Elemental Ads Review: Thirteen-tier matrix Ponzi cycler
There is no information on the Elemental Ads website indicating who owns or runs the business.
The Elemental Ads website domain (“elementalads.com”) was registered on the June 14th 2016, however the domain registration is set to private.
In the Elemental Ads FAQ, the company claims to be ‘located in Canada‘.
As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.
The Elemental Ads Product Line
Elemental Ads has no retailable products or services, with affiliates only able to market Elemental Ads affiliate membership itself.
Once signed up, Elemental Ads affiliates can purchase matrix positions and participate in the attached MLM opportunity.
Some matrix position purchases are bundled with advertising credits, which can be used to display advertising on the Elemental Ads website.
The Elemental Ads Compensation Plan
Elemental Ads purchase positions in a thirteen-tier 2×2 matrix cycler.
A 2×2 matrix places an affiliate at the top of a matrix, with two positions directly under them:
These initial two positions form the first level of the matrix, with the second level generated by splitting each of the two positions into another two positions each (4 positions).
A complete 2×2 matrix houses six positions, with positions filled via position purchases by newly recruited and existing Elemental Ads affiliates.
When all six positions in a matrix are filled, a “cycle” occurs and commissions are paid out as follows:
- Earth Board 1 (positions cost $2) – $2 commission and cycles into Earth Board 2
- Earth Board 2 – $4 commission and cycles into Earth Board 3
- Earth Board 3 – $8 commission and cycles into Earth Board 4
- Earth Board 4 – $36 commission, ten new positions in Earth Board 1 and cycles into Wind Board 1
- Wind Board 1 (positions cost $15) – $20 commission and cycles into Wind Board 2
- Wind Board 2 – $40 commission, five new positions in Wind Board 1 and cycles into Wind Board 3
- Wind Board 3 – $80 commission and cycles into Wind Board 4
- Wind Board 4 – $460 commission, twenty-five new positions in Earth Board 1, four new positions in Wind Board 1 and cycles into Fire Board 1
- Fire Board 1 (positions cost $50) – $50 commission and cycles into Fire Board 2
- Fire Board 2 – $100 commission and cycles into Fire Board 3
- Fire Board 3 – $850 commission, ten new positions in Earth Board 1, four new positions in Wind Board 1, two new positions in Fire Board 1 and cycles into Water Board 1
- Water Board 1 – (positions cost $250) – $250 commission and cycles into Water Board 2
- Water Board 2 – $2250 commission, thirty new positions in Earth Board 1, six new positions in Wind Board 1, three new positions in Fire Board 1
Elemental Ads affiliates can either directly buy into Board 1 of the four matrix tiers or cycle through an Earth Board 1 position.
Referral commissions are paid when personally recruited affiliates cycle out of Elemetal Ads’ matrix cycle tiers as follows:
- Earth Board 1 – $1 referral commission
- Earth Boards 2 and 3 – $2 referral commission
- Earth Board 4 – $15 referral commission
- Wind Board 1 – $5 referral commission
- Wind Board 2 – $10 referral commission
- Wind Board 3 – $20 referral commission
- Wind Board 4 – $100 referral commission
- Fire Board 1 – $25 referral commission
- Fire Board 2 – $50 referral commission
- Fire Board 3 – $80 referral commission
- Water Board 1 – $50 referral commission
- Water Board 2 – $150 referral commission
2×8 Membership Matrix
Elemental Ads also operate a 2×8 matrix, tied to a $20 a year fee.
A 2×8 matrix is similar to a 2×2 matrix, however instead of two levels it extends down a total of eight levels (510 positions).
Positions in the matrix are filled via recruitment of Elemental Ads affiliates who pay the $20 annual fee.
In addition to a 25 cent direct referral commission, residual commissions are paid out as positions in the 2×8 matrix are filled as follows:
- levels 1 to 4 – $1 per position filled
- levels 5 and 6 – $2 per position filled
- levels 7 and 8 – $5 per position filled
Joining Elemental Ads
Affiliate membership with Elemental Ads is free, however affiliates must purchase at least one matrix cycler position to participate in the attached income opportunity.
This means the defacto Elemental Ads affiliate membership cost is between $2 and $250, depending on which tier matrix positions are purchased in.
A 2×8 matrix subscription is an additional $20 a year.
With nothing marketed to or sold to retail customers and all commissions tied to the recruitment of new affiliates, Elemental Ads operates as a pyramid scheme.
The raw math behind the cycler sees $2 turned into a $4150 ROI. That’s through a combination of matrix position purchases across all cycler tiers.
Additional funds are also paid out as cycle referral commissions.
That’s a lot of money to extract from a $2 position investment, and gives you an idea of the sheer number of position purchases required for just one $2 matrix position to cash out.
An additional drain to the system is the whopping ninety-nine phantom matrix positions generated through one full $2 matrix position cycle.
That’s ninety-nine positions that contribute no new funds into the scheme but permit the affiliate’s who own them to withdraw cycle commissions.
Needless to say the only Elemental Ads affiliates getting paid are those who joined early and the admin. By the time anyone else’s position gets anywhere near the upper tiers of the Elemental Ads cycler, the sheer number of position purchases required to pay everyone will easily see the scheme collapse.
At that point anyone who hasn’t recovered more than they’ve spent on position purchases loses out. Mathematically this is guaranteed to be the majority of Elemental Ads affiliates.
This is a setup from the founder of X100K to grease his stinky pockets.
Michael Weber has introduced his 3rd program to the over 680,000 positions/members that exist in X100, The first 2 were complere busts- Smart wealth Ads and recently some other High End buy in that claimed to recruit people for you which never works Mate..
Well he moves on to number 3 which should be a huge money maker for the fellow but of course…. and as this article says… only the admin and biug recruiters will earn…. another shame..