The Streakk Ponzi scheme has rebranded as Earn World.

Earn World has been set up on a single-page website on the domain “”, first registered in 2017.

The private registration was last updated on May 24th, 2023, which is likely around the time Streakk acquired it.

This coincides with the collapse of Streakk’s STKK token.

Curiously, Streakk’s website is still up. This however is an illusion. The brand has otherwise been abandoned and all of Streakk’s social media profiles have been deleted.

Furthermore if affiliate investors log in through Streakk’s defunct website, they are redirected to Earn World.

As to why Streakk rebranded, it likely ties into France taking regulatory action against Streakk.

The AMF added Streakk to its investment blacklist on January 9th, 2024.

This would have been preceded by an internal investigation, which Streakk likely became aware of at some point. Hence the Earn World rebranding.

Prior to rebranding as Earn World, France was a crucial market for Streakk. When BehindMLM reviewed Streakk in December 2022, France was the company’s top source of website traffic (44%). Spain (19%), Germany (10%) and Italy (5%) made up the rest.

Throughout 2023, Streakk recruitment in western Europe has collapsed.

As of December 2023, SimilarWeb tracked top sources of traffic to Earn World’s website as Russia (36%), Indonesia (7%), Ukraine (7%) and Germany (6%).

It should be noted that visits from these countries is down month on month by up to 76% (Ukraine). As a whole, Earn World’s website traffic plummeted 63% between November and December 2023.

As for what Earn World offers, the MLM opportunity is now hidden. There is no reference to it on Earn World’s website.

The STKK Ponzi scheme remains intact, offering investors passive returns via the “staking” model.

Earn World is believed to still be headed up by Streakk founder Sukijami Chendrawan (aka Suki Chen, right).

Chendrawan is an Indonesian national operating out of Dubai. Earn World and Streakk are also based out of Dubai, the MLM crime capital of the world.

With Earn World recruitment on the rocks, unless new victims are found soon it’s likely the Ponzi scheme will collapse.

Failing which regulators in Russia, Indonesia, Ukraine and/or Germany issue a fraud warning, prompting a second rebranding.


Update 21st July 2024 – Earn World has collapsed.