My Business Feeder Program fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

My Business Feeder Program’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on April 28th, 2024.

Two marketing videos on My Business Feeder Program’s website are unlisted videos hosted on a YouTube channel bearing the name “Steve Sexton”.

Sexton appears to be from the UK. A listed video on Sexton’s YouTube channel from 2022 reveals promotion of 7 Dollar Club:

7 Dollar Club, which has long-since collapsed, was a matrix-based pyramid scheme.

A more recent video on Sexton’s channel features Property Robots 3D co-founder Adam Ahmed.

Property Robots 3D was a spinoff of Ahmed’s earlier Camhirst 3DCP Ponzi scheme. A visit to Property Robots’ 3D’s website reveals it’s been pulled.

This suggests the Ponzi scheme has collapsed.

Between 7 Dollar Club and Property Robots 3D, we can conclude Steve Sexton is a serial promoter of fraudulent MLM schemes.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

My Business Feeder Program’s Products

My Business Feeder Program has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market My Business Feeder Program affiliate membership itself.

My Business Feeder Program’s Compensation Plan

My Business Feeder Program affiliates purchase $10 positions in a ten-tier 3×2 matrix cycler.

A 3×2 matrix cycler places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with three positions directly under them:

These three positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting each of these first three positions into another three positions each (nine positions).

Each 3×2 matrix has twelve positions to fill. Positions are filled via $10 position purchases by directly and indirectly recruited My Business Feeder Program affiliates.

Once all twelve positions in a 3×2 matrix are filled, the position at the top of the matrix “cycles” into the next tier. From here the process repeats itself.

Including the first non-matrix tier, here are the cycle commissions paid out across My Business Feeder Program:

  • Tier 1 ($10 position purchase) – $10 per affiliate personally recruited (cash gifting), first two $10 gifting payments used to fund entry into Tier 2
  • Tier 2 – $80 commission and cycles into Tier 3
  • Tier 3 – $100 commission and cycles into Tier 4
  • Tier 4 – $1400 commission and cycles into Tier 5
  • Tier 5 – $2800 commission and cycles into Tier 6
  • Tier 6 – $5600 commission and cycles into Tier 7
  • Tier 7 – $8000 commission and cycles into Tier 8
  • Tier 8 – $22,400 commission and cycles into Tier 9
  • Tier 9 – $44,800 commission and cycles into Tier 10
  • Tier 10 – $115,200 commission, end of cycler

Joining My Business Feeder Program

My Business Feeder Program affiliate membership is free.

Full participation  in the attached income opportunity requires a minimum $10 cycler position purchase.

My Business Feeder Program solicits investment in cryptocurrency and bank deposits.

We accept 8 different cryptocurrencies for deposits with Litecoin (LTC) Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), USDT-ERC20, (USDT-TRC20), BNB, Ripple (XRP) and TRON (TRX). and bank deposits with WISE & REVOLUT

My Business Feeder Program Conclusion

There’s not much to Business Feeder; it’s a simple Ponzi cycler.

New My Business Feeder Program affiliates sign up, purchase one or more $10 positions and then, through recruitment, steal money from subsequently recruited affiliates.

On the money side of things one $10 position purchase pays out $200,380. This requires a minimum purchase of 20,038 $10 positions.

Note I haven’t included Tier 1 commissions as these are variable depending on personal recruitment. Regardless, like any cycler it’s easy to see that only Steve Saxon and early affiliates will get anywhere near to Tier 10.

Admin positions in an MLM Ponzi cycler are added in first. These positions contribute nothing to the scam but suck most of the deposited funds by reaching the upper tiers of the cycler first.

A final note on My Business Feeder Program is the use of a Your Free World script:

Your Free World is an Indian company that sells backend scripts to scammers.

Previous Your Free World scams BehindMLM has reviewed include Wealth Cash Maker (2012), Coins N Dollars (2017) and 5 Dollars 2 Charity (2017). There have been others but I haven’t always explicitly noted the use of a Your Free World script.

In conclusion; My Business Feeder Program is a matrix cycler Ponzi scheme.

Steve Saxon and friends will steal the majority of $10 position purchases. This comes at the expense of recruited participants, the majority of whom lose money.