Colony Global Review: AI cartoons + oral strips
Colony Global fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.
Colony Global’s official marketing videos feature AI-generated avatars:
Colony Global provides a corporate address in Bassano del Grappa, a city in Italy’s northern Veneto region.
The address led me to the company Colony Italia SRL, the key principal of which is Roberto Grandis.
On social media, Grandis cites himself as “Colony Global Network inventor”:
Prior to launching Colony Global in 2024, Grandis was promoting Swych.
And before Swych, Grandis made a name for himself promoting the collapsed WellStar pyramid scheme.
Why Grandis (right) is not disclosed as the owner of Colony Global on its website is unclear.
Colony Global operates from two known website domains:
- – registered on April 19th, 2024. The private registration was last updated on July 12th, 2024
- (marketing funnel, root disabled) – privately registered on October 10th, 2024
As always, if an MLM company is not openly upfront about who is running or owns it, think long and hard about joining and/or handing over any money.
Colony Global’s Products
Access to Colony Global’s products is 15 EUR a month or 150 EUR annually.
Colony Global markets a range of oral strip supplements.
COLONY GLOBAL is a leading provider of healthcare products under our proprietary brand “ThinSkyn,” addressing a wide range of needs.
- DragonPower – “formulated to support energy metabolism, reduce tiredness, and enhance mental and physical resilience”, retails at 33 EUR for a box of thirty strips, retails at 33 EUR for a box of thirty strips
- SugarBomber – “can contribute to the maintenance of the metabolism balance of the body oif Cabohyrate and Glucose; It can stimulates inzulin production and reduce the decomposition rate of the polisaccharids” [sic], retails at 70 EUR for a box of thirty strips
- SleepyKoala – “this refreshing mint and lemon-flavored supplement combines melatonin, chamomile, hibiscus, and valerian to promote relaxation and restful sleep”, retails at 32.50 EUR for a box of thirty strips
- DefenderDuck – “may stimulates digestion, may alliviate digestive discomfort and may Protects gastrointestinal system” [sic], retails at 32.50 EUR for a box of thirty strips
- PandaRey – mushroom supplement (ganoderma lucidum), retails at 33 EUR for a box of thirty strips
- PantherLuxy – “harnesses its patented and specific ingredients to contribute to normal energy-yielding metabolism, maintenance of normal skin, mucous membranes, and nails, normal psychological functions [and] normal macronutrient metabolism”, retails at 41 EUR for a box of thirty strips
- FlexyBear – circumin supplement that “may help control inflammatory responses within the body”, retails at 48 EUR for a box of thirty strips
- LemurBiotics – “probiotics designed to promote the balance of intestinal flora, featuring Bacillus Coagulans in spores”, retails at 25 EUR for a box of thirty strips
Colony Global’s supplements are also available in discounted bundle packs.
Colony Global’s Compensation Plan
Colony Global fails to provide compensation details on its website.
The following is put together from information from various Colony Global affiliate presentations.
Colony Global Affiliate Ranks
There are twelve affiliate ranks within Colony Global’s compensation plan.
Along with their respective qualification criteria, they are as follows:
- Rank 1 – refer and/or recruit three active people
- Rank 2 – refer and/or recruit five active people or recruit two Rank 1 or higher ranked affiliates, and have fifteen or more active people across your downline
- Rank 3 – refer and/or recruit seven active people or or recruit two Rank 2 or higher ranked affiliates, and have thirty or more active people across your downline
- Rank 4 – refer and/or recruit ten active people or recruit three Rank 3 or higher ranked affiliates, and have fifty or more active people across your downline
- Rank 5 – refer and/or recruit fifteen active people or recruit two Rank 4 or higher ranked affiliates, and have seventy-five or more active people across your downline
- Rank 6 – refer and/or recruit twenty active people or recruit three Rank 5 or higher ranked affiliates, and have one hundred or more active people across your downline
- Rank 7 – refer and/or recruit thirty active people or recruit two Rank 6 or higher ranked affiliates, and have two hundred and fifty or more active people across your downline
- Rank 8 – refer and/or recruit fifty active people or recruit three Rank 7 or higher ranked affiliates, and have five hundred or more active people across your downline
- Rank 9 – refer and/or recruit seventy-five active people or recruit three Rank 8 or higher ranked affiliates, and have one thousand or more active people across your downline
- Rank 10 – refer and/or recruit one hundred active people or recruit three Rank 9 or higher ranked affiliates, and have two thousand five hundred or more active people across your downline
- Rank 11 – maintain one hundred active people or recruit four Rank 10 or higher ranked affiliates, and have ten thousand or more active people across your downline
- Rank 12 – maintain one hundred active people or recruit five Rank 11 or higher ranked affiliates, and have fifty thousand or more active people across your downline
“Active people” refers to a retail customer or recruited affiliate who has made a product purchase in the past month.
Residual Commissions
Colony Global pays residual commissions via a 2×18 matrix.
A 2×18 matrix places a Colony Global affiliate at the top of a matrix, with two positions directly under them:

The second level of the matrix is generated by splitting these first two positions into another two positions each (four positions).
The third and subsequent levels of the matrix are generated in the same manner, with each new level of the matrix housing twice as many positions as the previous level.
Residual commissions are paid as a percentage of Colony Global supplement sales across eighteen levels of the matrix based on rank:
- unranked through Rank 3 affiliates earn 5% on up to 9 matrix levels
- Rank 4 affiliates earn 5% on up to 11 matrix levels
- Rank 5 affiliates earn 5% on up to 12 matrix levels
- Rank 6 affiliates earn 5% on up to 13 matrix levels
- Rank 7 affiliates earn 5% on up to 14 matrix levels
- Rank 8 affiliates earn 5% on up to 15 matrix levels
- Rank 9 and 10 affiliates earn 5% on up to 16 matrix levels
- Rank 11 affiliates earn 5% on up to 17 matrix levels
- Rank 12 affiliates earn 5% on up to 18 matrix levels
Matching Bonus
Colony Global pays a Matching Bonus via a unilevel compensation structure.
A unilevel compensation structure places an affiliate at the top of a unilevel team, with every personally recruited affiliate placed directly under them (level 1):
If any level 1 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 2 of the original affiliate’s unilevel team.
If any level 2 affiliates recruit new affiliates, they are placed on level 3 and so on and so forth down a theoretical infinite number of levels.
Colony Global caps the Matching Bonus at ten unilevel team levels.
The Matching Bonus is paid as a percentage of residual commissions earned by downline affiliates across these ten levels based on rank:
- unranked affiliates earn a 20% match on level 1 (personally recruited affiliates)
- Rank 1 affiliates earn a 40% match on level 1
- Rank 2 through Rank 4 affiliates earn a 50% match on level 1
- Rank 5 and Rank 6 affiliates earn a 50% match on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 and 3
- Rank 7 affiliates earn a 50% match on level 1 and 5% on levels 2 to 4
- Rank 8 affiliates earn a 50% match on level 1 and 4% on levels 2 to 5
- Rank 9 affiliates earn a 50% match on level 1 and 2% on levels 2 to 6
- Rank 10 and higher affiliates earn a 50% match on level 1 and 2% on levels 2 to 7
Unilevel Bonus
Colony Global’s Unilevel Bonus appears to be an additional commission structure, paid out using the same unilevel team as the Matching Bonus.
A caveat with the Unilevel Bonus is Colony Global affiliates must qualify by generating 35 BV a month in sales volume.
It is unclear whether this needs to be a personal purchase by the affiliate (I don’t believe so).
Once that criteria is met, the Unilevel Bonus is paid on downline sales and purchase volume based on rank:
- unraked affiliates earn 5% on level 1
- Rank 1 affiliates earn 5% on level 1 and 4% on level 2
- Rank 2 affiliates earn 5% on level 1 and 4% on levels 2 and 3
- Rank 3 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on levels 2 and 3 and 3% on level 4
- Rank 4 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on levels 2 and 3, 3% on level 4 and 2% to 8% on level 5
- Rank 5 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on levels 2 and 3, 3% on level 4, 2% to 8% on level 5 and 2% on level 6
- Rank 6 and Rank 7 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on levels 2 and 3, 3% on level 4, 2% to 8% on level 5, 2% on level 6 and 1% on level 7
- Rank 8 and Rank 9 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on levels 2 and 3, 3% on level 4, 2% to 8% on level 5, 2% on level 6 and 1% on level 7 and 8
- Rank 10 and Rank 11 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on levels 2 and 3, 3% on level 4, 2% to 8% on level 5, 2% on level 6 and 1% on levels 7 to 9
- Rank 12 affiliates earn 5% on level 1, 4% on levels 2 and 3, 3% on level 4, 2% to 8% on level 5, 2% on level 6 and 1% on levels 7 to 10
Customer Bonus
Colony Global pays a 15 EUR bonus on the first order of each referred retail customer or recruited affiliate.
If an affiliate generates and/or purchases 70 BV of product a month, they receive a 100% match on Customer Bonuses earned by their personally recruited affiliates.
If an affiliate generates and/or purchases 100 BV of product a month, they receive a 5 EUR additional Customer Bonus on the first product order of each referred customer or recruited affiliate (this starts once the 100 BV tier Customer Bonus is qualified for).
Bonus Pool
Colony Global takes 2% of company-wide revenue and places it into a Bonus Pool.
The Bonus Pool is split between Rank 11 and 12 affiliates:
- Rank 11 affiliates receive a share in a 1.5% Bonus Pool
- Rank 12 affiliates receive a share in a 0.5% Bonus Pool
Joining Colony Global
Colony Global affiliate membership is 50 EUR annually.
Colony Global Conclusion
Colony Global can be summed up as AI cartoons, oral strips and LiveGood’s compensation plan.
Roberto Grandis’ previous MLM company, Swych, also sells oral strip supplements:
Now I’m not saying Colony Global’s strips are identical to Swych’s strips, but it’s obvious where the inspiration came from.
The use of AI cartoons to market Colony Global’s supplements lends itself to weird product names that feel detached from the supplements themselves.
Kind of like if someone plugged “I want to be lazy and use AI to brand my supplements” into a generative AI model.
Oh and if you’re getting Disney vibes from Colony Global’s AI cartoons, that’s apparently deliberate:
The cynic in me can’t help but point out ripping of Swych would fit with Colony Global ripping off Disney.
Colony Global adopts the “membership to access discounted products” model, first used by LiveGood a few years back.
This isn’t necessarily surprising as LiveGood took off in Italy (after collapsing elsewhere) in 2024. As fast as LiveGood recruitment took off in Italy though, it has since died off.
The core problem with LiveGood’s “membership to access discounted products” business model, is there is no retail customer requirement.
While retail sales are certainly possible, affiliate promoters can just meet any BV requirements via self-purchase and focus on recruiting others who do the same.
You basically end up with a classic product-based pyramid scheme.
To that end LiveGood launched in the US, collapsed in the US but spread to other countries. Based on website traffic tracked by SimilarWeb, as of December 2024 LiveGood recruitment has cycled back into the US but has collapsed or is in the process of collapsing everywhere else.
Colony Global offers more of the same, with a much more narrowed product range.
The good news is establishing whether your potential Colony Global upline is running a legitimate business is simple:
Ask them what rank they are, work out how many active people they need to maintain that rank, and ask them how many of those active people are retail customers (people who order products and haven’t paid the 50 EUR annual affiliate fee).
If the number of retail customers is less than half of the required number of active people, or worse still there are no retail customers, that affiliate is running their Colony Global business as a pyramid scheme.
The “membership to access discounted products” MLM business model relies on companies using it to turn a blind eye to pyramid recruitment.
If said companies wanted to ensure legitimate business operations, they’d require 50% of active people to be retail customers. They don’t do this because, well y’know.
On top of a shonky business model, Colony Global’s lazy use of AI and lack of disclosures to consumers makes it an easy avoid recommendation.
Two insights on Colony:
1° Colony in the Italian Chamber of Commerce register does not appear to have commercial authorizations, neither for online commerce, nor for MLM “retail trade with sales representatives” as required by current laws.
2° The Colony website does not present the company data on the homepage, as required by current regulations in Italy, some data can be recovered by digging into documents such as Privacy and Commercial Rules.
Sales representatives may not be able to benefit from the bonus taxation provided for by the specific sector.
An in-depth look at Colony’s compensation plan:
Colony’s compensation plan is a hybrid, part pays as a unilevel, part pays as a 2X12 binary matrix.
The binary matrix itself represents a potential problem, in Italy the authority for the control of trade and consumer protection, in the USA FTC, has already considered this method as a pyramid scheme several times, heavily sanctioning companies that adopted it.
Following the sanctions imposed by the authority, companies in Italy have always suffered a collapse in both turnover and the network of distributors.