It’s Only 25 Cents fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

It’s Only 25 Cents’ website domain (“”), was privately registered on December 6th, 2023.

An official FaceBook group is linked from It’s Only 25 Cents’ website. The sole admin of the group is “Robert William”.

Robert William appears to be a dummy FaceBook account used to promote MLM Ponzi schemes.

Another name we can attach to It’s Only 25 Cents is Elton Potts.

Potts appeared on BehindMLM’s radar in 2022, as co-founder of It’s Only 5.

It’s Only 5 didn’t last long, but was enough to land Potts (right) a $10,000 securities fraud fine from Michigan. is a publicly available website that is not registered in any capacity and has not registered any securities offerings under the Securities Act in Michigan.

It is owned and operated by Elton Potts, an individual last known to be a resident of the State of Michigan

The naming could just be a giant coincidence, but otherwise Potts is likely involved in the running of It’s Only 25 Cents.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

It’s Only 25 Cents’ Products

It’s Only 25 Cents has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market It’s Only 25 Cents affiliate membership itself.

Once signed up, It’s Only 25 Cents affiliates purchase 25 cent cycler positions.

Bundled with these positions are advertising credits, which It’s Only 25 Cents affiliates can use to display advertising to other affiliates.

It’s Only 25 Cents’ Compensation Plan

Rather than just be honest and upfront about running a simple matrix cycler, It’s Only 25 Cents hides behind a bunch of marketing baloney such as “harmony motion” and “bubble up technology”.

As such it’s unclear how many positions in each matrix cycler tier need to be filled to cycle out.

Regardless, the premise of each cycler tier is the same – pay a fee, others do the same and you steal their money.

With that in mind, here are the payments across It’s Only 25 Cents’ thirty-one tier cycler:

  • Tier 1 – invest 25 cents, steal 20 cents and cycle into Tier 2
  • Tier 2 – steal 30 cents and cycle into Tier 3
  • Tier 3 – steal 40 cents, receive a new Tier 1 position and cycle into Tier 4
  • Tier 4 – steal 55 cents, receive a new Tier 1 position and cycle into Tier 5
  • Tier 5 – steal 60 cents, receive a new Tier 1 position and cycle into Tier 6
  • Tier 6 – steal 65 cents, receive a new Tier 1 position and cycle into Tier 7
  • Tier 7 – steal 70 cents, receive two new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 8
  • Tier 8 – steal 80 cents, receive two new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 9
  • Tier 9 – steal 90 cents, receive two new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 10
  • Tier 10 – steal $1, receive a new Tier 1 position and cycle into Tier 11
  • Tier 11 – steal $1.10, receive three new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 12
  • Tier 12 – steal $1.20, receive four new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 13
  • Tier 13 – steal $1.30, receive seven new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 14
  • Tier 14 – steal $2, receive twelve new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 15
  • Tier 15 – steal $3, receive fourteen new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 16
  • Tier 16 – steal $4, receive sixteen new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 17
  • Tier 17 – steal $5, receive eighteen new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 18
  • Tier 18 – steal $6, receive twenty new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 19
  • Tier 19 – steal $7, receive twenty-two new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 20
  • Tier 20 – steal $8, receive twenty-four new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 21
  • Tier 21 – steal $9, receive twenty-six new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 22
  • Tier 22 – steal $10, receive twenty-eight new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 23
  • Tier 23 – steal $11, receive thirty new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 24
  • Tier 24 – steal $12, receive thirty-two new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 25
  • Tier 25 – steal $13, receive thirty-four new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 26
  • Tier 26 – steal $14, receive thirty-six new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 27
  • Tier 27 – steal $15, receive thirty-eight new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 28
  • Tier 28 – steal $16, receive forty new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 29
  • Tier 29 – steal $17, receive forty-two new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 30
  • Tier 30 – steal $18, receive forty-four new Tier 1 positions and cycle into Tier 31
  • Tier 31 – steal $25 and receive seventy new Tier 1 positions

Referral Commission

It’s Only 25 Cents affiliates earn 5 cents per 25 cent cycler position purchased by personally recruited affiliates.

Matching Bonus

It’s Only 25 Cents pays a Matching Bonus on money stolen through the cycler down two levels of recruitment:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 100% match
  • level 2 – 50% match

Joining It’s Only 25 Cents

It’s Only 25 Cents affiliate membership is free.

Full participation in the attached income opportunity requires at least one 25 cent cycler position investment.

It’s Only 25 Cents solicits investment in various cryptocurrencies.

It’s Only 25 Cents Conclusion

It’s Only 25 Cents is a continuation of the Ponzi scheme Elton Potts started with It’s Only 5.

While Potts might not be putting his name to It’s Only 25 Cents this time around, it’s still an obvious reboot.

Due to the low investment amounts, both It’s Only 5 and It’s Only 25 had/have a ridiculous amount of cycler tiers.

Excluding referral commissions and the Matching Bonus, you’re looking at $204.70 per complete thirty-one tier cycle. That requires a whopping 819 twenty-five cent position purchases.

And that’s just one position, with referral commissions and the Matching Bonus pushing the required purchases even higher.

Factor in hundreds of phantom Tier 1 positions created by cycling through all thirty-one tiers, and things get even more ridiculous.

Typically, the only people to make any money in cyclers are the admins. Through pre-loaded positions placed ahead of everyone else, they hoover the majority of funds invested.

Top recruiters make a bit of money, with everybody else losing out.

Being a Ponzi cycler, It’s Only 25 Cents’ collapse will manifest itself by way of matrices within the cycler stalling.

Once enough matrices stall, an irreversible collapse is triggered.