Tim Bentley’s Zeus’ Bounty and Zeus’ Chariots Ponzi schemes have collapsed.

Zeus’ Bounty was a simple smart-contract Ponzi scheme that launched in late 2021.

Circa January 2022 Zeus’ Bounty began to collapse, prompting Bentley to launch Zeus’ Chariots.

Zeus’ Chariots was an NFT Ponzi grift built around a crappy mobile game.

5% of funds invested into Zeus’ Chariots was supposed to be funneled back into Zeus Bounty.

117 Zeus Chariots NFTs were sold, with most flogged off in January and February 2022.

There has been no Zeus’ Chariots NFT buying or selling activity since June 2022.

By mid 2022 Zeus’ Bounty’s website had been pulled.

Attempts to visit Zeus’ Bounty’s website today returns a PHP server error.

In August 2022 Bentley began funneling Zeus’ Bounty investors into a gambling ruse he called “Simple Dutch System“.

Simple Dutch System’s website is long-gone:

Bentley launched a second round of Zeus’ Chariots NFTs in August 2022.

As of July 2023, just thirteen of the NFTs were sold – the last purchased in September 2022.

Zeus’ Chariots official Twitter profile was abandoned in December 2022.

I don’t know specifically why, but sometime over the past month Zeus’ Bounty’s official YouTube channel was terminated.

Despite the obvious collapses, Bentley is still stringing Zeus’ Bounty and Zeus’ Chariot investors along:

Zenith Society is some new grift Bentley launched in May 2023:

It sounds like Bentley is also running his own “Mike G Deal” style grift:

On the MLM side of things, as of June 2023 Bentley was promoting TranzactCard:

As per his FaceBook profile, Bentley (right) is based out of Colorado.

The majority of Zeus’ Bounty and Zeus’ Chariots investors are also believed to be US residents.

Pending action by US authorities, Zeus’ Bounty and Zeus’ Chariots victim numbers and how much they’ve lost remains unknown.