I came across Lueur Lauren International when researching our recently published Telepreneur Corp review.

Both companies are run by Lorenzo B. Rellosa.

Executive positions below Rellosa are also shared across the companies.

On its website Lueur Lauren states Telepreneur Corp is its parent company.

Lueur Lauren International was founded in late 2019. The company is run by Rellosa from Quezon City in the Philippines.

Read on for a full review of Lueur Lauren International’s MLM opportunity.

Lueur Lauren International’s Products

Lueur Lauren International markets a range of personal care products.

  • Cleansing Foam – “acne & whitening line”, retails at ₱2544 for a 50 g tube
  • Intense Whitening Toner – “gently removes dirt, deep cleanses pores and softens skin”, retails at ₱1908 for a 100 ml bottle
  • Intense Whitening Cream – “a wrinkle, whitening-dual functional nutrition cream”, retails at ₱1908 for a 50 g tube
  • White & Wrinkle Spot Cream – “reverses signs of aging, evens out skin tone, soothes skin and makes it firm and healthy”, retails at ₱2120 for a 30 g tube
  • BB Cream for Whitening – “functions as sunscreen, moisturizes skin and minimizes irritation”, retails at ₱1696 for a 30 g tube
  • Collagen Essence White & Wrinkle Sheet Mask – “brightens and hydrates skin, supplies suppleness”, retails at ₱424 for a 25 ml pouch
  • Esther BioScience – brings out natural glow, promotes weight loss and faster metabolism and fights signs of aging”, retails at ₱5400 for a box of thirty single-serve sachets

Lueur Lauren International claims its

products are created by one of the reputable and well-known manufacturing companies in South Korea.

No specific manufacturing details are provided.

Lueur Lauren International’s Compensation Plan

Lueur Lauren International do not provide a copy of their compensation plan on their website.

The following analysis is put together from multiple affiliate presentations, which I cross-referenced against each other.

Lueur Lauren International Affiliate Ranks

There are seven affiliate ranks within Lueur Lauren International’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Affiliate – sign up as a Lueur Lauren International affiliate
  • Elite Member – not disclosed
  • Duke – maintain 500 PV and 50,000 GV a month, and recruit and maintain one Elite Member
  • Viceroy – maintain 500 PV a month, generate 100,000 GV a month and recruit and maintain two Dukes
  • Grand Duke – maintain 500 PV a month, generate 200,000 GV a month and recruit and maintain four Dukes
  • Prince – generate and maintain 600 PV and 300,000 GV a month, and recruit and maintain six Dukes
  • Emperor – generate 700 PV and 500,000 GV a month, and recruit and maintain ten Dukes

PV stands for “Personal Volume”. PV is sales volume generated by retail sales and an affiliate’s own orders.

GV stands for “Group Volume”. GV is PV generated by an affiliate and their downline.

Note that recruited affiliates must be “active” to count towards rank qualification.

Active status isn’t disclosed in Lueur Lauren International’s marketing material.

Retail Commissions

Lueur Lauren International affiliates earn commissions on the sale of products to retail customers.

Retail commissions are paid as the difference between the retail and wholesale price of products ordered.

Recruitment commissions

Lueur Lauren International affiliates earn commissions on recruitment of affiliates.

Recruitment commission rates are determined by how much a newly recruited affiliate spends when they sign up.

  • recruit a Starter affiliate and receive ₱500
  • recruit a Basic affiliate and receive ₱1500
  • recruit an Elite affiliate and receive ₱7500

Residual Recruitment Commissions

Lueur Lauren International pays residual recruitment commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each day Lueur Lauren tallies up new recruitment activity across both sides of the binary team.

Residual recruitment commissions are paid out when a pair of new Basic or Elite affiliates are matched, one on each side of the binary team.

  • a pair of new Basic recruited affiliates pays $2700
  • a pair of new Elite recruited affiliates pays $13,500

Remember that residual recruited affiliates can be directly or indirectly recruited into the binary team.

Downline Purchase Commissions

Lueur Lauren International pays commissions on downline purchases via a 2×15 matrix.

A 2×15 matrix places an affiliate at the top of the matrix, with two positions directly under them:

These two positions for the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each.

Levels three to fifteen of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing two times as many positions as the previous level.

For each affiliate recruited into the matrix (directly or indirectly), ₱15 to ₱44.1 a month is paid on their product order.

Totals for each matrix level are provided below:

  • level 1 (2 positions) – ₱30
  • level 2 (4 positions) – ₱60
  • level 3 (8 positions) – ₱120
  • level 4 (16 positions) – ₱320
  • level 5 (32 positions) – ₱640
  • level 6 (64 positions) – ₱1280
  • level 7 (128 positions) – ₱3200
  • level 8 (256 positions) – ₱6400
  • level 9 (512 positions) – ₱12,800
  • level 10 (1024 positions) – ₱30,720
  • level 11 (2048 positions) – ₱61,440
  • level 12 (4096 positions) – ₱122,880
  • level 13 (8192 positions) – ₱286,720
  • level 14 (16,384 positions) – ₱573,440
  • level 15 (32,768 positions) – ₱1,446,880

Note that Basic tier affiliates only earn on up to eight matrix levels. Elite tier is required to earn downline purchase commissions on all fifteen levels.

The presentations frame downline purchase commissions as a monthly commission. This suggests it serves as defacto affiliate autoship commissions.

Leadership Rewards

Viceroy and higher ranked Lueur Lauren affiliates earn Leadership Rewards.

  • Viceroys receive a 4% Leadership Reward
  • Grand Dukes receive a 6% Leadership Reward
  • Princes receive an 8% Leadership Reward
  • Emperors receive a 10% Leadership Reward

What the Leadership Reward is actually paid out on isn’t disclosed.

Generation Rewards

Generation Rewards appears to be a matching bonus paid on downline earnings.

Generation Rewards are paid out down three unilevel team levels:

  • 3% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
  • 1% on levels 2 and 3

Profit Sharing

Lueur Lauren International takes 10% of company-wide sales volume and places it into a Profit Sharing pool.

Grand Duke and higher ranked affiliates earn shares in the pool each month as follows:

  • Grand Dukes receive one share
  • Prices receive two shares
  • Emperors receive three shares

Additional Bonuses

Car Bonuses, Travel Bonuses and Rank Achievement Bonuses are referenced in Lueur Lauren International’s compensation material.

Specific details are not provided.

Joining Lueur Lauren International

Lueur Lauren International affiliate membership is available at three tiers:

  • Starter – ₱2000
  • Basic – ₱15,889
  • Elite – ₱75,889

The main difference between the tiers is bundled product, and income potential via Lueur Lauren International’s compensation plan.

Note that Starter tier affiliates don’t earn MLM commissions unless they upgrade or personally recruit twelve affiliates.

Lueur Lauren International Conclusion

Lueur Lauren International is essentially a personal care version of Telepreneur Corp.

Both operate as pyramid schemes.

Whereas Lueur Lauren International’s product line is a major improvement over Telepreneur Corp’s “resell codes” nonsense, the business model is still problematic.

Lueur Lauren International is essentially set up as an autoship recruitment scheme.

And boy is inventory loading out of control.

New affiliates sign up and commit to a product purchase. The more they spend, the higher their income potential.

This is your first red flag.

Official Lueur Lauren marketing presentations spruik the benefits of purchasing multiple affiliate positions:

No legitimate MLM company has you purchasing multiple positions to stack and earn higher commissions from.

And that inventory loading I mentioned earlier?

Lueur Lauren International’s multi-position affiliate membership packages top out at ₱950,000 ($18,718 USD).

Nobody joining any MLM company needs that much product. It’s just an excuse to drive recruitment based sales volume because commissions.

To be clear, retail is possible within Lueur Lauren International’s MLM opportunity. Given the recommendation to purchase multiple affiliate memberships and gargantuan inventory loading taking place though, it’s definitely not a focus.

Beyond the initial buying in, Lueur Lauren International’s compensation plan is geared towards spend $x a month, recruit others who do the same and earn more.

In other words your classic product-based pyramid scheme. And official marketing presentations reflect that.

As to the products themselves, Lueur Lauren International’s offering is a whitening crazed selection. This is typical of south-east Asia so I won’t hold it against them.

A little more disclosure as to who is manufacturing the products in South Korea wouldn’t go astray. If I’m going to be basically bleaching my skin, I’d like to know who I’m trusting not to disfigure me.

As you might have guessed, whatever merit there is to Lueur Laurent International’s products is let down by the business model.

If this was a once-off MLM opportunity I’d be inclined to be a bit more constructive. Two pyramid schemes from the same owner however is indicative of someone who knows what they’re doing.

On the off chance there is a Lueur Laurent International product you fancy, retail is an option. Bear in mind though that it’s probably going to be difficult to stay a retail customer.

Looking at the marketing, there’s immense pressure to recruit (the slide literally commands affiliates “follow strictly!!!”). Unless you’re prepared to dodge that heat, the hassle probably isn’t worth it.

And if you do sign up, always remember the majority of pyramid scheme participants lose money.