Global Premiers fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

Global Premiers’ marketing videos feature a man who identifies himself as “Tony”:

I wasn’t able to find any additional information on Tony. While I can’t say for sure, Tony not disclosing his full name lends itself to him being a paid actor.

In the footer of Global Premiers’ website we find:

Copyright © 2024 GlobalPremiers

Powered by MHDscripts

On its website MHDscripts describes itself as

a Programming and Development Company, based in Dubai, and specialized in FinTech Programming, Affiliate Marketing Softwares, Technology Scripts and Global Platforms.

Additionally, Global Premiers website Terms and Conditions state:

These Terms of Use shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of Dubai UAE.

Due to the proliferation of scams and failure to enforce securities fraud regulation, BehindMLM ranks Dubai as the MLM crime capital of the world.

BehindMLM’s guidelines for Dubai are:

  1. If someone lives in Dubai and approaches you about an MLM opportunity, they’re trying to scam you.
  2. If an MLM company is based out of or represents it has ties to Dubai, it’s a scam.

If you want to know specifically how this applies to Global Premiers, read on for a full review.

Global Premiers’ Products

Global Premiers has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Global Premiers affiliate membership itself.

Global Premiers’ Compensation Plan

Global Premiers’ compensation plan pays on recruitment of affiliates.

Global Premiers Affiliate Ranks

There are three affiliate ranks within Global Premiers’ compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  1. Affiliate – sign up as a Global Premiers affiliate
  2. Advance – recruit thirty affiliates and have earned $10,000, or purchase Advance membership
  3. Elite – recruit one hundred affiliates and have earned $50,000, or purchase Elite membership
  4. Premier – recruit five hundred affiliates and have earned $100,000, or purchase Premier membership

Task Commissions

Global Premiers pays affiliates 2 cents to watch videos and view websites promoted by other paid affiliates.

  • free affiliates are capped at $20 a day in task commissions (1000 tasks)
  • paid affiliates are capped at $50 a day in task commissions (2500 tasks)
  • Advance tier affiliates are capped at $100 a day in task commissions (5000 tasks)
  • Elite and Premier tier affiliates have no task commission cap

Recruitment Commissions

Global Premiers pays affiliates to recruit affiliates.

  • free affiliates earn $5 per paid affiliate recruited, $10 per Advance tier affiliate, $20 per Elite tier affiliate and $50 per Premier tier affiliate
  • paid through Premier tier affiliates earn $10 per paid affiliate recruited, $20 per Advance tier affiliate, $40 per Elite tier affiliate and $100 per Premier tier affiliate

$2 is earned per ongoing fee paid by recruited affiliates, irrespective of membership tier.

Residual Recruitment Commissions

Global Premiers pays recruitment commissions via a 2×14 matrix.

A 2×14 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix with two positions directly under them:

These two positions form the first level of the matrix. The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).

Levels three to fourteen of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level housing twice as many positions as the previous level.

Positions in the matrix are filled via direct and indirect recruitment of paid Global Premiers affiliates.

Recruitment commissions are paid as 50 cents per position filled in the matrix.

  • paid Global Premiers affiliates earn recruitment commissions down twelve matrix levels
  • Advance tier affiliates earn recruitment commissions down thirteen matrix levels
  • Elite and Premier tier affiliates earn recruitment commissions down fourteen matrix levels

Note that recruitment commissions are contingent on recruited affiliates paying and continuing to pay ongoing monthly Global Premiers affiliate membership fees.

Infinity Bonus

Global Premiers pays a $20 Infinity Bonus on recruitment of affiliates.

  • paid affiliates earn a $2 Infinity Bonus
  • Advance tier affiliates earn a $4 Infinity Bonus
  • Elite tier affiliates earn an $8 Infinity Bonus
  • Premier tier affiliates earn a $20 Infinity Bonus

The Infinity Bonus is coded, meaning higher ranked Global Premiers affiliates earn the difference between what is paid to lower ranked affiliates in their downline.

Premiers Pool

Global Premiers takes $1 of all affiliate membership fees paid each month and places it into the Premiers Pool.

The Premiers Pool is split monthly between all Premier tier affiliates.

Joining Global Premiers

Global Premiers affiliate membership is either free or paid.

  • basic Global Premiers affiliate membership is $30 and then $15 a month
  • Advance tier membership is $100 and then $15 a month
  • Elite tier membership is $200 and then $15 a month
  • Premier tier membership is $500 and then $15 a month

Note that free Global Premiers affiliates cannot earn MLM commissions.

Global Premiers Conclusion

There’s not much to Global Premiers, it’s a simple adcredit pyramid scheme.

Everyone in Global Premiers is an affiliate, meaning nothing is marketed or sold to retail customers. Additionally, 100% of commissions paid by Global Premiers are tied to recruitment.

Bundled adcredits with Global Premiers affiliate membership are used to spam other affiliates.

Bundling products or services with membership in a pyramid scheme doesn’t legitimize fraud.

Another red flag for consumers is Global Premiers’ refund policy:

Refund Policy

There are no refunds for any reason.

As with all MLM pyramid schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will commissions.

This will see those at the bottom of Global Premiers’ pyramid scheme stop paying monthly fees.

This in turn will result in affiliates above them not getting paid. If no new suckers are found, eventually these affiliates will also stop paying monthly fees.

Once this trickles up far enough Global Premiers’ affiliate genealogy, an irreversible collapse is triggered.

Math guarantees the majority of participants in pyramid schemes lose money.