Neura Technologies AI cashback ruse Ponzi scheme
Neura Technologies, aka Neura Tech and NeuraTech Global, fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.
Neura Technologies’ website domain (“”), was privately registered on June 21st, 2024.
Despite only existing for a few months, Neura Technologies falsely claims it was “born in 2010”.
In its marketing material, Neura Technologies represents it has three corporate offices attached to three registered shell companies.
The provided addresses in the UK, Hong Kong and Canada correspond to virtual office addresses belong to various companies. It is unlikely Neura Technologies has any actual ties to these countries.
Neura Technologies’ official Telegram channel is presented in English and Russian. This strongly suggests whoever is running Neura Technologies has ties to Russia.
This is reflected in Neura Technologies’ website traffic.
As of October 2024, SimilarWeb tracked ~490,000 monthly visits to Neura Technologies’ website.
59% of Neura Technologies’ website is attributed to Russia. This is followed by 13% to France, 7% to Ukraine and 4% to Vietnam.
As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.
Neura Technologies’ Products
Neura Technologies has no retailable products or services.
Affiliates are only able to market Neura Technologies affiliate membership itself.
Neura Technologies’ Compensation Plan
Neura Technologies affiliates invest $50 or more on the promise of “up to 35% a month”.
The MLM side of Neura Technologies pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.
Neura Technologies Affiliate Ranks
There are twenty-one affiliate ranks within Neura Technologies’ compensation plan.
Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:
- Member – sign up as a an affiliate and invest at least $50
- Partner – maintain a minimum $50 investment, generate $25 in weaker binary team side volume and $50 in total downline investment volume
- Leading Partner – maintain a minimum $50 investment, generate $1024 in weaker binary team side volume and $2048 in total downline investment volume
- Consultant – maintain a minimum $50 investment, generate $2048 in weaker binary team side volume and $4096 in total downline investment volume
- Leading Consultant – maintain a minimum $50 investment, generate $4096 in weaker binary team side volume and $8192 in total downline investment volume
- Developer – maintain a minimum $100 investment, generate $16,384 in weaker binary team side volume and $32,768 in total downline investment volume
- Leading Developer – maintain a minimum $200 investment, generate $32,678 in weaker binary team side volume and $65,536 in total downline investment volume
- Distributor – maintain a minimum $400 investment, generate $65,536 in weaker binary team side volume and $131,072 in total downline investment volume
- Leading Distributor – maintain a minimum $800 investment, generate $131,072 in weaker binary team side volume and $262,144 in total downline investment volume
- Executive – maintain a minimum $1600 investment, generate $262,144 in weaker binary team side volume and $524,288 in total downline investment volume
- Leading Executive – maintain a minimum $6400 investment, generate $1,048,576 in weaker binary team side volume and $2,097,152 in total downline investment volume
- Expert – maintain a minimum $25,600 investment, generate $4,194,304 in weaker binary team side volume and $8,388,608 in total downline investment volume
- Leading Expert – maintain a minimum $102,400 investment, generate $16,777,216 in weaker binary team side volume and $33,554,432 in total downline investment volume
- Golden Expert – maintain a minimum $204,800 investment, generate $33,554,432 in weaker binary team side volume and $67,108,864 in total downline investment volume
- Centurion – maintain a minimum $409,600 investment, generate $67,108,864 in weaker binary team side volume and $134,217,728 in total downline investment volume
- Leading Centurion – maintain a minimum $819,200 investment, generate $134,217,728 in weaker binary team side volume and $268,435,456 in total downline investment volume
- Golden Centurion – maintain a minimum $1,638,400 investment, generate $402,653,184 in weaker binary team side volume and $805,306,368 in total downline investment volume
- Royal Centurion – maintain a minimum $4,915,600 investment, generate $1,207,959,552 in weaker binary team side volume and $2,415,919,104 in total downline investment volume
- Ambassador Centurion – maintain a minimum $14,745,600 investment, generate $3,623,878,656 in weaker binary team side volume and $7,247,757,312 in total downline investment volume
- World Leader – maintain a minimum $44,236,800 investment, generate $10,871,635,968 in weaker binary team side volume and $21,743,271,936 in total downline investment volume
- Funders Circle – maintain a minimum $132,710,400 investment, generate $32,614,907,904 in weaker binary team side volume and $65,229,815,808 in total downline investment volume
Residual Commissions
Neura Technologies pays referral commissions on funds invested by personally recruited affiliates:
- Members and Partners receive a 5% referral commission rate
- Leading Partners receive a 6% referral commission rate
- Consultants receive a 7% referral commission rate
- Leading Consultants receive a 9% referral commission rate
- Developers receive an 11% referral commission rate
- Leading Developers receive a 12% referral commission rate
- Distributors receive a 13% referral commission rate
- Leading Distributors receive a 14% referral commission rate
- Executives and higher receive a 15% referral commission rate
Note that Neura Technologies’ referral commissions are coded. This allows higher ranked affiliates to earn the difference between lower-ranked affiliates in their downline.
Rank Achievement Bonus
Neura Technologies rewards affiliates for qualifying at Leading Partner and higher with the following one-time Rank Achievement Bonuses:
- qualify at Leading Partner and receive $25
- qualify at Consultant and receive $75
- qualify at Leading Consultant and receive $125
- qualify at Developer and receive $400
- qualify at Leading Developer and receive $800
- qualify at Distributor and receive $1600
- qualify at Leading Distributor and receive $3200
- qualify at Executive and receive $6400
- qualify at Leading Executive and receive $25,600
- qualify at Executive and receive $102,400
- qualify at Leading Executive and receive $409,600
- qualify at Expert and receive $819,200
- qualify at Centurion and receive $1,638,400
- qualify at Leading Centurion and receive $3,276,800
- qualify at Golden Centurion and receive $6,553,600
- qualify at Royal Centurion and receive $19,660,800
- qualify at Ambassador Centurion and receive $58,982,400
- qualify at World Leader and receive $176,947,200
- qualify at Funders Circle and receive $530,841,600
Joining Neura Technologies
Neura Technologies affiliate membership is free.
Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum $50 investment.
Neura Technologies solicits investment in USD and various cryptocurrencies.
Neura Technologies Conclusion
Neura Technologies is a simple Ponzi scheme dressed up in AI cashback terminology.
Neura Technologies solicits investment on the promise of up to 35% a month.
The presented ruse is Neura Technologies investors are buying into an “advertising fund”. The fund generates ecommerce orders, with a percentage of sales funding passive returns.
This business model fails the Ponzi logic test.
If Neura Technologies was able to dump money into a budget that generated up to 35% passively a month, what do they need your money for?
Surely the play would be to just quietly dump money into the budget and reap the entirety of generated returns? And why is Neura Technologies anonymous admins offering access to up to 35% a month at no cost?
On the regulatory front Neura Technologies’ passive returns investment scheme constitutes a securities offering.
Neura Technologies fails to provide evidence it has registered with financial regulators in any jurisdiction. This means that, at a minimum, Neura Technologies is committing securities fraud.
As it stands the only verifiable source of revenue entering Neura Technologies is new investment.
Using new investment to pay ROI withdrawals would make Neura Technologies a Ponzi scheme.
As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.
This will starve Neura Technologies of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.
The math behind Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.
Update 20th February 2025 – Neura Technologies has collapsed.
Thanks for valuable informations. These informations are really eye openers.
Company had a different name in 2010. Hit by a bomb so project was closed.
(Ozedit: derails removed)
Obvious Ponzi marketing BS is obvious. You can’t provide evidence Neura Technologies existed in 2010 because it didn’t.
Sorry for your loss.