Thought the USI-Tech Ponzi scheme had completely collapsed?

Yeah, not quite.

USI-Tech had initially planned to exit-scam through the TechCoin ICO.

Y’know, the usual stuff: Promise the shitcoin will moon, get it listed on some shady exchanges and then convert unpayable Ponzi ROI balances to TechCoin and do a runner.

Fortunately USI-Tech’s plans were interrupted by pesky US regulators. Nevertheless they did manage to launch TechCoin and keep a few investors strung along.

Unfortunately adoption of TechCoin isn’t where USI-Tech wants it to be just yet.

USI-Tech is still trying to get TechCoin listed on an exchange. To further that goal they’ve set up “TechCoinDeals”.

TechCoinDeals is an an e-commerce website techcoin bagholders can purchase items with a combination of techcoin and bitcoin.

The internal value of techcoin (TCI) is fixed at €0.5 EUR.

“Luxury” items featured on the TechCoin website currently include an iPhone X (318.5 TCI + 0.109 BTC) and MacBook Pro 15 (803.75 TCI + 0.276 BTC).

There are also “luxury auctions” for Mercedes-Benz cars and Rolex watches.

As I write this only a number of categories actually have any products in them, and those that do typically state:

These products are for display purpose only and the price is not actual.

I.e. you can’t actually buy them.

Nonetheless, USI-Tech recently sent out an email begging USI-Tech investors to use the site.

We encourage every TCI holder to join the TechCoin Deals community and participate actively in selling, buying, or bidding in the marketplace.

This ensures the continuous flow of the supply and demand of the coin, thus, increasing its value and sustainability within the community and the rest of the crypto space.

At the moment, TechCoin is focusing its resources on the TechCoin Deals.

Once we have built a stable and robust community of TCI users, we will expand our reach to the trading and exchange industry and eventually launch the TechCoin Exchange.

The launch of TCI’s exchange platform will also introduce the coin to the entire crypto market where users can trade their coins with other digital currencies.

Together with the eventual launch of the TechCoin Exchange, TCI will also be listed in most public exchanges to give more utility and practical use of the coin.

The increasing value and utility of the TCI in the TechCoin Deals and the future exchange will also sustain the value of the coin, at the same time provide a more reliable protection to all current and future coin holders.

To realize this goal of placing the TCI in the trading market, the TechCoin Team, together with all the coin holders, must work together and build a strong and steady community of TCI users.

The use of TCI in TechCoin Deals will certainly boost the coin’s value, encourage more users to participate in the movement of the coin within the market, and eventually create a thriving TechCoin community, which will ultimately give birth to the TechCoin Exchange.

With TechCoin Exchange, users can do more with their coins and increase their TCI assets.

The problem of course is that USI-Tech investors didn’t invest in TechCoin to actually spend it.

They invested in it because they thought they’d be able to flip it at a higher sell price.

Thus is the core problem behind every MLM altcoin e-commerce marketplace.

To summarize: Why would users spend an altcoin when they’ve been told it will increase in value?

Arguably this conundrum could be extrapolated to explain the lack of utility across the entire cryptocurrency space, but that’s an issue for another writer to tackle.

At this point it’s pretty obvious USI-Tech aren’t permitting internal TCI trading because the second they do, the artificial €0.5 value will collapse.

They’re not having much luck with external exchanges because nobody outside of a few USI-Tech victims hold the coin, meaning there’s no activity to show.

Exchanges aren’t going to publicly list an already dead shitcoin – which is pretty much all TechCoin is at this point.

That and a never-ending carrot to prevent what’s left of the investor-base from filing complaints with authorities en masse.