Mosaic Alpha Review: Ilgon scammers launch Kodexa Ponzi
Mosaic Alpha operates in the cryptocurrency MLM niche.
Mosaic Alpha fails to provide a corporate address on its website. The company’s website Terms and Conditions states:
This Agreement and your access to and use of the Site will be governed by the laws of the British Virgin Islands.
This is a red flag due to the BVI being a tax haven with no active MLM fraud related regulation.
Mosaic Alpha’s marketing material cites Evo Dynamic LLP, a shell company purportedly incorporated in Canada.
Cited as Mosaic Alpha’s “core team” on its website, we have co-founders Attila Vidakovics and Peter Molnar.
Vidakovics and Molnar are known to BehindMLM as executives of Ilgon, a reboot of the collapsed Ilgamos Ponzi scheme.
BehindMLM reviewed Ilgon in June 2021. Since then both Ilgon and the attached ILGON shitcoin have collapsed.
Total Ilgon victim numbers and how much was lost to Vidakovics and Molnar are unknown.
In a nutshell, Vidakovics and Molnar are typical crypto bros with a string of failed projects under their belts – Ilgon now being one of them.
Both Vidakovics and Molnar are based out of Hungary. As opposed to the BVI or Canada, Hungary is where Mosaic Alpha is being operated from.
It should be noted that Mosaic Alpha’s Canadian shell company, Evo Dynamic LLP, corresponds to Novalus Prime.
Evo Dynamic LLP is present in the footer of Novalus Prime’s website. Novalus Prime also features in Mosaic Alpha marketing material:
A visit to Novalus Prime’s website reveals the company is in prelaunch:
This suggests a possible Mosaic Alpha reboot is already in the works. For reference, Mosaic Alpha only launched last November.
Read on for a full review of Mosaic Alpha’s MLM opportunity.
Mosaic Alpha’s Products
Mosaic Alpha has no retailable products or services.
Affiliates are only able to market Mosaic Alpha affiliate membership itself.
Mosaic Alpha’s Compensation Plan
Mosaic Alpha affiliates invest tether (USDT) in Kodexa (KDX). This is done on the expectation of a marketed passive return:
Mosaic Alpha has five KDX investment packages:
- LP 100 Basic – invest 100 USDT and receive 3000 KDX
- LP 250 Standard – invest 250 USDT and receive 7500 KDX
- LP 750 Broker – invest 750 USDT and receive 22,500 KDX
- LP 1500 Professional – invest 1500 USDT and receive 45,000 KDX
- LP 5000 Infinity – invest 5000 USDT and receive 150,000 KDX
- Validator – invest 9990 USDT and receive ~299,700 KDX
- Validator Pro – invest 24,990 USDT and receive ~749,700 KDX
Note that KDX amounts for Validator and Validator Pro aren’t specified. I’ve calculated the amounts above based on the other investment tiers having KDX at 3 cents each.
Once invested into KDX is locked for 120 days. After 120 days Mosaic Alpha releases it to affiliate investors at a a rate of 1.25% a week.
As it is released, returns are realized as KDX is cashed out for more than it was originally invested in at.
The MLM side of Mosaic Alpha pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.
Mosaic Alpha Affiliate Ranks
There are eleven affiliate ranks within Mosaic Alpha’s compensation plan.
Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:
- Consultant – sign up as a Mosaic Alpha affiliate and invest
- Junior – invest in the LP 250 Standard tier or higher and convince others to invest at least 5000 USDT
- Executive – maintain an LP 250 Standard tier or higher investment and convince others to invest at least 20,000 USDT
- Senior Executive – invest in the LP 750 Broker tier or higher and convince others to invest at least 50,000 USDT
- Master Executive – invest in the LP 1500 Professional tier or higher and convince others to invest at least 100,000 USDT
- Diamond – invest in the LP 5000 Infinity tier or higher and convince others to invest at least 250,000 USDT
- Double Diamond – maintain an LP 5000 Infinity tier or higher investment and convince others to invest at least 500,000 USDT
- Blue Diamond – invest at the Validator tier or higher and convince others to invest at least 1,000,000 USDT
- Black Diamond – invest at the Validator Pro tier and convince others to invest at least 2,500,000 USDT
- Imperial Diamond – maintain a Validator Pro investment and convince others to invest at least 5,000,000 USDT
- Crown Diamond – maintain a Validator Pro investment and convince others to invest at least 10,000,000 USDT
Note that no more than 50% of counted downline investment can come from any one unilevel team leg.
Commission Caps
Mosaic Alpha restricts how much an affiliate can earn each week based on rank:
- Consultants can earn up to 500 USDT a week
- Junior Executives can earn up to 2000 USDT a week
- Executives can earn up to 5000 USDT a week
- Senior Executives can earn up to 10,000 USDT a week
- Master Executives can earn up to 15,000 USDT a week
- Diamonds can earn up to 25,000 USDT a week
- Double Diamonds can earn up to 50,000 USDT a week
- Blue Diamonds can earn up to 100,000 USDT a week
- Black Diamonds can earn up to 250,000 USDT a week
- Imperial Diamonds can earn up to 500,000 USDT a week
- Crown Diamonds can earn up to 1,000,000 USDT a week
Referral Commissions
Mosaic Alpha pays a referral commission on tether invested by personally recruited affiliates.
Referral commission rates are determined by how much a Mosaic Alpha affiliate has invested:
- LP 100 Basic tier affiliates earn a 10% referral commission rate
- LP 250 Standard and higher tier affiliates earn a 15% referral commission rate
Residual Commissions
Mosaic Alpha pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.
A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):
The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).
Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.
Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.
At the end of each week, Mosaic Alpha tallies up new investment volume on both sides of the binary team.
Affiliates are paid 10% of tether invested on their weaker binary team side.
Note that residual commissions are capped based on how much a Mosaic Alpha affiliate has invested:
- LP 100 Basic tier affiliates can earn up to 500 USDT a week
- LP 250 Standard tier affiliates can earn up to 2000 USDT a week
- LP 750 Broker tier affiliates can earn up to 5000 USDT a week
- LP 1490 Professional tier affiliates can earn up to 10,000 USDT a week
- LP 4990 Infinity tier affiliates can earn up to 15,000 USDT a week
- Validator tier affiliates can earn up to 20,000 USDT a week
- Validator Pro tier affiliates can earn up to 25,000 USDT a week
Once paid out on, volume is matched against the stronger binary team and then flushed.
Any leftover volume on the stronger binary team side carries over.
Matching Bonus
Mosaic Alpha pays a Matching Bonus via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Mosaic Alpha caps the Matching Bonus at seven unilevel team levels.
The Matching Bonus is paid out as a percentage of residual commissions earned across these seven levels based on rank:
- Professionals earn a 10% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
- Executives earn a 10% match on levels 1 and 2
- Senior Executives earn a 10% match on levels 1 to 3
- Master Executives earn a 10% match on levels 1 to 3 and 5% on level 4
- Diamonds earn a 10% match on levels 1 to 3 and 5% on levels 4 and 5
- Double Diamonds earn a 10% match on levels 1 to 3 and 5% on levels 4 to 6
- Blue Diamonds earn a 10% match on levels 1 to 3 and 5% on levels 4 to 7
Infinity Bonus
Mosaic Alpha pays the Infinity Bonus via the same unilevel compensation structure used to pay the Matching Bonus (see above).
The Infinity Bonus starts at the LP 4990 Infinity investment tier, paying out 1% of invested tether until another LP 4990 Infinity tier or higher ranked affiliate is found in each unilevel team leg.
- LP 4990 Infinity tier affiliates earn a 1% Infinity Bonus
- Master Executive ranked affiliates earn a 2% Infinity Bonus
- Diamond ranked affiliates earn a 3% Infinity Bonus
- Double Diamond ranked affiliates earn a 4% Infinity Bonus
- Blue Diamond ranked affiliates earn a 5% Infinity Bonus
Trader Bonus
If a recruited affiliate trades on Mosaic Alpha’s trading platform, the affiliate who recruited them earns 25% of generated trading fee commissions.
Car Bonus
Mosaic Alpha’s Car Bonus is broken up into three tiers:
- Level 1 – Senior Executives who have generated 120,000 BV in investment volume over 6 months receive a 30,000 USDT Car Bonus
- Level 2 – Master Executives who have generated 300,000 BV in investment volume over 6 months receive a 60,000 USDT Car Bonus
- Level 3 – Diamonds and higher who have generated 600,000 BV in investment volume over 6 months receive a 120,000 USDT Car Bonus
BV seems like a way to reduce counted downline USDT investment, based on how recruited affiliates invest.
Note that if a Mosaic Alpha affiliate isn’t based in Europe (owing to Mosaic Alpha operating from Hungary), the Car Bonus is paid as a “Lifestyle Bonus” instead:
- Level 1 – 30,000 USDT paid as 5000 USDT and then 500 USDT a month
- Level 2 – 60,000 USDT paid as 10,000 USDT and then 1000 USDT a month
- Level 3 – 120,000 USDT paid as 20,000 USDT and then 2000 USDT a month
Diamond Pool
Mosaic Alpha takes 3% of company-wide investment and places it into the Diamond Pool.
Diamond and higher ranked affiliates receive shares in the pool as follows:
- Diamonds receive 1 Diamond Pool share
- Double Diamonds receive 2 Diamond Pool shares
- Blue Diamonds receive 4 Diamond Pool shares
- Black Diamonds receive 10 Diamond Pool shares
- Imperial Diamonds receive 20 Diamond Pool shares
- Crown Diamonds receive 50 Diamond Pool shares
How frequently the Diamond Pool is paid out is not disclosed.
Joining Mosaic Alpha
Mosaic Alpha affiliate membership is tied to an initial 100 to 24,990 USDT investment.
The more a Mosaic Alpha affiliate invests, the higher their income potential.
Mosaic Alpha Conclusion
From what I’ve been able to piece together, although it had collapsed well-before, Ilgon was abandoned mid 2022.
Attila Vidakovics and Peter Molnar then waited a bit before launching Mosaic Alpha.
Mosaic Alpha is more of the same. ILGON has been switched out for Kodexa (KDX), a BEP-20 shitcoin.
BEP-20 shitcoins can be created in a few minutes at little to no cost. As far as I can tell KDX doesn’t exist outside of Mosaic Alpha.
Over the past few months, SimilarWeb tracks Mosaic Alpha website traffic as ~3100 for February, 6800 for March and ~15,000 for April.
While there is growth, this is nowhere near enough to sustain an MLM crypto Ponzi scheme. This is likely why Novalus Prime branding has begun.
As to why Mosaic Alpha is a Ponzi scheme, the company has no verifiable source of income other than new investment.
Invested tether goes into Mosaic Alpha, and the same tether is used to pay withdrawals of earlier investors. This is your classic Ponzi scheme.
On the regulatory front, Mosaic Alpha’s passive investment scheme clearly constitutes a securities offering.
Mosaic Alpha Affiliates are investing in KDX in the hope of realizing an advertised passive return:
Mosaic Alpha fails to provide evidence it has registered its securities offering with financial regulators. This goes for Evo Dynamic LLP in Canada and Novalus Prime.
In Hungary, Mosaic Alpha is required to register its securities offering with the Hungarian National Bank (MNB). Outside of Hungary Mosaic Alpha is required to register with financial regulators in every jurisdiction it solicits investment in.
Failing to do so constitutes securities fraud, which goes hand in hand with Mosaic Alpha operating a Ponzi scheme.
With nothing marketed or sold to retail customers, Mosaic Alpha’s MLM opportunity additionally constitutes a pyramid scheme.
As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.
This will starve Mosaic Alpha of ROI revenue, eventually prompting a collapse.
The math behind MLM Ponzi schemes guarantees that when they collapse, the majority of participants lose money.
Look no further than Ilgamos and Ilgon for evidence of this in action.
Update 8th January 2025 – In August 2024 Mosaic Alpha began promoting Mosaic Alpha with “Mosaic Galaxy” branding.
MosaicChain is also part of the Mosaic Alpha offering.
Glad I came across this review as it is being promoted by a well know Ponzi promoter in UK ,Stepshit. Stay away folks and run if you get exposed to this scam .
Being promoted as mosaic Galaxy
Confirmed. Added review update noting Mosaic Galaxy and MosaicChain.
You can buy it on pancakeswap, see that on cmc.
When you connect wallet on mosaic alpha you get kdx and refferal section, and that comp. plan is not matching what you write in this article. I am now confused.
CMC started tracking KDX in Dec 2024. This review was written in May 2023.
The only “swapping” going on is KDX bagholders dumping onto new bagholders.
Mosaic Alpha hides their compensation plan from the public. I can’t speak to whatever they’re showing in a hidden referral section.
Bottom line is obvious Ponzi is obvious and if you’re investing two years after the fact, sorry for your loss.