Futurion Finance operates in the cryptocurrency MLM niche.

The company provides a corporate address for “NFT Investments Pty Ltd” in Australia on its website.

As far as I can tell, NFT Investments is a shell company. Futurion Finance has no physical or operational ties to Australia.

The company provides four executives on their website, only one of whom I was able to verify the identity of.

Michel Courtine is credited as one of Futurion Finance’s co-founders. He’s cited as a

tech Entrepreneur with 20 years of experience in industries ranging from blockchain to video games and cloud infrastructure.

Based on Courtine’s LinkedIn profile that much appears to be true.

Courtine appears to have gotten involved in cryptocurrency, at least professionally, from around 2017.

His first cited gig on his LinkedIn profile is a Business Development Executive for Toolchain.

As a Business Developer, I showcased our product and vision at numerous blockchain conferences and built a solid network of partners in the blockchain space.

Then there’s AirCredit, a “carbon credit production, verification & decentralized trading platform” that doesn’t appear to exist anymore.

From around December 2019 Courtine has been working at Alf, a business platform suite focused on automation.

Universal Money Instrument is a Russian UMI shitcoin “staking” investment scheme.

Based on UMI’s website traffic, nobody outside of Russia and the Ukraine is participating.

Courtine is UMI’s Ambassador. His most recent gig was speaking at a  He recently spoke at a blockchain bro gig in Dubai in late May.

UMI sponsored the event, giving Courtine stage time.

The guest of honor for the event was none other than Sheikh Saqer Bin Mohamed Al Qasimi.

The UAE’s Al Qasimi royal family are no strangers to cryptocurrency fraud. But I digress.

The only other named Futurion Finance executive who appears in marketing videos is Andrew Ratushnii.

Ratushnii has the pre-requisite eastern European accent.

Michel Courtine isn’t a Boris CEO. He exists and has been involved in cryptocurrency for a few years.

That said, given UMI’s ties to Russia (Courtine refers to it as a “Russian project”), and whoever is playing Andrew Ratushnii having a Russian accent, it’s highly likely that Russians are either working with Courtine or are entirely behind Futurion Finance.

I find it odd Courtine would be speaking for UMI so close to appearing in promotional videos for Futurion Finance.

It’s almost as if there might be links between UMI and Futurion Finance beyond Courtine’s involvement. Huh, go figure.

At the time of publication Alexa ranks the top sources of traffic to Futurion Finance’s website as the US (22%), Kazakhstan (9%) and the Ukraine (7%).

Michel Fourtine’s LinkedIn profile places him in Paris, France. Futurion Finance however represent their marketing videos were shot in Dubai.

Experienced BehindMLM readers already know what Russia/Ukraine + MLM + cryptocurrency means (hint hint, title of this review).

For the rest of you, read on for a full review of Futurion Finance’s MLM opportunity.

Futurion Finance’s Products

Futurion Finance has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Futurion Finance affiliate membership itself.

Futurion Finance’s Compensation Plan

Futurion Finance affiliates invest $30 or more worth of cryptocurrency on the promise of a 250% ROI.

Once 250% is paid on an investment, reinvestment is required to continue earning.

Futurion Finance solicits investment in tether, bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and pomskey (random pump and dump shitcoin launched in early June).

Once actual cryptocurrency is invested, Futurion converts it to a 1:1 FTR balance.

FTR is an internal token that holds no value outside of Futurion Finance. The company represents FTR is pegged 1:1 with the USD.

Futurion Finance pays returns in FTR, which must be converted to actual cryptocurrency to withdraw.

The MLM side of Futurion Finance pays on recruitment of affiliate investors.

Futurion Finance Ranks

There are four affiliate ranks within Futurion Finance’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Silver – sign up as a Futurion Finance affiliate and invest and maintain an active investment
  • Gold – generate $50,000 in downline investment
  • Platinum – generate $250,000 in downline investment
  • Platinum+ – generate $1,000,000 in downline investment

Quick Start Bonus

If a Futurion Finance affiliate recruits five affiliates who each invest $1000 or more worth of cryptocurrency, they receive a $1000 FTR investment position.

Residual Commissions

Futurion Finance pays residual commissions via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Futurion Finance caps payable unilevel team levels at ten.

Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of cryptocurrency invested across these ten levels as follows:

  • Silver ranked affiliates earn 6% on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates), 2% on level 2, 1% on level 3 and 0.5% on levels 4 and 5
  • Gold ranked affiliates earn 7% on level 1, 3% on level 2, 2% on level 3, 1.5% on level 4 and 0.5% on levels 5 to 7
  • Platinum ranked affiliates earn 8% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 2% on level 3, 1.5% on level 4, 1% on levels 5 to 7 and 0.5% on levels 8 to 10
  • Platinum+ ranked affiliates earn 10% on level 1, 4% on level 2, 3% on level 3, 2% on level 4 and 1% on levels 5 to 10

Whether residual commissions are paid in cryptocurrency or FTR tokens is unclear.

Rank Achievement Bonuses

For Rank Achievement Bonuses, Futurion Finance has a separate set of fifteen ranks.

Upon satisfying these rank qualifications, affiliates receive a one-time Rank Achievement Bonus.

  • L1 (generate $2500 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $10,000 in total downline volume) – receive $250
  • L2 (generate $5000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $25,000 in total downline volume) – receive $500
  • L3 (generate $10,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $50,000 in total downline volume) – receive $1000
  • L4 (generate $25,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $75,000 in total downline volume) – receive $2000
  • L5 (generate $50,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $150,000 in total downline volume) – receive $3000
  • L6 (generate $100,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $300,000 in total downline volume) – receive $5000
  • L7 (generate $200,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $600,000 in total downline volume) – receive $10,000
  • L8 (generate $350,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $1,200,000 in total downline volume) – receive $15,000
  • L9 (generate $500,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $2,000,000 in total downline volume) – receive $20,000
  • L10 (generate $700,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $2,800,000 in total downline volume) – receive $30,000
  • L11 (generate $1,000,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $4,000,000 in total downline volume) – receive $40,000
  • L12 (generate $1,500,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $6,000,000 in total downline volume) – receive $60,000
  • L13 (generate $2,500,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $8,500,000 in total downline volume) – receive $100,000
  • L14 (generate $5,000,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $15,000,000 in total downline volume) – receive $200,000
  • L15 (generate $7,000,000 in personally recruited affiliate investment volume and $25,000,000 in total downline volume) – receive $300,000

Whether Rank Achievement Bonuses are paid in USD, crypto or FTR tokens is unclear.

Futurion Finance also lists several “reputation bonuses”, however no specific qualification criteria is provided.

Joining Futurion Finance

Futurion Finance affiliate membership is tied to a minimum $100 investment equivalent in tether, bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin and pomskey.

Once a 250% ROI is realized, reinvestment is required to continue earning.


It’s taken a few months but Russian MLM crypto scammers have finally caught up to the short-lived NFT fad earlier this year.

Fortunately it’s a pretty half-assed tie-in, so I don’t have to bore you with technical details.

All Futurion Finance have done is name their Ponzi investment positions “digital art certificates”.

Digital Art certificates have a fixed price from 100 USD. The refund of certificate original cost is included in reward paid under the certificate.

The daily reward is a variable percentage (from 0.5% to 2% per day). The first reward accrual happens 24 hours after the digital art certificate purchasing

The total reward for any digital art certificate is limited up to 250%. The digital art certificate is automatically deactivated after reaching the dedicated outcome of 250%.

All the internal operations are calculated in FTR currency. FTR is the internal operating currency of the Futurion platform.

The FTR is equal at nominal value to the US dollar, but has the form of an electronic bill. That helps to enhancing internal control, efficiency and security.

Futurion Finance affiliates sign up and invest in $100 Ponzi positions digital art certificates, Futurion Finance uses invested funds to pay a 250% ROI, affiliates cash out returns until the inevitable collapse.

The use of an internal FTR shitcoin gives Futurion Finance’s owners plenty of time to gauge when to exit-scam. And affiliate investors won’t see it coming.

By the time the FTR to whatever crypto withdrawal process stops, Futurion Finance’s admins, including Michel Courtine will be long gone.

Well, figuratively speaking they’ll have never left Russia but you know what I mean.

To that end I’m not sure if Courtine is being set up as the fall guy or if he’s knowingly complicit. I suppose we’ll find out after he reads this review.

In the meantime we’ve had an explosion of short-lived Russian MLM crypto Ponzi schemes over the past twelve months.

Futurion Finance is the latest and will end the same as the others. Stop falling for this garbage.


Update 19th September 2021 – Futurion Finance has collapsed.

As of a few days ago the company’s website is offline. Ditto that of its “Futurama” NFT platform.

I had linked to various Futurion Finance marketing videos in this review. Futurion Finance has deleted its social media presence, including its YouTube channel.

As a result I’ve removed the video links from the review.