Profit Advertz Review: $5-$100 five-tier matrix subscriptions
There is no information on the Profit Advertz website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The Profit Advertz website domain (“”) was registered on the 5th of April 2015, with a “Kamil Kayahan” (below right) listed as the owner. An address in Muğla, Turkey is also provided.
A Twitter account linked off the Profit Advertz website bears the account name “kmlkyhn”, appearing to belong to Kayahan himself.
Further research reveals a Facebook profile under the same pseudonym (above right), claiming to be the administrator of Profit Advertz.
Note that the location cited in Kayahan’s Facebook profile differs to that of the Profit Advertz domain registration.
Other income opportunities advertised on Kayahan’s Facebook profile timeline include 4 Corners Alliance Group (matrix-based pyramid scheme) and FutureNet (six-tier pyramid scheme).
Profit Advertz would appear to be Kayahan’s first MLM venture as an admin.
Read on for a full review of the Profit Advertz MLM business opportunity.
The Profit Advertz MLM Product Line
Profit Advertz has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market affiliate membership with the company itself.
Once signed up, affiliates can then purchase $5-$100 matrix subscriptions, allowing them to participate in the Profit Advertz income opportunity.
- $5 = 1 matrix position
- $25 = 1 matrix position for 7 days
- $100 = 1 matrix position for 30 days
The Profit Advertz Compensation Plan
The Profit Advertz compensation plan sees affiliates purchase matrix positions. These can be bought individually for $5 or $25 for seven positions.
$25 subscription positions are generated once per day for seven days.
Positions purchased by affiliates run through a series of five matrices, with commissions paid when a position “cycles” out of a matrix.
Profit Advertz use a combination of 5×1 and 4×1 matrices, with a 5×1 requiring five subsequent positions be filled and a 4×1 four.
Once the required amount of positions are filled in a matrix, commissions are paid out as follows:
- Level 1 (5×1) – $3 commission paid, reentry into a new Level 1 matrix and a new position in a Level 2 matrix
- Level 2 (5×1) – $3 commission paid and a new Level 1 and Level 3 matrix position
- Level 3 (4×1) – $15 commission paid, two new Level 1 positions and one new Level 4 position
- Level 4 (4×1) – $44 commission paid, four new Level 1 positions and one new Level 5 position
- Level 5 (4×1) – $110 commission paid and five new Level 1 positions
Note that mandatory reinvestment is required, with Profit Advertz withholding the following funds at any given matrix level:
- Levels 1 and 2 – $3
- Level 3 – $5
- Level 4 – $10
- Level 5 – $25
There withheld funds are in addition to the commissions paid out above, they are not withheld out of commissions paid.
Finally, referral commissions are also paid when recruited affiliates cycle out of any of the matrices:
- Levels 1 and 2 – $1
- Levels 3 and 4 -$4
- Level 5 – $50
Joining Profit Advertz
Affiliate membership with Profit Advertz is free, however an affiliate must purchase at least one matrix position in order to earn commissions.
As such the defacto minimum cost of Profit Advertz affiliate membership is $5 (the cost of one matrix position).
With both Four Corners Alliance and FutureNet being matrix-based schemes, it’s easy to surmise where Kamil Kayahan got the inspiration for Profit Advertz from.
Profit Advertz operates as a basic $5-$100 Ponzi scheme, with each matrix position invested in generating an eventual $175 ROI.
The cost of the matrix differs, with the more purchased resulting in a cheaper price ($3.33 a position if $100 is spent).
Needless to say, with $3.33 to $5 positions paying out $175 each position, a relatively large amount of subsequently invested funds are required to generate Profit Advertz ROIs.
Worse still, you then have an abundance of phantom positions created when a position cycles out of a matrix, creating an even bigger burden on the system (phantom positions don’t enter new funds into the system, they only extract).
As with all Ponzi schemes, once new affiliate investment dries up (actual funds, not reinvestment of monopoly money), Profit Advertz will be unable to meet its advertised ROI obligations.
For affiliates this will present itself by way of the matrices at first taking longer to cycle, before stalling altogether.
At that point Kamil Kayahan makes off with whatever funds remain trapped in the system, with anyone who hasn’t extracted more than they invested losing out.