Liberium Crypto fails to provide company ownership and executive information on its website.

Rather, Liberium Crypto’s marketing videos are cartoons.

The only point of contact provided is a Telegram channel, which is typical of MLM scams.

Liberium Crypto’s website domain (“”), was registered in December 2021. The private registration was last updated on April 12th, 2022.

SimilarWeb currently tracks the majority of Liberium Crypto website traffic as originating from the US (62%). Cuba and Russia are second and third, coming in at 5% and 4% respectively.

Further research reveals Liberium Crypto affiliates naming Antione McBay as CEO of the company.

On LinkedIn McBay cites himself as Liberium Crypto’s Chairman:

McBay has been committing securities fraud through MLM crypto scams for years.

BehindMLM first came across McBay in April 2021, as founder of CopyProTraders.

McBay stopped promoting CopyProTraders in August 2021. The company appears to have collapsed by the end of the year.

A few weeks ago CopyProTraders’ website was pulled offline:

Liberium Crypto is a reboot of Antione McBay’s failed CopyProTraders scam:

McBay, a US citizen originally from Texas, runs and promotes his scams from Vietnam.

McBay also has ties to Dubai, the MLM crime capital of the world.

Read on for a full review of Liberium Crypto’s MLM opportunity.

Liberium Crypto’s Products

Liberium Crypto has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Liberium Crypto affiliate membership itself.

Liberium Crypto’s Compensation Plan

Liberium Crypto affiliates purchase “trade credits”, through which passive returns are obtained via an automated crypto trading service.

  • Veritas Package – pay $189 and receive 189 credits
  • Justice Package – pay $379 and receive 420 credits
  • Peace Package – pay $567 and receive 730 credits
  • Liberium Package – pay $755 and receive 1040 credits

One buy or sale equates to one trade credit. When trade credits are exhausted, a Liberium Crypto package must be purchased.

There is also a $79 a month “Signal Package” subscription. This provides access to an email based signal service.

The MLM side of Liberium Crypto pays on recruitment of affiliates who purchase trade credits and signal subscriptions.

Commission Qualification

To qualify for MLM commissions, each Liberium Crypto affiliate must generate Customer Points.

A Customer Point is generated when a personally recruited affiliate purchases a trade credit package. Sale of the Signal Package generates half a point.

  • 1 Customer Point = commissions on two levels of recruitment
  • 3 Customer Points = commissions on twenty levels of recruitment
  • 15 Customer Points = commissions on twenty levels of recruitment and the Infinity Bonus

In effect, Liberium Crypto’s Customer Points are affiliate ranks.

Liberium Crypto Commission Structure

Liberium Crypto pays commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

How many levels commissions are earned on is covered in “Commission Qualification” above.

Subject to the Customer Point level qualification requirements above, each Liberium Crypto subscription and packages pays a set amount of commissions down a set amount of levels.

  • Signal Package purchase – $15 on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates), $7 on level 2, $5 on level 3, $3 on level 4 and $10 on level 5
  • Veritas Package purchase – $60 on level 1, $15 on level 2, $10 on level 3, $5 on level 4, $10 on level 5, $5 on level 6, $4 on level 7, $3 on levels 8 to 10, $2 on levels 11 to 14 and $1 on levels 15 to 20
  • Justice Package purchase – $120 on level 1, $30 on level 2, $20 on level 3, $10 on level 4, $20 on level 5, $10 on level 6, $8 on level 7, $6 on levels 8 to 10, $4 on levels 11 to 14 and $2 on levels 15 to 20
  • Peace Package purchase – $180 on level 1, $45 on level 2, $30 on level 3, $15 on level 4, $30 on level 5, $15 on level 6, $12 on level 7, $9 on levels 8 to 10, $6 on levels 11 to 14 and $3 on levels 15 to 20
  • Liberium Package purchase – $240 on level 1, $60 on level 2, $40 on level 3, $20 on level 4, $40 on level 5, $20 on level 6, $16 on level 7, $12 on levels 8 to 10, $8 on levels 11 to 14 and $4 on levels 15 to 20

Infinity Bonus

Liberium Crypto pays an Infinity Bonus to qualified affiliates (15 Customer Points).

  • Veritas Package pays a $10 Infinity Bonus
  • Justice Package pays a $20 Infinity Bonus
  • Peace Package pays a $30 Infinity Bonus
  • Liberium Package pays a $40 Infinity Bonus

The Infinity Bonus is paid on trade credit package purchases across the unilevel team, up until another Infinity Bonus qualified affiliate is found in a unilevel team leg.

Joining Liberium Crypto

Liberium Crypto affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires purchase of a trading credit package, and/or Signals Package.

  • Signals Package – $79 a month
  • Veritas Package – $189
  • Justice Package – $379
  • Peace Package – $567
  • Liberium Package – $755

The more a Liberium Crypto affiliate pays in fees, the higher their income potential.

Note that although Liberium Crypto operates in USD, payments are received and made in bitcoin, litecoin and dogecoin.

Liberium Crypto Conclusion

CopyProTraders was your typical “lulz can’t touch our money!” MLM crypto scam.

When the Trader you were following makes a trade, we use the API key you provide to place the same trade on your behalf in your exchange.

Your Crypto stays in your exchange and in your control 100% of the time.

While the above is true, Liberium Crypto affiliates don’t own what’s behind the API. They give access to their funds to McBay, who is free to do whatever he wants with the funds.

Now that CopyProTraders pyramid recruitment has died and the trading has generated the inevitable widespread losses, McBay has rebooted the scam under a different name.

That’s pretty much all there is to Liberium Crypto.

A side-by-side analysis reveals multiple packages instead of a flat $99 fee. And twenty levels of payment instead of seven.

Since it applies here, here’s the conclusion from BehindMLM’s CopyProTraders review:

Antione McBay’s game-plan seems to be hide out in Vietnam whilst committing securities fraud, namely in the US.

As I write this, Alexa estimates 80% of traffic to CopyProTraders’ website originates from the US.

For CryptoProTraders affiliates in the US, know that promotion of securities fraud is also illegal.

Failing the SEC or regulators in Vietnam taking action, the other outcome of the “cRyPtO iS iN mY eXcHaNgE aCcOuNt” model is rigged trades.

The most recent example of this playing out was iQuandex’s exit-scam.

In addition to securities and pyramid fraud, CryptoProTraders is also violating the FTC Act.

The “our traders” section of CryptoProTraders website provides grainy photos of individuals and fluffy bios.

No verifiable evidence or trading data, with respect to alleged trading for CopyProTraders is provided.

Nor does CryptoProTraders provide consumers any historical trading results, or information about who exactly is behind their automated trading software.

These are all potential violations of the FTC Act with respect to marketing disclosures.

In addition to losing cryptocurrency through rigged trades, the majority of participants in MLM pyramid schemes are guaranteed to lose money.

Be it trading or pyramid recruitment, only a select few are making money in CopyProTraders.

Be wary of CopyProTraders promoters dismissing/ignoring securities fraud, and representing they are in profit over the short-term.

Replace “CopyProTraders” in the green box above with Liberium Crypto.

Ultimately if CopyProTraders’ trading was actually profitable, it wouldn’t have collapsed. More to the point, McBay would be quietly running it himself instead of committing securities fraud.

The only people who made money in CopyProTraders was McBay and the scammers promoting it.

The same will play out again with Liberium Crypto.