Doggy Brazil provides no information on its website about who owns or runs the business.

Doggy Brazil’s website domain (“”) was registered in November 2017.

Bruno Binati is listed as the owner, through an incomplete address in Brazil.

Possibly due to language barriers, I was unable to find any information on Binati or his role within Doggy Brazil.

Doggy Brazil’s website places the company’s headquarters in Arapongas, Parana.

The same marketing material cites Doggy Brazil as a “100% Brazilian company”.

As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.

Doggy Brazil’s Products

As the company name suggests, Doggy Brazil markets cat and dog related products.

Although Doggy Brazil’s website states their catalogue contains “70+ products”, only thirty-one are detailed in the online catalog.

Product categories include food, treats, washing, kitty litter, transporters, kennels, leashes, harnesses, collars, food bowls and cat cologne (???).

Some of the products are Doggy branded, other appear to be supplied by third-party manufacturers.

Note that retail pricing is not provided for any of Doggy Brazil’s products.

Doggy Brazil’s Compensation Plan

Doggy Brazil affiliates sign up and purchase a Business Kit.

Commissions are paid on recruitment of new affiliates, as well as sales of Doggy Brazil products to retail customers.

MLM Commission Qualification

MLM commission qualification is tied to which Business Kit a Doggy Brazil affiliate purchases.

  • Smart Consumer Kit ($99) – maintain 100 PV a month
  • Dealer Kit (R$199) – maintain 150 PV a month
  • Enterprise Kit (R$499) – maintain 250 PV a month

PV stands for “Personal Volume” and is sales volume generated by sales to retail customers and an affiliate’s own orders.

Doggy Brazil Affiliate Ranks

There are twelve affiliate ranks within Doggy Brazil’s compensation plan.

Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:

  • Bronze – generate 5000 GV (max 2500 GV from any one unilevel leg)
  • Silver – recruit and maintain three affiliates and generate 10,000 GV (max 5000 GV from any one unilevel leg)
  • Gold – maintain at three personally recruited affiliates and generate 20,000 GV (max 10,000 GV from any one unilevel leg)
  • Emerald – recruit and maintain four affiliates and generate 40,000 GV (max 24,000 GV from any one unilevel leg)
  • Sapphire – maintain four personally recruited affiliates and generate 80,000 GV (max 40,000 GV from any one unilevel leg)
  • Ruby – maintain four personally recruited affiliates and generate 120,000 GV (max 60,000 GV from any one unilevel leg)
  • Diamond – maintain four personally recruited affiliates and generate 250,000 GV (max 100,000 GV from any one unilevel leg)
  • Double Diamond – maintain four personally recruited affiliates and generate 600,000 GV (max 250,000 GV from any one unilevel leg)
  • Triple Diamond – maintain four personally recruited affiliates and generate at least 1,200,000 GV (max 500,000 GV from any one unilevel leg)
  • Imperial – recruit and maintain five affiliates and generate 2,400,000 GV (max 1,000,000 GV from any one unilevel leg)
  • Imperial Black – maintain five personally recruited affiliates and generate 4,000,000 GV (max 1,800,000 GV from any one unilevel leg)

GV stands for “Group Volume” and is PV generated by an affiliate and their unilevel team.

In order to count towards rank qualification, recruited affiliates must also be MLM commission qualified.

Finally note that required GV can be accumulated or the sum total of consecutive months as follows:

  • Bronze to Gold can be qualified with up to four consecutive months of GV
  • Emerald to Ruby can be qualified for with up to three consecutive months of GV
  • Diamond to Imperial Black can be qualified for with up to two consecutive months of GV

Retail Commissions

Doggy Brazil affiliates earn commissions on sales of products to retail customers.

Retail commission rates are determined by how much an affiliate spends on their Business Kit:

  • Smart Consumer Kit tier affiliates earn a 30% offline retail commission rate
  • Dealer Kit tier affiliates earn a 40% offline retail commission rate and 20% for online orders
  • Enterprise Kit tier affiliates earn a 50% offline retail commission rate and 30% for online orders

Recruitment Commissions

Doggy Brazil affiliates earn a commission on Business Kits selected by newly recruited affiliates.

Recruitment commissions are paid out via a unilevel compensation structure.

A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):

If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.

If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.

Doggy Brazil caps recruitment commissions down five unilevel team levels as follows:

  • level 1 (personally recruited affiliates) – 10%
  • level 2 – 6%
  • level 3 – 4%
  • levels 4 and 5 – 2%

Note that how many unilevel team levels recruitment commissions are earned on, is determined by the recruiting affiliate’s Business Kit purchase tier:

  • Smart Consumer Kit tier affiliates earn recruitment commissions down two levels of recruitment
  • Dealer Kit tier affiliates earn recruitment commissions down three levels of recruitment
  • Entrepreneur Kit tier affiliates earn recruitment commissions down five levels of recruitment

Residual Commissions

Doggy Brazil pays residual commissions using the same unilevel compensation structure as recruitment commissions (see above):

  • level 1 – 7%
  • level 2 – 3%
  • level 3 – 2%
  • levels 4 and 5 – 1%

As with recruitment commissions, how many unilevel team levels residual commissions are paid on is determined by Business Kit tier:

  • Smart Consumer Kit tier affiliates earn residual commissions down two unilevel team levels
  • Dealer Kit tier affiliates earn residual commissions down three unilevel team levels
  • Entrepreneur Kit tier affiliates earn residual commissions down five unilevel team levels

Joining Doggy Brazil

Doggy Brazil affiliate membership costs R$39 plus the purchase one of three  Business Kits.

  • Smart Consumer Kit – R$99
  • Dealer Kit – R$199
  • Entrepreneur Kit – R$499

All Doggy Brazil Business Kits are slugged with an additional R$39.90 tax fee.

The more a Doggy Brazil affiliate spends on their business kit, the higher their income potential.

Note that Doggy Brazil affiliate membership is only open to residents of Brazil.


I’m not sure what the availability of pet supplies is in Brazil, but on the surface Doggy Brazil seems like a viable product/opportunity combination.

Unfortunately execution lets Doggy Brazil’s business model down.

Off that bat Doggy Brazil isn’t retail friendly, both for customers and affiliates.

Potential customers have no idea what products cost. One could argue products have to be bought through distributors, but why have an online catalog at all then?

And the silly thing is clearly Doggy Brazil has an online storefront, so why not show retail pricing. If anyone wants to actually buy anything, then by all means require an affiliate code.

The Doggy Business is viable and profitable, allowing for its full time development. or partial, for income or income supplement.

Despite Doggy Brazil’s assurances above, this puts a big question mark on the retail viability of the company’s products.

Moving onto the compensation plan, Doggy Brazil is… dogged by pay to play throughout.

How much an affiliate spends when they sign up directly impact income potential. This is a terrible model, and when combined with mandatory monthly PV requirements, encourages “pay to play” front-loading.

Again, Doggy Brazil’s reassurances fall flat:

Affiliate should not purchase large product inventory in a single month with the goal of winning bigger prizes and rewards.

Growth should always be based on accumulated sales volume in your business network.

Doggy prohibits overstocking of products.

Another big “what the?” is Doggy Brazil cutting Smart Consumer Kit affiliates from online retail sales.

For us all Affiliates, regardless of Business Kit chosen, are worthy of our respect and attention.

Honestly, an MLM company should be doing everything it can to encourage retail sales. Putting up a paywall for online sales is ridiculous.

It’s 2019 guys, an online storefront isn’t an add-on extra – it’s mandatory.

With all of this taken into consideration and no retail volume qualifiers, I’m leaning toward the majority of purchases within Doggy Brazil to be affiliates.

This would of course lend itself to Doggy Brazil operating as a pyramid scheme.

The good news is you can verify this by asking how much of your potential upline’s accumulated GV is attributable to retail sales. And don’t take anyone’s word for anything – ask to see receipts.

On a micro level you can check the upline’s monthly PV – again, what percentage of monthly required PV is attributable to retail sales.

Why Doggy Brazil even runs the risk of operating like a pyramid scheme when they have a clearly defined product range and, price permitting, retail viability – is beyond me.

Oh and why is there no corporate information on Doggy Brazil’s website? MLM companies can’t afford to be faceless corporations.

Approach with caution.