Infinity Global operates in the financial services MLM niche. The company doesn’t provide a corporate address on its website.

Heading up Infinity Global is CEO Leopoldo Castillo.

Oddly enough I couldn’t find anything on Castillo. This might be due to language-barriers, seeing as Infinity Global’s website defaults to Spanish.

Based on language and the use of USD, I want to say Infinity Global are targeting Central and South America.

Infinity Global’s website domain (“”), was privately registered on July 13th, 2021.

Read on for a full review of Infinity Global’s MLM opportunity.

Infinity Global’s Products

Infinity Global market Bitex packages:

  • 100Bitex – $100
  • 250Bitex – $250
  • 500Bitex – $500
  • 1000Bitex – $1000
  • 2000Bitex – $2000
  • 5000Bitex – $5000
  • 10000Bitex – $10,000
  • 25000 Bitex – $25,000

Infinity Global claims their Bitex packages provide “financial education” but don’t go into specifics.

A Bitex subscription is valid for sixteen months. This can be extended for a fee for up to thirty-four months.

Infinity Global’s Compensation Plan

Infinity Global affiliates are required to purchase a Bitex subscription to qualify for commissions.

Commissions are paid on package subscription sales to retail customers and recruited affiliates.

Infinity Global Affiliate Ranks

There are eleven affiliate ranks within Infinity Global’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Rep Executive – generate 1000 GV on your weaker binary team leg
  • Pearl – generate 2000 GV on your weaker binary team leg
  • Jade – generate 5000 GV on your weaker binary team leg
  • Sapphire – generate 10,000 GV on your weaker binary team leg
  • Emerald – generate 20,000 GV on your weaker binary team leg
  • Ruby – generate 50,000 GV on your weaker binary team leg, and have two Sapphires or higher in two separate recruitment legs
  • Diamond – generate 100,000 GV on your weaker binary team leg, and have two Emeralds or higher in two separate recruitment legs
  • Double Diamond – generate 250,000 GV on your weaker binary team leg, and have two Rubys or higher in two separate recruitment legs
  • Triple Diamond – generate 500,000 GV on your weaker binary team leg, and have three Rubys or higher in two separate recruitment legs
  • Infinity Crown Diamond – generate 1,000,000 GV on your weaker binary team leg, and have three Diamonds or higher in three separate recruitment legs
  • Infinity Crown Double Diamond – generate 2,000,000 GV on your weaker binary team leg, and have five Diamonds or higher in four separate recruitment legs

GV stands for “Group Volume” and is sales volume generated via Bitex package sales.

Infinity Global aren’t specific about GV requirements (they erroneously refer to group volume as “PV”), but I believe the required amounts are accumulated.

Referral Commissions

Infinity Global pays referral commissions on the first package a retail customer or recruited affiliate purchases.

First package referral commission rates are determined by which package the referring affiliate purchased themselves:

  • purchase a $100 package and receive a 5% initial referral commission rate
  • purchase a $250 package and receive a 6% initial referral commission rate
  • purchase a $500 package and receive a 7% initial referral commission rate
  • purchase a $1000 package or higher and receive an 8% initial referral commission rate

Subsequent package purchases also pay referral commissions, once again determined by which package the referring affiliate purchased:

  • purchase a $100 package and receive a 3% subsequent referral commission rate
  • purchase a $250 or $500 package and receive a 4% subsequent referral commission rate
  • purchase a $1000 package or higher and receive a 5% subsequent referral commission rate

Infinity Upgrade Bonus

When a personally recruited affiliate or referred customer opts to extend their Bitex package duration, an Infinity Upgrade Bonus is paid out.

  • if the extended time is 8 months, a 10% Infinity Upgrade Bonus is paid out
  • if the extended time is 14 months, a 20% Infinity Upgrade Bonus is paid out
  • if the extended time is 18 months, a 30% Infinity Upgrade Bonus is paid out

The Infinity Upgrade Bonus is paid as a percentage of the Bitex package tier being extended.

Residual Commissions

Infinity Global pays residual commissions via a binary compensation structure.

A binary compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a binary team, split into two sides (left and right):

The first level of the binary team houses two positions. The second level of the binary team is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Subsequent levels of the binary team are generated as required, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the binary team are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of affiliates. Note there is no limit to how deep a binary team can grow.

At the end of each month Infinity Global tallies up new package volume on both sides of the binary team.

Affiliates are paid a percentage of package volume on their weaker binary team side.

Residual commission rates are determined by which package an affiliate themselves purchased:

  • purchase a $100 package and receive a 5% residual commission rate
  • purchase a $250 package and receive a 6% residual commission rate
  • purchase a $500 package and receive a 7% residual commission rate
  • purchase a $1000 or $2000 package and receive an 8% residual commission rate
  • purchase a $5000 package and receive a 9% residual commission rate
  • purchase a $10,000 package and receive a 10% residual commission rate

Note that residual commissions are capped at 200% of the package tier an affiliate purchased.

E.g. a $100 package tier affiliate can earn up to $200 in residual commissions a month.

Once paid out on, weaker side volume is matched against the stronger binary team side and flushed.

Leftover volume on the stronger binary team side carries over for up to 6 months.

Rank Achievement Bonus

Infinity Global rewards affiliates for qualifying at Jade and higher with the following one-time rank achievement bonuses:

  • qualify at Jade and receive $100
  • qualify at Sapphire and receive $200
  • qualify at Ruby and receive $400
  • qualify at Diamond and receive $1000
  • qualify at Double Diamond and receive $2000
  • qualify at Triple Diamond and receive $5000
  • qualify at Infinity Crown Diamond and receive $20,000
  • qualify at Infinity Crown Double Diamond and receive $40,000

In addition to rank qualifying, each affiliate must also maintain three personally recruited MLM commission qualified affiliates on both sides of their binary team.

Infinity Car Bonus

Ruby and higher ranked affiliates who personally recruit four MLM commission qualified affiliates on both sides of their binary team, qualify for a monthly Infinity Car Bonus:

  • Rubys receive $500
  • Diamonds receive $1000
  • Double Diamonds receive $2000
  • Triple Diamonds receive $3000
  • Infinity Crown Diamonds receive $4000
  • Infinity Crown Double Diamonds receive $5000

Infinity Vacations

Emerald and higher ranked affiliates who maintain rank for three months out of a rolling six-month qualification period, qualify for an Infinity Vacation.

These vacations are valid for one person to the destination selected in the qualification time, restrictions apply, and this voucher does not include the passage required to reach the destination.

Joining Infinity Global

Infinity Global affiliate membership is $35 annually.

To qualify for MLM commissions, an affiliate must also purchase and maintain a $100 to $25,000 Bitex subscription.

The more an affiliate spends on their subscription, the higher their income potential.


I think we can safely rule out the retail viability of Infinity Global’s Bitex packages.

For starters, there’s no information provided on the company’s website explaining what the packages provide access to, or what the differences in price entail.

This is all Infinity Global discloses:

Bitex, our E-learning program, which will allow you to access the Master’s in Financial Education from Infinity.

What we do know is the more an affiliate spends on their package, the more they can earn in commissions.

We also know affiliates are forced to purchase and maintain a package to qualify for commissions.

Put all this together and you have your typical pay-to-play pyramid scheme.

As with all pyramid schemes, once recruitment tanks so do commissions.

Once recruitment has tanked far enough, Infinity Global collapses.

Math guarantees the majority of participants in pyramid schemes will lose money.


Update 10th May 2024 – Infinity Global has collapsed and been rebooted as Therus Network.