Everyone Cycle Review: $2 in, $3.60 out straight-line Ponzi
There is no information on the Everyone Cycle website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The Everyone Cycle website domain (“everyonecycle.com”) was privately registered on October 8th, 2016.
The official Everyone Cycle Facebook group has one admin, Jay Valand.
Valand (right) is based out of India and on November 18th, made the following post to his personal Facebook page:
New Revshare Launching by me soon…. Interested people get in touch.
Valand began promoting Everyone Cycle on November 22nd.
Prior to launching Everyone Cycle Valand was promoting Luxury Shares, a daily ROI Ponzi scheme.
Read on for a full review of the Everyone Cycle MLM opportunity.
The Everyone Cycle Product Line
Everyone Cycle has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Everyone Cycle affiliate membership itself.
Once signed up, Everyone Cycle affiliates purchase cycler positions.
Bundled with each cycler position are ad credits, which can be used to display advertising credits on the Everyone Cycle website.
The Everyone Cycle Compensation Plan
Everyone Cycle affiliates invest $2 in cycler positions on the promise of a $3.60 ROI.
ROI payments within Everyone Cycle are paid out via a straight-line cycler.
When an affiliate purchases a new position, it is entered into the bottom of a straight-line queue.
Funds used to purchase the position are paid to the position at the top of the queue, which matures at $3.60.
Once the top position matures, it is removed from the queue and each existing position is moved up a place.
The process then repeats itself, with each new position purchase paid towards the new position at the top of the queue.
It takes two new position purchases to cycle the top position out at $3.60.
Referral commissions are paid out on cycler position purchases, via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Everyone Cycle cap payable unilevel levels at five, with commissions paid out as a percentage of funds spent on cycler positions.
- level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 10%
- level 2 – 4%
- level 3 – 3%
- level 4 – 2%
- level 5 – 1%
Joining Everyone Cycle
Everyone Cycle affiliate membership is free. To participate in the attached income opportunity however, at least one $2 cycler position purchase is required.
Jay Valand appears to have cut his MLM underbelly teeth in Luxury Shares. At some point he’s decided its far more profitable to run a Ponzi scheme and invest in one, and so we have Everyone Cycle.
The match behind Everyone Cycler is simple enough. For every $2 invested $1.80 is used to pay off existing investors.
$2 investments are made on the promise of an advertised $3.60 ROI. The ROI is paid using newly invested funds, making Everyone Cycle a Ponzi scheme.
Referral commissions add an additional pyramid layer to scheme, as without constant recruitment of new affiliates Everyone Cycle will collapse.
The core problem with a straight-line cycler is every new position creates a new two position liability. In practical terms, if you were to take a snapshot of the Everyone Cycle queue at any given time, twice as many positions as were in the queue would be required to cycle out each position.
The problem is these new positions would need twice as many positions each to cycle, and before you know it the queue has blown out of control.
At some point affiliate recruitment dies off, prompting a collapse (the queue stalls).
In addition to any positions he preloaded prior to public launch, Jay Valand also skims 5% of every $2 deposited.
Affiliates who don’t cycle the same number of positions they have purchased (mathematically guaranteed to be the majority of positions), lose out.
His biggest problem as a young and dumb scammer is making it so straightforward that even many morons can discern the obvious scam.
Where’s the sugar coating and complex layers that ponzi pushers need in any long lasting scam?