ProCash provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the company.

A marketing PDF file linked from ProCash’s website identifies Rolando Mendoza as CEO of the company.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Mendoza is based out of Lima, Peru. Mendoza’s Facebook profile places him in Bolivia.

Other than posting a bunch of boomer personal development memes on Facebook, Mendoza (right) doesn’t appear to have been up to much recently.

I was unable to put together his MLM history, suggesting he’s either been inactive or promotes in private.

Alexa traffic estimates suggest ProCash is currently being promoted in Cuba (60%) and Honduras (26%).

Read on for a full review of ProCash’s MLM opportunity.

ProCash’s Products

ProCash has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market ProCash affiliate membership itself.

ProCash’s Compensation Plan

ProCash affiliates sign up and invest ethereum and tron on the promise of advertised returns.

ProCash’s official marketing presentation touts

  • a MasterNodes contract that pays 4% to 20% a month, capped at 200% (minimum 0.05 ETH investment);
  • a Pool TRX contract that pays 15% to 25% a month, capped at 200% (minimum 100 TRX investment);
  • a VIP TRX contract that pays a 300% passive return (no minimum investment amount provided); and
  • a lottery in “which everybody wins” (which is of course mathematically impossible)

Note that a 5% fee is charged on any withdrawals.

Additional components of ProCash’s compensation plan are detailed below.

Eight-tier 2×2 Matrix Cycler

ProCash’s 2×2 matrix cycler has eight tiers and costs 500 TRX to enter.

A 2×2 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with two positions directly under them:

These two positions make up the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Positions in the matrix are filled via subsequent investment.

ProCash’s cycler tiers start at 500 TRX and go up to 64,000 TRX.

The advertised return on each cycler tier is 368%.

Investment Commissions

ProCash affiliates are paid a percentage of funds invested in the MasterNode, Pool TRX and VIP TRX plans.

  • MasterNode investment pays an 8% commission
  • Pool TRX investment pays an 8% commission
  • VIP TRX investment pays a 20% commission

Residual Commissions

ProCash pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each day ProCash tallies up new investment volume on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid 8% of funds invested on their weaker binary team side.

Matching Bonus

ProCash pays a Matching Bonus on residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

ProCash caps the Matching Bonus at 1%, paid down five unilevel team levels.

Career Bonus

ProCash rewards affiliates for meeting the following eight rank qualification criteria:

  • Platinum (generate $2000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume) – a $30 TRX VIP investment position
  • Sapphire (generate $20,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume) – $400
  • Ruby (generate $200,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume) – $4000
  • Emerald (generate $1,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume) – a vacation in Dubai for two and $5000
  • Diamond (recruit two Emeralds and generate $2,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume) – a Mercedes Benz GLA
  • Diamond Founder (recruit two Diamonds and generate $4,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume) – an Audi Q8
  • Double Diamond (recruit two Diamond Founders and generate $8,000,000 in accumulated weaker binary team side volume) – $130,000

Joining ProCash

ProCash affiliate membership fees are not disclosed.

What we do know is to participate in the income opportunity, a minimum 0.05 ETH or 100 TRX investment is required.


ProCash is a bog standard cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme.

There’s not even a veneer of legitimacy here, it’s just straight up money-in, money-out Ponzi shenanigans.

The only time ProCash broach the topic of legitimacy is a section on their website that claims they “are a 100% legal and consolidated company”.

There’s a link to download ProCash’s “legal bases”, which is an incorporation certificate for Pro Cash Dreams Corp in Panama.

Obviously that doesn’t legalize Ponzi fraud and is meaningless.

I find it hard to believe Rolando Mendoza woke up one day and decided to launch his own Ponzi scheme.

ProCash is likely the result of Mendoza losing in one or more Ponzi schemes, before inevitably realizing it’s far more profitable to do the scamming than to be scammed.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

This will starve ProCash of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.

The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.