake company websites.

  • the fake Auric Energy, XT Energy and Tempus Applied Solutions websites are hosted on the same IPv6 server in Montreal Canada
  • the fake JMW Farms, Legacy Measurement Solutions, St. Nicholas Court Farms and Brightrock Gold Corporation websites are hosted on a server in Chicago, Illinois
  • the fake Energeotek website is hosted on a server in Atlanta, Georgia
  • the fake Lakes Oil NL website is hosted on a server in Washington, D.C.

All of the fake company website Seedinvesting has set up use Hostinger web hosting name-servers.

So why go to all this effort to create a fake company pretending to generate profit from nine fake companies?

Because Seedchange is a Ponzi scheme. There is no external revenue, all Seedchange is doing is shuffling new investment around to pay existing investors.

And that’s only when they put in withdrawal requests. Up until withdrawals are actually paid out, Seedchange investors have numbers on a screen that mean nothing.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dies down so too will new investment. This will starve Seedchange of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.


Update 25th September 2021 – The scammers behind SeedChange have rebooted their Ponzi with a new website domain.


Update 2nd December 2021 – The SEC has added SeedChange to its PAUSE list.

Following a decline in website traffic, SeedChange has also been rebooted as Yosemite EP.


Update 13th April 2023 – The Seedchange scammers have rebooted again as Yosemite AP.