Farad Connect fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

In fact as I write this, Farad Connect’s public-facing homepage is nothing more than an affiliate login/sign up form:

An MLM company not disclosing information about itself to consumers is an immediate red flag.

Further research reveals Farad Connect marketing citing Nick VandenBrekel as “architect and founder” of the company:

VandenBrekel (right), originally from the Netherlands but now residing in Florida, first appeared on BehindMLM in 2019.

VandenBrekel was the “architect” of ORU Marketplace, an MLM pyramid scheme built around ORU Ponzi points.

Today ORU Marketplace’s website is disabled:

Farad Connect operates from the website domain “faradconnect.net”, first registered in June 2023. The private registration was last updated on June 24th, 2024.

In researching this review, other companies I came across that VandenBrekel is associated with include Positron Magnetics and Grange Group.

Positron Magnetics is some malarkey about “decentralized electric power”. Grange Group claims it “excels at leisure lifestyle real estate projects”.

Read on for a full review of Farad Connect’s MLM opportunity.

Farad Connect’s Products

Farad Connect has no retailable products or services.

Affiliates are only able to market Farad Connect affiliate membership itself.

Farad Connect’s Compensation Plan

Farad Connect affiliates pay $5.95 a month. Commissions are paid when they recruit others who do the same.

Recruitment Commissions

Farad Connect pays referral commissions down two levels of recruitment (unilevel):

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – $2.50
  • level 2 – 1500 Earth Points

Residual Commissions

Farad Connect affiliates receive 500 Earth Points each month personally recruited affiliates pay their $5.95 fee.

Joining Farad Connect

Farad Connect affiliate membership is $5.95 a month.

Farad Connect Conclusion

Even though I’m going to get into it I want to stress that Farad Connect’s marketing has nothing to do with its MLM opportunity.

The MLM side of Farad Connect is a straight-up pyramid scheme. At no point is anything marketed or sold to retail customers. You sign up, pay a fee and get paid to recruit others who do the same.

There might be some securities fraud happening with “Earth Points” and FARAD token but we’ll get to that in a bit.

Just so there’s no confusion, I’ll let Nick VandenBrekel himself explain the marketing behind Farad Connect;

[2:12] It all starts with the technology, which is the Positron technology.

For us it all started with an electrical engineering technology that’s been some thirty-plus years in the making. It’s certainly a passion of mine over time, that sought to revolutionize the way electricity is being made.

And to pursue a new way of electric power production that we call decentralized electricity production. That is to say you make power where it is needed.

[3:19] The current Positron technology, which is a particle accelerator that is very, very small. It’s about the size of a suitcase that you would carry to the airport on your way to your destination.

Within that enclosure are several, what we call, proton power cells. These power cells are not batteries. They are built around a process we designed that uses graphite.

It’s of course renewable, it’s net-zero, it has no moving parts, it’s a solid state device.

Positron Magnetics’ website features stock photos and CGI renders. There is no photo of its purported magical energy device, which is telling.

Back in Farad Connect’s marketing we find reference to a purported “patented energy blockchain”.

The Farad Meter computing system determines when the amount of electrical energy generated by the power generation
source reaches a predetermined increments (10 kWH ) of generated power.

The Farad Meter generates a digital unit (token) based on a correlation to the predetermined increment of generated power, wherein the digital unit comprises a unique hashed digital signature that includes token traceability data.

The Farad Meter computing system stores the digital unit within a decentralized ledger accessible by the supervised data acquisition system.

So we have these magical power generators which are going to generate power, something something blockchain, and for every 10kWH generated a FARAD token pops out.

If you’re wondering what FARAD token is I’m assuming it’s similar or just another name for whatever “Earth Points” are. FARAD token specifics are absent but a hidden page on Farad Connect’s website suggests FARAD launched 10 months ago:

Both FARAD and Earth Points are not publicly tradeable. FARAD token seems DOA but Earth Points can purportedly be ” converted to cash each week.”

That is of course only within Farad Connect and as long as promoters are paying $5.95 a month to fund withdrawals. Earth Points are otherwise worthless outside of Farad Connect.

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say if VandenBrekel had a magical energy device, he wouldn’t be wasting his time attaching it to a $5.95 a month pyramid scheme.

Notably, ORU Marketplace was $30.94 to join and then $5.95 a month. And attached to this was ORU points.

ORU Marketplace’s “enterprise software and information technology company” ruse has been switched out for “magic energy device”, but otherwise the business model is the same.

Pay a monthly fee –> recruit suckers –> profit.

ORU Marketplace’s collapse created a bunch of ORU bagholders who were eventually forced to realize their losses. Farad Connect will do the same with FARAD tokens and Earth Points.

The only people who make any money are VandenBrekel and friends. Named executives on Farad Connect’s website are Alain Grange, Max Hooper, Roy Reid, Bill Findley, William Cumbie, Heather Stiles, Mohammed Sajin, Vishnu M., Neha Thomas, Philip Francis and Anand Pillai. We can also add a few top promoters to this list.

Like any MLM pyramid scheme, everybody else ultimately loses out.