SDK Meta operate in the cellular phone and service MLM niche.

The company is based out of Wyoming and headed up by owner Chris J. Snook.

The earliest digital footprint of Snook’s I was able to find was a 2005 San Diego State University paper titled, “Is Network Marketing and Pyramid Selling the same thing? A layperson’s guide to evaluating the pros and cons of this often misunderstood business model.”

The goal of this project was to explore the academic research surrounding the Network Marketing/Direct Sale Industry as well as Pyramid Schemes, in an effort to locate a model and key characteristics and differences between legitimate and viable NMO’s and illegitimate and fraudulent Pyramid Schemes.

In 2007 Snook co-authored “Wealth Matters: Abundance is Your Birthright”.

The Amazon author description of Snook’s book reads:

Chris J. Snook is living proof that the American Dream is alive and well, and that you truly can have it all… health, wealth and abundance in all areas!

He has lived the entrepreneurial life and experience for over a decade, and has transcended adversities that found him over $500,000 in debt and stranded in the DFW airport in Dallas, TX, to now running a multi-million dollar Lifestyle Enhancement Company called “define”, as well as leading personal development seminars and coaching programs for thousands of people with Bob Proctor’s Life Success company.

I haven’t read the book but the title gives off some strong “law of attraction” vibes. That’s hardly surprising so, seeing as “The Secret” was all over the place in the mid to late 2000s.

By this stage Snook was well entrenched in the MLM speaker circuit.

In 2014 Snook co-founded and worked as Managing Director for Launch Haus LLC.

At Launch Haus, we engage communities of common interest through virtual and live events!

Productions include Sandcastle Startups Challenge, Wyohackathon, World Tokenomic Forum, loopthinkCXO, BlokHausATX, and FCSW14-15.

Our Capabilities and Industry experience:

Hackathons for AI, IoT, Blockchain and related emerging technology.

This appears to be Snook’s transition into cryptocurrency.

In 2017 Snook appears to have gone full crypto bro. Snook’s LinkedIn profile details the usual blockchain projects that went nowhere, culminating in his founding of SDK Co. in March 2021.

SDK Co. is the company behind SDK Meta.

Just as an aside, I wasn’t able to peg Snook to participation in an MLM opportunity but given it features heavily in his thesis and book, I’d be surprised if there wasn’t a direct link somewhere.

Read on for a full review of SDK Meta’s MLM opportunity.

SDK Meta’s Products

SDK Meta market a security focused phone and cell service they’re calling metaZero and metaSIM respectively.

Well, kind of.

Join FREE to secure your spot as one of our key decentralized marketing partners in our invitation-only phase.

The metaZERO phone, powered by the metaOS with metaID and riding on a decentralized global private LTE network, is your portal to total communication security.

The metaZERO works exclusively with the fully encrypted and anonymous metaSIM, a global VOIP (voice over internet protocol) SIM with several data coverage plans for every use case worldwide.

When you have a metaZERO, you own the metaSIM, giving your absolute independence from mobile operators for your most critical and private communications.

Provided metaZero phone specs are:

  • CPU: MT6771 1.3GHz Octa-core (Arm Cortex A732.1 GHz + A53 2.0 GHz)
  • LCD: 6.53-inch FHD+
  • RAM: 4GBInternal Storage: 128GB
  • Battery: 4500mAh
  • Cameras: 25MP Front, 8 +5+ 48MP Rear
  • SIM: Dual Nano SIM
  • ACCESSORIES: USB-C Cable/Global Charger/UserManual/Privacy Screen & Protective Case
  • BANDS: 2G Network: GSM(B2/3/5/8) 3G Network: WCDMA(B1/2/5/8) 4G Network: FDD(B1/2/3/5/7/8/12/13/17/20/28) TDD (B38/40/41)

Pricing on MetaZero is $999 as a retail customer and $729 as an SDK Meta affiliate.

A metaSIM subscription costs $10 to $40 a month, presumably based on call/data restrictions.

Despite appearing to not yet have released their primary product, SDK Meta is already advertising a 2022 “metaOne” device.

Coming Q1 2022 (Pre-orders begin Fall 2021)

You will be able to merge your private/secure communications with your daily “lifestyle” mobile entertainment, influencer, and professional needs in one single sovereign-lifestyle device with the release of metaOS 2.0!

The metaONE will be a dual-mode phone with metaOS 2.0 with two SIM cards and our dual-mode operating system, allowing you to seamlessly transition between using your phone as a totally secure and encrypted device like the metaZERO and a more traditional smartphone with all the lifestyle features and apps you’re used to.

Seems a bit shady marketing your next device when the current one hasn

SDK Meta’s Compensation Plan

SDK Meta’s compensation plan pays commissions on metaOne phone and metaSIM subscription sales.

Upfront commissions are paid down two levels. Residual commissions are tied to downline rank advancement (generations).

There are also numerous rank-based bonus pools available.

SDK Meta Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve affiliate ranks within SDK Meta’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • New DMP – sign up as a SDK Meta affiliate
  • Bronze – generate and maintain 5000 BV a month
  • Silver – generate and maintain 10,000 BV a month
  • Gold – generate and maintain 25,000 BV a month
  • Neo – generate and maintain 50,000 BV a month
  • Phoenix – generate and maintain 100,000 BV a month
  • Jax – generate and maintain 150,000 BV a month
  • Hiro – generate and maintain 200,000 BV a month
  • Raiden – generate and maintain 250,000 BV a month
  • Niko Ambassador – generate and maintain 500,000 BV a month
  • Wolf Ambassador – generate and maintain 750,000 BV a month
  • Dragon Ambassador – generate and maintain 1,000,000 BV a month

BV is sales volume generated via the sale of metaOne phones and metaSIM subscriptions.

  • retail metaZero phone sale – cost $999, generates 1000 BV per sale
  • affiliate metaZero phone purchase – cost $729, generates 729 BV per sale
  • metaSIM subscription – $10 to $40 a month, generates 10 to 40 BV each month

For the purpose of rank qualification BV is counted from an affiliate’s own sales and that of their downline.

Note that no more than 50% of required BV can come from any one recruitment leg.

Direct Retail and Recruitment Commissions

SDK Meta affiliates earn a 15% commission on BV generated via metaOne phone purchases and metaSIM subscriptions.

Direct retail and recruitment commissions are paid on both retail customer and personally recruited affiliate purchases.

Residual Commissions

SDK Meta pays calculates residual commissions based on downline SDK Meta phone and metaSIM subscription sales volume.

SDK Meta pays residual commissions down two levels of recruitment:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 10% of generated BV
  • level 2 – 5% of generated BV

Note the third level in the unilevel team diagram above is not applicable to SDK Meta’s compensation plan.

Generational Bonus

SDK Meta pays the Generational Bonus on rank-based generations across a unilevel team.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

A generation in the unilevel team begins when a NEO or higher ranked affiliate is found in a leg.

This is referred to as a “Neo generation” for that leg. Note that volume up until this Neo generation begins is also paid out on.

The “Neo generation” of a leg runs until a Phoenix ranked affiliate is found in the leg. This Phoenix ranked affiliate starts the “Phoenix generation” of that leg.

Although not explicitly clarified, I believe volume isn’t doubled up on. That is to say if a Phoenix ranked affiliate is found first in a leg, nothing is paid out on a Neo generation found deeper in the leg.

Using this generational structure, SDK Meta affiliates are paid on unilevel team generation volume based on rank:

  • Neo ranked affiliates earn 0.5% on sales volume up until a Neo affiliate is found in each unilevel team leg
  • Phoenix ranked affiliates earn 1% on sales volume up until a Neo affiliate is found, and then 0.5% on Neo generation volume for each leg
  • Jax ranked  affiliates earn 1.5% on sales volume up until a Neo affiliate is found, 1% on a Neo generation and 0.5% on a Phoenix generation
  • Hiro ranked affiliates earn 2% on sales volume up until a Neo affiliate is found, 1.5% on a Neo generation, 1.5% on a Phoenix generation and 0.5% on a Jax generation
  • Raiden ranked affiliates earn 2.5% on sales volume up until a Neo affiliate is found, 2% on a Neo generation, 1.5% on a Phoenix generation, 1% on a Jax generation and 0.5% on a Hiro generation
  • Niko Ambassador ranked affiliates earn 3.25% on sales volume up until a Neo affiliate is found, 2.75% on a Neo generation, 2.25% on a Phoenix generation, 1.75% on a Jax generation, 1.25% on a Hiro generation and 0.75% on a Raiden generation
  • Wolf Ambassador ranked affiliates earn 4.25% on sales volume up until a Neo affiliate is found, 3.75% on a Neo generation, 3.25% on a Phoenix generation, 2.75% on a Jax generation, 2.25% on a Hiro generation, 1.75% on a Raiden generation and 1% on a Niko Ambassador generation
  • Dragon Ambassador ranked affiliates earn 5.5% on sales volume up until a Neo affiliate is found, 5% on a Neo generation, 4.5% on a Phoenix generation, 4% on a Jax generation, 3.5% on a Hiro generation, 3% on a Raiden generation, 2.25% on a Niko Ambassador generation and 1.25% on a Wolf Ambassador generation

Alpha Quarterly Bonus Pool

SDK Meta takes 2% of company-wide sales and places it into the Alpha Quarterly Bonus Pool.

To qualify for share sin the Alpha Quarterly Bonus Pool, a SDK Meta affiliate must recruit twenty-four affiliates.

Once qualified, shares in the Alpha Quarterly Bonus are earned based on metaOne phone sales – both directly and by those personally recruited.

Each metaOne phone sold by an affiliate or their personally recruited affiliate generates 1/250th of a share.

That is to say a SDK Meta affiliate must record at least 250 personal and personally recruited affiliate metaOne phone sales to earn one Alpha Quarterly Bonus Pool share.

Note that no more than 125 metaOne phone sales can be counted from any one recruited affiliate.

Also note that the maximum quarterly revenue amount allocated to the Alpha Quarterly Bonus Pool is $20 million.

Rank-based Bonus Pools

SDK Meta offers three rank-based bonus pools, each funded by a percentage of quarterly company-wide sales revenue:

  • Community Partners Bonus Pool – 1% of company-wide sales revenue
  • Leaders Bonus Pool – 1.25% of company-wide sales volume
  • Ambassador Bonus Pool – 1.25% of company-wide sales volume

Each quarter the rank-based bonus pools are paid out based on share allocation:

Community Partners Bonus Pool

  • Silver ranked affiliates receive 1 share in the Community Partners Bonus Pool
  • Gold ranked affiliates receive 1 share in the Community Partners Bonus Pool

Leaders Bonus Pool

  • Neo ranked affiliates receive 1 share in the Leaders Bonus Pool
  • Phoenix ranked affiliates receive 2 shares in the Leaders Bonus Pool
  • Jax ranked affiliates receive 3 shares in the Leaders Bonus Pool
  • Hiro ranked affiliates receive 4 shares in the Leaders Bonus Pool
  • Raiden ranked affiliates receive 5 shares in the Leaders Bonus Pool

Ambassador Bonus Pool

  • Niko Ambassador ranked affiliates receive 1 share in the Ambassador Bonus Pool
  • Wolf Ambassador ranked affiliates receive 3 shares in the Ambassador Bonus Pool
  • Dragon Ambassador ranked affiliates receive 5 shares in the Ambassador Bonus Pool

Personal Producer Pool

SDK Meta takes 1.5% of company-wide sales volume and places it into the Personal Producer Pool.

The Personal Producer Pool is paid out to SDK Meta’s top one hundred affiliates by sales volume each month.

  • SDK Meta’s top 76 to 100 ranked affiliates receive one share in the Personal Producer Pool
  • SDK Meta’s top 51 to 75 ranked affiliates receive two shares in the Personal Producer Pool
  • SDK Meta’s top 26 to 50 ranked affiliates receive three shares in the Personal Producer Pool
  • SDK Meta’s top 1 to 25 ranked affiliates receive four shares in the Personal Producer Pool

Global Leader Super Bonus

The Global Leader Super Bonus is a percentage bonus paid out on same-rank unilevel team generations.

In effect it is a continuation of the “Generational Bonus” covered above.

  • Raiden ranked affiliates earn 0.5% on the first Raiden generation or higher in a unilevel team leg
  • Niko Ambassador ranked affiliates earn 1% on the first Niko Ambassador or higher generation in a unilevel team leg
  • Wolf Ambassador ranked affiliates earn 1.5% on the first Wolf Ambassador or higher generation in a unilevel team leg
  • Dragon Ambassador ranked affiliates earn 2% on the first Dragon Ambassador generation in a unilevel team leg

Joining SDK Meta

SDK Meta affiliate membership is $99.

SDK Meta Conclusion

Details on SDK Meta’s phone development and SIM service aren’t really disclosed on their website, at least not in any detail.

For that information I had to go through an SDK Meta whitepaper (groan).

We offer multiple solutions, addressing the need for accessible mobile cybersecurity: from in-house designed hardware to our custom metaOS.

Including encrypted applications for data storage and communication, management platforms, and specialized privacy-centered features.

-Security-Hardened Hardware – designed in-house to counter physical tampering attempts

-metaOS – custom Android-based OS with multiple defense layersmeta

-CHAT– encrypted messenger: private messages, group chats, voice, and video callsmeta

-EMAIL – email application for sending and receiving both encrypted and unencrypted emails

-metaVAULT – encrypted file storage compatible with metaCHAT & metaEMAIL

-metaMANAGER – a platform for distribution network management

-metaSECURE Administration System (mSAS) – mobile device management platform

-metaSIM – Multi-IMSI SIM Card with global connectivity and no roaming fees

-Self-hosted Versions of the Solutions

So metaOS is Android 10 with “multiple defense layers”.

Who’s developing it? No idea.

Why should I trust them? No idea.

Even if we put aside the lack of transparency, there’s no getting around the market for paranoid tier cell phone devices is small.

Privacy concerns are a thing but stuff like this…

Any attempt to tamper with the device and access its encrypted store will trigger an Anti-Tamper-Wipe sequence, which will delete all data stored in case of multiple consecutive inputs of wrong passphrases.

…feels more like the device is aimed at criminals than the standard retail market.

One could make the argument there’s a market for activists in oppressive countries and the like – but this is an MLM company we’re talking about.

That market is tiny and as a typical MLM affiliate you don’t have access to it.

Cardano isn’t mentioned once in SDK Meta’s whitepaper so I’m not sure how it fits in. Like most things blockchain, Cardano’s inclusion is probably a solution without a problem.

And that I feel is the disconnect here.

Yeah look guys, nobody is jumping from iPhone to “enter your password wrong three times and bye-bye all your data”.

And this nonsense is just flat-out dishonest:

SDK Meta’s compensation plan doesn’t have any retail volume qualifiers but isn’t overtly recruitment focused.

Likely due to the limited market I think most purchasers are going to be affiliates. There’s nothing stopping that other than the $99 SDK Meta affiliate fee.

And that’s not much of a deterrent when with the affiliate fee a metaZero is $828. So who’s paying $999 retail?

SDK Meta full of affiliates who’ve purchased the phone would be a pyramid scheme.

Again, there’s nothing overtly incentivizing this in the compensation plan. It’s SDK Meta’s pricing model and target market that lends itself to this.

As previously stated, SDK Meta’s weak point is the product itself.

Here’s a litmus test to run before signing up: Approach five people and try to convince them they need a $999 organized crime tier privacy phone attached to cryptocurrency.

No luck? Then SDK Meta probably isn’t for you.

In summary, I acknowledge there’s a small niche market for these type of devices. All I’m saying is it’s nowhere near big enough to sustain an MLM company.